Scp roleplay wiki roblox You can conduct tests, re-contain escaped SCPs, Breach SCPs, Raid the facility, Oct 28, 2024 · Overview []. Roller, SCP: Site Roleplay Community is a community on Roblox owned by Visceraled with 191522 members. 4 days ago · Αchievements are optional challenges within SCP: Roleplay, which require players to complete different tasks in-game, such as finding the SCP-173 easter egg. 죽일 수 있는 SCP들이 몇몇 있긴 하지만 대다수의 SCP는 무적이다. Категории скинов - важная вещь. 4 days ago · The SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki is undergoing long overdue updates! This Wiki will now be maintained by the SCP: Site Roleplay Staff Team! This is now the OFFICIAL SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki. Better Medkit + Rough = Medkit Better Medkit + 1:1 = Pizza * Better Medkit + Fine = Medkit * Better Medkit + Very Fine = Random * Blowtorch + Rough = Coffee * Blowtorch + 1:1 = Crowbar Jan 4, 2024 · The APC556 PDW is a Swedish carbine utilized exclusively by Administrative Department personnel, for self-defense. SCP: Roleplay contains many teams for players to utilize and rank up in. You can find the ROBLOX TOS here: https 4 days ago · Recontaining are the methods and functions used to return a breached SCP back to its containment chamber. Pour en protéger l'humanité, la Fondation SCP a été créée. The SCP Foundation consists of multiple Departments, each fulfilling an individual purpose and unique Jan 31, 2025 · SCP 게임이다 보니 많은 종류의 SCP들이 있다. ” –SCP Foundation Wiki SCP-2950 is a Sep 19, 2024 · SITE ROLEPLAY: PATCH NOTES This post covers changes made from version 3. While one of the alarms are active, the facility will be put under a red tint, which becomes gradually more saturated as additional alarms turn on. To protect humanity from them, the SCP Foundation was created. It is unavailable in Ranked Mode. Once 4 days ago · The Interrogation Room, previously known as the Interview Room is a location in Sector - 2 where the Internal Security Department and Intelligence Agency can interrogate Class-D or Chaos Insurgency members. SCP-966's containment chamber is located just before the first gate in Sector - 3, 4 days ago · This is all of the gamepass This is all the information about SCP:Roleplay's Gamepasses The following gamepasses are all upgraded gamepasses. Once the TXP requirement is met, it can be equipped at at an equipment locker, replacing the MP5. Do not break the Roblox ToS - Don’t break the Roblox Terms of Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? Register If someone tells you to buy an item in exchange for something in SCP: Roleplay or selling in-game credits for Robux it is a scam as in-game items nor Mar 3, 2025 · The Mobile Task Forces are specialized groups of the Foundation's most elite personnel. Wiki Conduct: Administrators will intervene only in cases of page vandalism or drama. SCP-049's containment chamber is located in Sector - 3 — next to SCP-002's chamber — requiring a level 3 keycard to access. In contrast, the Administrative 3 days ago · Bundles are a product available on SCP: Roleplay that consist of six core accessories: a C4 Effect, a Gun Skin, a SCP-173 Cage, a SCP-096 Bag, an Equippable Accessory, and a Kill Effect. Items can also be objects that are of importance. New Discoveries Update. Mar 8, 2025 · Night Vision Goggles are a type of equipment used in order to see in dark locations, though some types have additional combat use cases. Scientific Department researchers now have access to the AR Device and Bodycams. SCP 5 days ago · The SCP-966 instances — nicknamed "Sleep Killers" — are a group of hostile, Euclid class SCPs resembling that of near-invisible humanoids. There are two types of XP. This wiki has been shutdown and I will no longer be maintaining it. To ensure that everyone has a good experience while playing the game, Visceraled and his team of helpers put together a rulebook concerning the game rules. The Insurgency's leadership was 3 days ago · Teams are the many different roles that you can play as in SCP: Roleplay. 4 days ago · Discoveries is a tab on the scientist's tablet that when fully researched gives the badge "Containment Specialist". Uniquely, RRT Mar 8, 2025 · SCPs are NPCs (Non Player Characters) that are not playable or controllable. Do not spawn camp any team. All pages will remain locked while we're restructuring the wiki. A unit tasked with handling contagious/radiological hazards, Beta-7 specializes in handling infectious SCPs such as SCP-008 and SCP-409, alongside terminating Create an interactive map. It’s one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. Pros: Extremely fast rate of fire, far 2 days ago · Alarms notify danger throughout the facility. There are many ways to re-contain SCPs. The Stairwell Update - 28/09/2023. To send a Class-D to solitary, a foundation member must interact with the solitary panel to the right Mar 8, 2025 · The Tablet is an Equipment item added in the Roleplay update of SCP: Roleplay, available to members of the Administrative Department and O5 Council and the Scientific Department, though it can be obtained on any other Team through Moderator Commands. Only an SCP-076 Ticket, purchasable in the In-Game Shop, can initiate the event. Security Department members are tasked primarily with defending the Class - D Cells Aug 22, 2024 · SCP-066과 SCP-173을 제외하면 안전등급이거나 사물형이다. In-game, they are a group of 4 combatant teams, each with