Resident evil 2 loading stutter #1 < > Showing 1-1 of 1 comments . All Discussions As i have helped another person for the stutter on re2 remake (supress all of them) i always advertise to put Shadows on high (Ultra is USELESS by any means) and put lighthing volumetric on Medium not highter and not Low. bin is present I am experiencing some minor stuttering and freezing when playing Resident Evil 2, mostly in gameplay though not really noticed it so much in cutscenes it as happened maybe twice if that. This doens't include zombie talks etc. 2) Turn off Vsync Vsync ON + load transitions equal to stutters and hitching. Here are some snippets of our hospital map. Jan 4, 2021 @ 5:24pm Originally posted by Bboy4life: Originally posted by talgaby: I think you may be mixing up your games. Open KamiLordus opened this issue May 9, 2023 · 10 comments only downside is that screen transitions take 2 or less seconds to load instead of just 1 second with TR on. I have provided a small video of the issue. Maybe it's a bug of RTX 3070ti, i7 8700k CPU, 32 gigs ddr4 corsair dominator Ram, SSD, 750 gold PSU. The first episode of Revelations 2 just got released and it seems to be plagued by frame rate drops/stutters/load pauses. Is there any way to get around it? hope the new vdsl makes it better cant wait for testing it. Like, or we disable pre-shader download and the game will stutter a lot for a i have a problem when i play resident evil 5 or resident evil 6 i get some stutter during game play. Feb 1, 2019 @ 1:55pm I think stutter is more due to the fact there's no loading screens between doors The only time ive ever had stutter in this game is when walking into a new room sometimes, and RE2-3 Crazy stuttering after raytracing update Anyone else encountering performance issues after the raytracing update? I have a RTX 3060 TI, Ryzen 7 5800X and 32gb rams yet my game stutters like crazy with Raytracing on and everything else on high, at first I thought it was a Vram issue but I am only using high textures(1GB) and using under 8gb. Of course you can connect the mouse and keyboard straight to your PC, without any hub and the problem should be also gone. 90 new $7. I watched a video on youtube and followed Killing Floor 2: Without fail, the first time I blow up an enemy's head it will ALWAYS stutter. i keep getting 30+fps but sometimes drops all the way to 2-3 fps anyone know how to fix thanks I've been having stuttering problems since the demo release and couldn't understand why (RE2R ran smoothly). It's not gamebreaking but it's annoying. I am getting weird stutters when playing at 30 fps, like, it repeats going forward a frame, then going back a frame, looking like it is having a seizure rapidly, these seizures can last for up to half a second at a time, and they happen constantly in the menus, I can't sem to figure out what ios causing this, please help The stutter problem in autosave will be resolved, however, when editing any graphic configuration, you have to remember to turn off "read-only" mode to allow the change. Date Posted: Mar 10, 2022 @ 12:17pm. Jun 30, 2021 @ 7:29pm Yeah, I'm getting this issue too Game stutters every 30s or so just running around in the first subway with Carlos and the other guy with no enemies around. 2GB of shaders to download! proton/steamplay Is that normal? I've played RE2 before, using Proton and I didn't have to download all of this, and the game's shadercache folder on . crabs. However, as always, some PC players have reported that they are experiencing certain frame I played it on the PS5 myself, and I did notice stuttering and fps drops on that version as well. Resident evil 5 performs terrible, aside from it being a terrible port and game. However, we will note that then using simulated 4-core, 4-thread configurations with both our Ryzen and Broadwell-E processors, we found that the game experience some micro stuttering in select locations. I don't think hdd/sdd matters in this case, it's not that stutter you get switching between areas, on this you get it just walking in a circle, no audio stutter just visual Seems it's just busted ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Jan 28, 2019 @ 9:08am those with stutter setting it to 8 GB means less texture load in which could reduce stutter. 5 second micro-stutter. PC only seem to suffer from traversal stutter. The game has received some excellent reviews and players couldn’t be any happier having got the opportunity to relive their favorite childhood game. #6. If you have been following the original official "Resident Evil Revelations 2 Bug Reporting Thread" (locked at 655 posts) and then Resident Evil 6 Stuttering Tech Support RE6 has this terrible stutter no matter what graphics settings. In my tests Resident Evil 2 the fix did not work for me, this problem happens even with garry's mod. And it's the same with all settings whether set low or high don't matter. 30. Famix Sep 8, 2021 @ 2:25pm Resident Evil 7 tends to have tight spaces, while this has a lot larger open spaces Last edited by Famix; Sep 10, 2021 @ 3:21pm #12. That kind of stutter. The other was while entering east area. However, after the recent Windows 10 update, I started Leon B and get this exact same stutter every few minutes in any area. The default usually runs much smoother for me. So I noticed when doing a 2nd run with Leon, that although I had my texture quality set to High 1GB throughout Claire's run, on Leon's run, some of the signs, doors, and other textures were loading in only low resolution textures as opposed to the high resolution ones I had in the 1st run. Date Posted: Jan 28, 2019 @ 9:08am. RESIDENT EVIL 2 / BIOHAZARD RE:2 Traversal stutter is the price you pay for no load times. 5, 10 minutes, still nothing. 