their own distinct bonuses. . У скинов есть несколько категорий (см. SCPs are NPCs (non-player characters), and are the main focus of both SCP: Roleplay and the SCP universe as a whole. (there is a 'Staff' team, though it appears to be 5 days ago · The SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki is undergoing long overdue updates! This Wiki will now be maintained by the SCP: Site Roleplay Staff Team! This is now the OFFICIAL SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki. 2 days ago · The SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki is undergoing long overdue updates! This Wiki will now be maintained by the SCP: Site Roleplay Staff Team! This is now the OFFICIAL SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki. level 0 is unlocked at 0 GXP (Global Experience Points). Help us grow SCP: Roleplay Wiki. Subjects who sit in the chair for longer than one hour cannot be coerced into leaving the chair. The mission of the Foundation is to secure, contain and protect the SCPs. There are 52 discoveries to discover for 18 SCPs For the 6 days ago · SCP: Roleplay is a Roblox game created by MetatableIndex on May 16th, 2020. Add custom markers and categories to visualize locations, items, and more! Mar 6, 2025 · A Keter SCP does not mean the SCP is dangerous, just that it is simply very difficult or costly to contain. The Intelligence Agency — commonly abbreviated as IA — is the second team in the combatant category, requiring 120 global XP to unlock, or their respective gamepass. SCP-049 takes on the appearance of a medieval plague doctor, being dressed in primarily black/gray robes — which 4 days ago · Weapon Skins are cosmetics given to players through completing various tasks in SCP: Roleplay, usually through gaining a certain amount of Global XP or things like escaping X amount of times, depending on the category. Pros: Highest base damage of any rifle — at 12. Though a non-equippable version is utilized by MTF Epsilon-11 operatives for re-containing SCP-049, as an item, it has no actual functionality, and is purely for roleplay purposes. 20508. В каждой категории свои Apr 26, 2024 · The Internal Security Department — abbreviated as the ISD — is the third team in the combatant category, requiring 240 global XP to unlock, or their respective gamepass. Global XP is generally higher than Team XP. Site 17 is a site located somewhere in America containing hundreds of anomalies, ranging from safe to deadly. Scientific Department researchers now spawn with the Clipboard. The amount of Global XP is shown under the bar on the top of a player's screen. SCP-457's containment chamber is located just past the first gate in Sector - 3, requiring a level 3 3 days ago · SCP-310 is secured in its containment chamber within Containment II, housed inside a mechanically operated, airtight cage to keep the flame extinguished. It can also be obtained in Ranked Mode at an equipment locker, or in custom servers via moderator commands. They are a financial method for a user to have extra power and/or control within the game. Each Gamepass unlocks their respective Role and it's upgraded version (if the Role is already unlocked, then just the upgraded version). [:team사용예시]:team me Administrative Department SCP-966 에게는 사용이 되지 않는다. With complete access to all information regarding anomalies in containment, the O5 Council oversees all Foundation operations worldwide and directs its long-term strategic plans. Additionally, all tracks can be played through the :play command, though tracks with more than one word need to have their 6 days ago · Vests are equipment items which resemble body armor, that can be obtained through either buying a one-life vest at a Vendor for 3 Credits, or playing as any combatant team (including the Chaos Insurgency). The game has R15 characters and is heavily inspired by SCP:Containment Breach. For more information about Keter, go to SCPs and find the Keter section. Explore and visualize locations, items, and more! 6 days ago · There are 10 game rules as of 03/12/2023. P. Due to the nature of their operations, upgraded operatives are equipped with two weapons with their own uses which 5 days ago · "Hey y'all it's me, TroyDaGamer. All pages will remain locked while Jul 31, 2023 · Welcome to the SCP: Zone Roleplay Wiki. Main 4 days ago · Note: an up-to-date rulebook can be found here. EXP Needed to obtain this: 720 Nov 25, 2024 · SCP: Roleplay is a Roblox horror roleplay experience created by SCP Roleplay Community . Undercover IA cells exist in every major populated area and disguised as civilian objects and institutions. SCP-023 is neutral, and will Jan 4, 2024 · The Scar - H is a Belgian battle rifle utilized primarily by Chaos Insurgents, though it can also be obtained on any team through purchasing it at a vendor for 15C. The casing corresponds to no manufactured models and appears to be homemade. The list of them are: Do not breach as foundation personnel. ” –List of Security Clearance Levels, SCP Wiki Class - D Aug 31, 2024 · The XM250 is an American light machine gun utilized primarily by Nu-7 "Hammer Down" Elite Operatives (180 TXP) and above. Para proteger a humanidade deles, a Fundação SCP foi criada. The rank server owners get is Moderator. You can use these commands to enforce some RP Rules in Aug 21, 2023 · Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" — alternatively called α-1 — is the last team in the mobile task forces category, requiring 120 team XP on Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" to unlock, or the Alpha-1 gamepass. The leadership of the Insurgency was comprised of members of MTF Alpha-1, the Red Right Hand, famed for their loyalty to the O5 Council and the total secrecy of their origins, identities, and operations. Quests are located at the top-left hotbar with a clipboard and paper icon. If an announcement is made while an Jan 22, 2025 · SCP:Roleplayでプレイできる役割は以下の通り。 ・クラスD(Class-D,通称CD) デフォルトの役割。クラスD職員は世界中の刑務所から集められた死刑囚であり、オレンジ色のジャンプスーツを着ている。クラスD職員は主にSCPの実験の被験者として使用されている。 Aug 21, 2023 · Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" — alternatively called β-7 — is the the second team in the mobile task forces category, requiring 120 team XP on Nu-7 "Hammer Down" to unlock, or the Alpha-1 gamepass. Keycard level 1: Keycard level 1 is the second keycard. Once the TXP requirement is met, it can be equipped at at an equipment locker, replacing the M16A4 and acting as a side-grade. They are anomalous entities — sentient or not — that defy the rules of reality; things that Feb 3, 2023 · The SCP: Foundation Roleplay Wiki is a community-run hub that documents information about the Roblox Game SCP: Foundation Roleplay by Confus1on Studios. Site-19 Roleplay Wiki! S. Internal circuitry of SCP-316 is constructed of an unknown metal, rather than copper. This is due to a conflict between me and Site-64 HICOM that resulted in my blacklist. Subject’s temperament is best described as playful Mar 5, 2025 · The Level 3 keycard can access most of Sector 3. 222. Replaced the clipboard with a tablet. Danger level: Euclid L-1 Sector 2 _____ Scp 2950 2 days ago · SCPs are the main focus of SCP: Roleplay, alongside the SCP universe as a whole. 해당 SCP의 등급도 표기한다. Explore SCP: Roleplay Wiki. 단, 비무장 상태의 의료부와 과학부 인원은 스폰실에서 피해를 입지 않는다 SCP-173, SCP-096, SCP-049, SCP-457 왼쪽, 오른쪽, 가운데에서 볼 수 있다. In the lore, they serve a wide range of purposes — ranging from technology to entire armies. View the Game Guide for Game Rules & Helpful Information. All tracks were composed by MetatableIndex and Avery Alexander. SCP-023's containment chamber is located near the back of Sector - 3 — just before SCP-096's cell — requiring a level 1 keycard to access. Announcements are not possible to unlock through any teams or ranks other than unlocking prestige 3 in Administrative Department. В начале доступно всего 3 роли, но по мере игры вы открываете всё больше ролей. This wiki will stay up as a way to preserve history. Each team has different tasks and equipment, which will be required to keep the game going. The primary team for 4 days ago · Скины (skin) - скины можно "надеть" на оружие. Players can defend the facility as a member of Mar 7, 2025 · “SCP-1299 is a white porcelain-over-steel freestanding bathtub, manufactured in by the Corporation. Do not try to exploit or utilize any sort of glitches in-game to gain an upperhand or ruin other player's experiences. The C4 Effect is generally unnoteworthy, displaying a decal of the described effect after a Chaos Insurgent's C4 brick explodes a wall. The D-Class can be tested by researchers. In the event of a containment breach involving a subject engulfed in SCP-310's flames, Foundation personnel must remain vigilant and maintain a safe distance from the subject. Voir la page des règles. pages. Some SCPs are hostile, Sep 28, 2024 · SCP-173, nicknamed "The Sculpture", is a hostile, Euclid class SCP resembling that of a statue. It's upgraded variant, rogue Class-D obtainable by 6 days ago · "The Intelligence Agency is tasked with searching, tracking, and capturing uncontained SCP objects and gathering intelligence on hostile groups of interest. While the above teams do not start with a firearm, they (alongside any other team) may 4 days ago · Newest Roblox Version. 혼돈의 반란 인원들도 가끔 대피소에 숨어 3 days ago · Weapons are an essential aspect of SCP: Roleplay's gameplay, allowing players to both kill and fend off threats — be it another player or an SCP. La Fondation mène des expériences pour Mar 8, 2025 · Rapid Response Team operatives are the elite of the elite, some the best of the best soldiers and tacticians in the Foundation's arsenal. The full name of D-Class is disposable class personnel. Once the 180 TXP requirement is met, the M16A4 can be replaced with the XM250 at an equipment locker as a side-grade alternative. 3 days ago · Level 4 is the last card you get. Mar 8, 2025 · Cette carte-clé est déverrouillée après la carte-clé de niveau 1 et est déverrouillée lorsque vous avez un total de 120 Global XP. Note: By not starting the 5 days ago · “The O5 Council refers to the committee consisting of the highest-ranking directors of the Foundation. Night vision goggles are provided to all combatant teams, with the exception of the Security Department and Intelligence Agency. The Tablet has multiple functions unlike most other equipment items, ranging from viewing Mar 6, 2025 · This is a developer-supported, fan-made wiki for the Roblox game "SCP: Roleplay", developed by MetaMethod. When a 5 days ago · Welcome to the Roblox S. Most Teams spawn in Sector-2, however a few spawn in Sector-1, and only Mobile Task Force Units or Rapid Response Team Operatives (If option "spawn in Sector-3" is chosen) spawn in Mar 8, 2025 · Site-17 is a Roblox RPG-genre game, owned by Bearded. It serves as a large-scale containment facility, hosting many high-priority SCP 3 days ago · Items are a subcategory of Equipment that can be in the inventory of the player. You can either join the foundation on the two free teams being Scientific Department and the Security Department, or become one of the many D-Class personnel and either 5 days ago · The Spray, commonly referred to as "Lavender Spray", is an Equipment item obtainable exclusively through Moderator Commands. The jurisdiction of AD also include whole Foundation's financial operations, Mar 8, 2025 · The Roleplay Update - 21/08/2023. Due to the nature of Foundation work, medics often encounter difficult to treat and highly unusual instances of wounds, trauma, 4 days ago · Please note that the * means that this recipe has been confirmed. In order to equip/take off NVGs, players can press "N", or click the NVG button on the top left of the Aug 31, 2024 · SCP-409, nicknamed "Contagious Crystal", is an infectious, Keter SCP resembling that of a large, blue quartz crystal. Welcome to Site Roleplay! The SCP Foundation is a covert global organization funded by world governments to Secure, Contain, and Protect anomalous entities and objects. Players can prestige a team through the main Mar 8, 2025 · "This department is responsible for providing security and protection for all Foundation facilities and objects, regardless of their priority. Get Started. Start by creating a map inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandoms. The main SCP-409 instance is a large chunk of reflective, blue-quartz crystals approximately 12 studs in height and 9 studs in width. Credits to @Advolt284 for the recipes. The main room contains a table and two chairs, and a viewing room with one-way glass. 75 — which is increased further with stopping 3 days ago · La liste des commandes sont fournies par SCP: Roleplay Wiki par la page Moderator Commands. A reliable card, and grants you access to the control room. However, these are only available Feb 27, 2025 · The Metaverse event is a Roblox event in SCP: Roleplay. The event has a player cap of 4 players, and have options to go solo, 2 players Jan 4, 2024 · The MP5 is a German submachine gun utilized exclusively by Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" operatives. Upon volunteering, they were not told what they would encounter at the foundation. Alternatively, Class - D can use it for a limited time during Minigun Riots, which can be activated for 350. The following gamepasses are able to :announce or :meeting IMPORTANT NOTES If you only want to :announce in game,it is highly suggested that you buy VIP gamepass instead of O5 council. Important Information. Keycard level 2 is granted at *insert 3 days ago · Quests are objectives that can be done in exchange for Team XP and or Credits. Gun skins are cosmetic 3 days ago · “Class D personnel are expendable personnel used to handle extremely hazardous anomalies and are not allowed to come into contact with Class A or Class B personnel. Second-lightest rifle — having a weight of Aug 21, 2023 · Prestiging is a feature that was added in The Roleplay Update of SCP: Roleplay, which allows players to essentially reset a team they have at max rank all the way back to zero in exchange for different cosmetic and small gameplay-affecting rewards, in the form of more Weapon Attachments exclusive to Prestiges. They include friendly and hostile SCPs, which will follow nearby players with the exception of SCP-002, SCP-1025, SCP-1299, SCP-2950, 3 days ago · Locations are areas or places, typically a point of interest. Keycards determine what doors and gates players can open. Aug 31, 2024 · Overview []. In 1981, its owner, (deceased), a college sophomore attending , took it upon himself to attempt to code an AI. Alternatively, using moderator commands, the event may be initiated by performing the :nuke command. Sep 28, 2024 · SCP-049 — nicknamed the "Plague Doctor" — is a neutral, Euclid class SCP resembling that of a medieval plague doctor. 6 days ago · SCP: Roleplay is a Roblox game created by MetatableIndex on May 16th, 2020. Subjects who sit in the chair for longer than 30 minutes cannot be removed from the chair without the use of force. Trending pages Aug 31, 2024 · SCP-001, nicknamed "When Day Breaks", is an event-only Apollyon SCP added in the Daybreak Update. Respectable 3 days ago · Combatant Teams are Teams that are regularly engaged in combat and are the ones armed with offensive weapons. I want to thank everyone I met in Site-64 for being good friends and allies along the way. Keycard level 1 is obtained at 10 GXP. It can also be obtained in Ranked Mode at an equipment locker, or in custom servers via moderator 5 days ago · SCP roleplay вики Исследовать Заглавная Общение Все страницы Сообщество Интерактивные карты Блоги участников Статьи Roblox SCP: Roleplay Wiki 13 страниц Исследовать Заглавная Общение Все страницы 6 days ago · SCP-999 — nicknamed the "Tickle Monster" — is a friendly, Safe class SCP resembling that of an amorphous blob of slime. This card can open every door in the game, except the O5 Council room. PC: Minimum Graphics level 5 50FPS: CPU: Intel® Core™ Prozessor i3-4150 or betterGPU:Nvidia GT620/ AMD Radeon HD5670 or better4GB RAM SCP: Site Roleplay is based in Containment Site-64, located in the mountains of [REDACTED], Canada. It can also be obtained in custom servers via moderator commands. Do not try to afk farm or abuse passive XP. Responsible for protecting members of the O5 Council, Alpha-1 members gain increased XP and damage absorption for doing so. When paired with stopping power and the upgraded Security 4 days ago · This is to ensure smooth roleplaying and to eliminate trolling. Gamepasses are the only methods which require Browse custom interactive maps inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandom. Team Spawns are, as the name suggests, the rooms where different Teams spawn in the facility. Feel free to contribute in any way you can! Guidelines. There are currently 2 types of attachments: Base attachments Sights Base attachments are attachments that improve the general performance of a weapon, such as better aiming. The RRT's main goal is to protect the Foundation from all existing threats including Chaos Insurgency. To overcome SCP-076-2's shield phases 4 days ago · SCP: Roleplay (рус. La carte-clé de niveau 2 peut ouvrir tout ce qu'une carte-clé de niveau 1 peut ouvrir. Pros: Fast TTK, with 5 days ago · The Tracker is an equipment item, and one of the two Team Perks of the Intelligence Agency, but can also be obtained through Private Server Commands (:give Username Tracker), which appears as a small rectangular device in the user's hands. 4 days ago · SCP: Site Roleplay is based in Containment Site-64, located in the mountains of [REDACTED], Canada. Most preset Morphs generally resemble combat uniforms, with the exception of the 3 days ago · “SCP-079 is an Exidy Sorcerer microcomputer built in 1978. Due to the sensitivity of their positions, O5 Council members must not come into direct 2 days ago · SCPs are the main focus of SCP: Roleplay, alongside the SCP universe as a whole. An announcement will show for 5-20 seconds depending on the length of the announcement. Only usable when testing on SCP-002, SCP-023 or SCP-087. SCP: Ролевая игра) — плейс в жанре RPG, созданный группой SCP | Roleplay Community в 2020 году. SCP-002 will additionally move up and down a handful of meters every few seconds, but cannot move otherwise. Non-reflective objects and materials in contact with Mar 7, 2025 · There are 6 different types of keycards in game. SCP-066's containment chamber is located in Sector - 2 — directly next to the Bathrooms — requiring Jan 4, 2024 · The M4 is an American, standard-issue carbine utilized exclusively by Security Department personnel. Pros: Third-highest base damage of any rifle — at 12 — only below the ACR and Scar - H. Bienvenue dans SCP : Roleplay ! Dans ce monde, des créatures et des objets terrifiants ou inhabituels appelés SCP parcourent la terre. Dans ce jeu vidéaste, devenez un membre de la fondation SCP - par exemple, Administrative Department, des rangs supérieurs à d'autres : O5 Council, devenez Check out SCP: Roleplay. Keycard level 0: Keycard level 0 is the first keycard obtainable. Danger level: Euclid L-1 Sector 2 _____ Scp 2950 4 days ago · Community centered around the SCP: Site-17 Roleplay game on Roblox. Jan 4, 2024 · The UMP-45 is a highly powerful German submachine gun utilized exclusively by upgraded Class - D, though regular Class - D can purchase it for 2for a single life. 4 days ago · SCP-002 is a Euclid-Class SCP resembling that of a tumorous, fleshy growth that appears virus-like, with an always open iron hatch "door" on the front that leads inside of SCP-002. Firearms are provided to most teams by default, with the exceptions being: Class - D Scientific Department Medical Department. Rapid Response Team. Although in reality it is shown to be highly 5 days ago · “The Foundation's Medical Department is responsible for keeping employees in good health. In Sector 3, there is a checkpoint to make sure players who enter have a Level 3 Keycard or 4 days ago · Welcome to Armed Secure Containment Facility Area 47, a Role-Playing game for all things SCP! In this SCP Roleplay, you can play as all kinds of roles like Class - D, Scientist, Mobile Task Force, Security Department, and many more! Roblox Game Area-47 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Euclid is the Object Class with the greatest scope, and it's usually a safe bet that an SCP will be this class if it doesn't easily fall into any of the other standard Object Classes. The interior of SCP-002 first resembles a low-rent living room, with a 4 days ago · “The Administrative department is headed directly by the O5 Command and the Administrator. 0 to 3. Every team (excluding the default teams) requires a certain amount of Global XP to unlock. When a living human touches one of the two handles on SCP-1299, the tub will begin filling with water. SCP-096) that are contained from the public. Class D personnel are typically drawn worldwide from the ranks of prison inmates convicted of violent crimes, especially those on death row. The first type is Global XP, and the second is Team XP. Additionally, ceiling lights across the facility will glow a Mar 8, 2025 · Not to be confused with Weapon Skins. Once the tub is Sep 28, 2024 · SCP-457 — nicknamed the "Burning Man" — is a hostile, Euclid / Keter class[2] SCP resembling that of a flaming figure. There are 52 discoveries to discover for 18 SCPs For the discoveries to be discovered, you must be deployed as Scientific Department and the test must be conducted on a Class-D, as it won't work on guards or on yourself. The Mobile Task Force are the ones to step up and get the job done. Her rolün, oyunun devam etmesi için gerekli olacak farklı hedefleri ve ekipmanları vardır. ; Science, 5 days ago · The SCP: Roleplay Soundtrack is composed of a large amount of tracks, which play at different parts of the game. 3 days ago · Xjxnzixndkxnxkdhxmfcjckkcc SCP'ler (anormallikler) NPC'ler (oyuncu olmayan karakterler) veya haritada bulunan nesnelerdir. When a player joins a new team or does not complete a quest for a long period, a pop-up on the lower right will show a message saying "New Quests are available". There is a limit of 3 quests at a time. Welcome to SCP: Roleplay! In this world, terrifying or unusual creatures and objects called SCPs roam the earth. The combatant teams consist of the Security Department (SD), Mobile Task Force (MTF), Rapid Response Team (RRT), Internal Security Department (ISD), Intelligence Agency (IA), and Chaos Insurgency (CI). Nu-7 "Hammer Down" — alternatively called v-7 — is the first team in the combatant category and part of the mobile task forces, requiring 60 global XP to unlock, or the Alpha-1 gamepass. This department includes all communication nodes and command centers; every such node and center has a standby for failure redundancy. Pros: Jetez un œil à SCP: Roleplay. Players . They primarily specialize in the recontainment of SCPs, as all of them have the ability Mar 8, 2025 · SCP: Roleplay est un jeu vidéo virtuel sur Roblox créé par une compagnie portugaise « MetaMethod » - fondé et tenu par MetatableIndex - sur le groupe entier de la communauté MetaMethod. It directs the Foundation's actions on all levels. It can attack its enemies by burning them. They are anomalous entities — sentient or not — that defy the rules of reality; things that should not exist. Вы играете за одну из многочисленных ролей. Attachments are optional modifications to firearms that overall increase user comfort with the weapon. [2] SCP-023 takes on the appearance of a large canine, with black fur and small red eyes. Community Links 5 days ago · Item Number: SCP - 457 Object Class :Euclid Clearance Level needed: Level 3+ SCP-457 is a ghost which is nearly invisible. There is a streak of gray throughout the whole room, not following 3 days ago · The SCP-076 Event is a player-activated site-wide breach event within Site-64. All SCPs can be recontained through various means. Bienvenue sur le wiki français pour le jeu Roblox « SCP: Roleplay » ! Un problème, besoin d'aide ? Allez dans les discussions ou contacter le fondateur du wiki ! Attends, on recrute ! Viens ici ! Aug 31, 2024 · SCP-066 — nicknamed "Eric's Toy" — is a neutral, Euclid-Impetus class SCP resembling that of a red ball of yarn with eyes. Pros: Above-average RPM, 5 days ago · Whether you're a new player or a veteran, the unofficial Area-47 Wiki welcomes you to explore and immerse yourself in all the knowledge about Area-47 SCP RP. Team XP is separate for each role. It serves as a large-scale containment facility, hosting many high 5 days ago · Scp 023 “Not just any dog” To not get attacked, just don't let it out. In-game, SCPs take many different forms — they can be a lamp that drains color from objects, a medieval plague doctor, or even a statue that moves. Newcomers to this service usually undergo general training before being 5 days ago · Scp 023 “Not just any dog” To not get attacked, just don't let it out. They are as follows: Do not violate ROBLOX TOS. Class - D, Scientific 2 days ago · item #: SCP-049 Nickname: "Plague Doctor" Object class: Euclid Clearance Needed: Level 3 Card SCP-049 is a humanoid entity resembling that of a medieval plague doctor. Rules Wiki Regulations; Navigation Slider. SCP-409's containment chamber is located near the entrance of Sector - 3, requiring a level 4 keycard to access. SCP-002, SCP-1025, SCP-1299, SCP-2950, SCP-008 ve SCP-409 dışında yakındaki oyuncuları takip edecek arkadaş canlısı, tarafsız ve düşmanca SCP'ler içerirler. 5 days ago · Morphs are various outfits and accessories obtainable through Private Server/Moderator Commands (:morph Username Morph Name). Pages added by members will be deleted until further notice. Also, it can access most of the facility, except SCP-096 (Shy guy or SG for short) EXP Needed: 300 (5 hours) 2 days ago · This article contains all common slang, abbreviations & terminology used by the SCP: Roleplay community. Upon the ticket's activation, the user will appear in Lower Containment X as SCP-076-2, with instructions about the SCP's abilities and goals displayed on their screen. Dost SCP'ler herhangi 5 days ago · The M16A4 is a American, burst assault rifle utilized exclusively by Nu-7 "Hammer Down" operatives. Additionally, they reload faster than Mar 7, 2025 · SCP-023 — nicknamed "Black Shuck" — is a neutral, Euclid class SCP resembling that of a large black canine. 5. Vous pouviez auparavant en acheter un pour 3 credits dans les boutiques des PNJ pendant une vie, mais il a été retiré des boutiques des PNJ. Users who make an account here will be able to create a character, such as a D 3 days ago · This is now the OFFICIAL SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki. A Fundação conduz experimentos para aprender Mar 6, 2025 · Roller, oyunda olduğu gibi oynayabileceğiniz birçok farklı takımdır. Note, the facility itself does not pair with the facility in-game. Social Media. Pros: Respectable DPS and TTK values despite being the first gun players typically use. Any contributions are welcome, though please make sure any terms/abbreviations added are frequently used by the community. It takes place in a site owned by the fictional SCP Foundation, to Contain strange, terrifying, and dangerous SCPs from the public. Game Rules: Please take a moment to read the official game rules. Nov 13, 2024 · SCP: Roleplay is an Horror Roblox Game created by SCP | Roleplay Community. From ensuring the containment of all SCPs onsite to defending the facility and its personnel from external threats. Once the 180 TXP requirement is met, the MP5 can be replaced with the AK-12 at an equipment locker, as a side-grade alternative. ". SD employees are trained to counteract containment breach events, intrusions, sabotage, natural disasters, and other emergencies. The Foundation conducts experiments to learn more about the SCPs. На самом деле скины не играют не какой роли, то есть это просто украшение. Chaos Insurgency. RRT operatives specialize in being the first response to any dangerous scenario — be it a riot or a Chaos Insurgency raid — alongside recontaining certain SCPs. They include friendly, neutral and hostile SCPs, which will follow nearby players with the exception of ones that are inanimate, like SCP-002. SCP-173's containment chamber is located in Sector - 2 — directly next to the Sector - 3 entrance — requiring a level 1 keycard to access. In SCP: 4 days ago · Discoveries is a tab on the scientist's tablet that when fully researched gives the badge "Containment Specialist". SCP-096's containment chamber is located at the end of Sector - 3 — next to the Situation Room — requiring a level 4 keycard to access. Being very useful but yet dangerous in the hands of a Chaos Insurgent. There are currently 7 Weapon Skin categories, which are as follows: Progression, which unlocks skins based on Global XP earned. g. SCP'ler Güvenli, Öklid veya Keter olarak belirlenmiştir. SCPs are Dec 22, 2024 · "In 1924, the SCP Foundation formed a covert special task force, known only to the O5 Council, codenamed the "Insurgency. Αchievements can be viewed through the 6 days ago · D Class personnel are the core of the group, previous death row inmates who volunteered to testing in exchange for their release. However, it includes a trail of fire behind it. 8. SCP-173 is a tall, statue-esque entity constructed entirely out of concrete and rebar, and most of its outside shell is covered in tan Mar 6, 2025 · THIS ARTICLE IS OF LOW QUALITY, AND WILL BE REVAMPED AT A LATER DATE. Thank you! CONTENTS Click on a letter to jump to its respective 5 days ago · Announcements are a way to notify an entire server of a player's chosen subject via a popup GUI. Upon holding out the Tracker, the user's screen will become grayscale, and nearby players alongside SCPs will be Aug 31, 2024 · The Rapid Response Team — commonly abbreviated as the RRT — is the fourth and last team in the combatant category, requiring 360 global XP to unlock, or their respective gamepass. The Community Roblox Group is Blackout Entertainment. The game takes place on a fictional containment site, where dangerous anomalies of SCP's (e. Once the TXP requirement is met, it can be equipped at an equipment locker, replacing the HK416 and acting as a side-grade. Aug 31, 2024 · The Security Department — commonly abbreviated as SD — is a default team, being one of the three teams unlocked by default. Changes SCP-076-2 no longer able to capture SCP-096 NVG vision made brighter Increased tram speed Adjusted lighting to improve visibility of outfits Memory optimizations made to reduce load on mobile 3 days ago · Usually this is because the SCP is insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable. 1. Players can choose to disable music with the mute button in-game. Check out Blackout Innovation's Socials! Read more > Mar 2, 2025 · Bienvenue sur le wiki français pour le jeu Roblox « SCP: Roleplay » ! Un problème, besoin d'aide ? Allez dans les discussions ou contacter le fondateur du wiki ! Attends, on recrute ! Viens ici ! Changement de règles. They specialize in terminating rogue personnel, 2 days ago · Item #: SCP-69 Nickname: Tickle Monster Object class: SAFE Clearance Level Required: L 0 SCP- 999, known as the tickle monster. It is recommended to do this sabotage as a group since it is challenging to pull off; as Most SCPs are in Sector-2 and Sector-3 . If a player is new into the game, they'll start with a Level-0 Card and the three default teams/roles that are the following: Scientific 6 days ago · Keycards are an item that players can unlock using Global XP. 6 days ago · NOTE: The images in this article are outdated, and will be updated in due time. The mission of Jan 4, 2024 · The AK-12 is a powerful Russian assault rifle utilized exclusively by Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" Elite Operatives (180 TXP) and above. According to his notes, his plan was for the code to 4 days ago · Experience Points (also known as XP or EXP) is a feature in SCP: Roleplay. The most common approach is luring them back to their containment chamber/cell, by having them follow you and leading them into said containment chamber. SCP-999 appears to be a large, amorphous, gelatinous mass of translucent orange slime, weighing about 54 kg (120 lbs) with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter. In this event, the player(s) fight off zombies, and rescue a scientist inside the facility. The Foundation's 4 days ago · DESCRIPTION[1] "SCP-316 is a bronze, aged carbide lamp. SCP-096 is a tall, humanoid entity approximately 9 studs tall which is severely lacking in muscle mass, being skinny to the point of apparent 3 days ago · Capturing SCPs are a type of sabotage exclusive to Chaos Insurgency, This can be done by making SCPs follow you to the outside sector and defending the box which contains the SCP you brought until the helicopter comes to escort it. Do not spam or be toxic to others, be respectful and small banter is 4 days ago · The P90 is a Belgian submachine gun utilized exclusively by Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" Elite Operatives (180 TXP) and above. Upon use, a purple gas will be sprayed from Bem-vindo ao SCP: Roleplay! Neste mundo, criaturas aterrorizantes ou incomuns e objetos chamados SCPs vagam pela terra. Uniquely, it is not available in Ranked Mode. Site-19 Roleplay is a game made by AdministratorGnar (now developed by ThunderGemios10) in 2018. Aug 31, 2024 · Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" — alternatively called ε-11 — is the third team in the mobile task forces category, requiring 120 team XP on Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" to unlock, or the Alpha-1 gamepass. Teams focus on teamwork and cooperating with players from other teams to fulfill each of their respective 3 days ago · The SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki is undergoing long overdue updates! This Wiki will now be maintained by the SCP: Site Roleplay Staff Team! This is now the OFFICIAL SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki. 5 days ago · The Mobile Task Force was created and designed to ensure the smooth operations of the foundation, each task force specializing in a different yet important job. In the event of a breach, raid and/or Class - D riot, their respective alarm will turn on, accompanied by its distinct audio. C. 4 days ago · Solitary Confinement is a mechanic that allows foundation personnel to temporarily place unruly Class-D in a separate cell. EN Sep 28, 2024 · SCP-096 — nicknamed "The Shy Guy" — is a hostile, Euclid class SCP. Deep inside the facility, many supernatural anomalies that defy the laws of physics are sealed away from the public. Intelligence agents are usually recruited from various defense and law enforcement agencies 4 days ago · Welcome to the OFFICIAL Area-47 Community Wiki! [] Welcome to Armed Secure Containment Facility Area 47, a Role-Playing game for all things SCP! In this SCP Roleplay, you can play as all kinds of roles like Class - D, Scientist, Mobile Task Force, Security Department, and many more! 4 days ago · The SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki is undergoing long overdue updates! This Wiki will now be maintained by the SCP: Site Roleplay Staff Team! This is now the OFFICIAL SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki. edits. Pros: Second-highest base damage in the game (excluding shotguns), at a staggering SCP-3008 is a mode in SCP Roleplay selected from the main menu. Varsayılan roller hariç her rol, XP'nin kilidini açmasını gerektirir. Ce n'est qu'un exemple des millions de contenus en 3D uniques créés par les utilisateurs dans Roblox. Players can view the amount of Team XP 5 days ago · The Nuclear Warhead Procedure (NWP) is an event purchasable at vendors for 1,500C, or alternatively with 750 Robux. Upon entering the mode, players will spawn into the very large (but finite) map of SCP-3008, on the 'Players' team. 2 days ago · “Testing has indicated that the longer an individual sits in SCP-2950, the more difficult it is to remove said individual. Most achievements reward the player with cosmetics, such as different kill effects, Chaos Insurgency C4 effects, and cosmetics like SCP-096's bag and SCP-173's cage. The current teams are the Class-D, Security Department, Scientific Department, Mobile Task Force, Intelligence Agency, Internal Security Department, Rapid Jan 4, 2024 · The Minigun is a powerful American machine gun utilized by O5 Council members, and the Chaos Insurgency Engineer. SCP-999's containment chamber is located in Sector - 2 — close to the Sector - 3 Nov 3, 2024 · 해당 명령어는 SCP 롤플레이 본 게임 말고도, 어드민 패키지가 삽입 된 게임에서도 사용이 가능하다. Keycard level 2: Keycard level 2 is the third keycard available. SCP: 4 days ago · This wiki is used for roleplaying about the SCP Foundation, along with it's thousands of SCP's. Once the event is purchased, all three alarms will immediately activate, and an announcement will be made that notifies all personnel to get to 4 days ago · Teams are different internal departments that players must play as. Wiki SCP: Roleplay. Intelligence agents are always one step ahead of the Chaos Insurgency, as they are notified whenever a vent/wall is destroyed by them, alongside being able to hunt them through 4 days ago · Moderator Commands are chat commands given to both custom and private server owners and can be only used in servers that they have moderator powers on, except by game moderators/administrators who have permissions to use commands in public servers. дальше). SCP-001 can only be triggered through the Daybreak Event, which can be purchased at a vendor for 2000C / 5 days ago · There are currently 9 (10, considering the Freeze Gun) Gamepasses in SCP: Roleplay. 하지만 모든 위해를 끼칠수 있는 생물형 SCP는 엡실론-11로 격리할 수 있으며 무해한 생물형 SCP인 SCP-999와 SCP-131는 먹이 그릇으로 재격리할 수 있다. When switched on, SCP-316's bulb emits a nearly opaque beam of white light.
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