00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz Motherboard Gigabyte Technology Co. Any one notice when the game auto saves there is a split second stutter, if so, anyone have a fix or any suggestions? I swear some of the fans should be working for Capcom instead It seems like they know what they're doing more so than their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ employees Resident Evil 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. So to Also, if the game is installed on a HDD instead of an SSD, you cannot really get rid of stuttering. This loading process is what is causing the microstutter. There really isn't much to say on this. Z97-HD3 Graphics RE6 had alot of fps issues as well. 98 used. After that there is a loading screen, but the game doesn't load the next level. r/pcgaming. I have win 7, an NVIDIA graphic card, updated directX 11 and NVIDIA drivers and I only have such Resident Evil 2. E Hi, Just noticed your post (maybe a little late); I had the same problem: for me it was windows defender--> i put my steam folders (i had one on "c:\program files\" and one on other partition) as an exception in the Windows defender virus scan options and the result was no more stutter with autosave (even on dx12) Funnily enough I get zero stuttering when auto-saving. I removed the pagefile on windows and could see the game runs smooth but the game crashes due to lack of memory (i have 12gb of ram), activating pagefile again i could run the game but the stutter is there. #4 < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . zip \ RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS 2\ - I used "NTFS Links" to do that. Turning Windows Defender off solved this Cap your fps at 120. Edit: The solution this channel upload's instructional videos for your low-end, low spec laptop gaming solutions! as we are ensured to play in today's latest games that we can A community for fans of the Capcom series, Resident Evil, (aka Biohazard in Japan). To clear one thing up. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be Hey guys, RE6 is quite a good game. If you want to notice the stutter just restart your PC and then start Resident Evil 5 and load the very first chapter and look around while you listen to the dialogue. It worked stutter-free for the first part of the game, so maybe something changed that I could fix? Hi, everyone. The game was working fine, now im in the main house its starting to lag like crazy. Date More discussions. All Discussions No stutter for me in 56 hours of playtime, solid 60fps at 1080p, max settings, 3gb textures, shadows high. net turned off. All Discussions The stuttering happens worst around the main lobby and in the lab with the plant. How do i fix lag/stuttering i keep getting 30+fps but sometimes drops all the way to 2-3 fps anyone know how to fix thanks < > Showing 1-15 of 39 comments . I have 2 ps5s so I can confirm it’s not your ps5. RE2 remake, however, began stuttering when loading new areas, aiming the gun, shooting for the first time after the game loads, and this never happened once before I reinstalled windows. Any help? No worries, and thank you! I couldn't get it working with any version of GE that I tried but I did get it protontricks. I run a crappy AMD R7, does this issue happen with anyone else? So far great game, atmosphere is pretty well done. wth are you talking about i have an pcie nvme 4. Resident Evil Revelations 2. It does have very brief loading hiccups in some are transitions when it's moving massive amounts of data from one memory to another. These are the only games that I know of where it occurs and other games I play like rocket league and even battlefront 2 on ultra run just fine. Seems like a problem when it's Resident Evil 2. For PC gaming news and discussion! Right now the demo is unplayable for me because I have stuttering every second. first of all here are my system stats; AMD Ryzen 7 1700 GTX 1070OC 16GB of RAM running off fairly average SSD So i have tried just about every config from the GFX menu, even turned everything off or down to min and i still get stuttering about once a second. Hey all, I wanted to replay RE2 in anticipation of the remaster, but my wavebird controller seems to be broken. still have the problem Someone have the same problem ? I'm using the default DX12 branch of the game, not the DX11/No RT one. I finally fix the problem with the stutter and lag on this game. This happens on both dx11 and 12 version. Turn on Vertical synchronization. didn't have much of a problem with the first game than i do with this game, i hated it because i really wanted to play I'm able to play the game at max settings, which surprised the hell out of me (GTX 1070 and i7 2700K CPU on a very old Lenovo IdeaCentre machine; some games have given me issues). Let me know how it works for you. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews but after moving it to one of my sata ssds it ran perfect and noticed no loading stutter between areas #7. I played all resident evil series on my pc (including re 7, re 2 and 3), and there was no any stutter, but this game really unplayable. Well when I started resident evil 2 remake again and the other games everything worked fine, there were no I noticed some loading Stutters, everytime i pass the Same Points. help? Resident Evil 5 > General Discussions > Topic Details. 2 Ghz 16GB Ram So my game tells me it runs at ~80 fps without drops, and it's playable but there is some constant slight stuttering that is quite annoying. Resident Evil Village. PerfectDisk, not running for a few weeks, my video editing tool would take forever just to load the video clips I've manually set Revs2 to use my Nvidia GTX650M via the nvidia control panel and it seems to have made quite a difference, as i was previously having frame rate and stuttering issues like many others. For some reason if i go into the graphics options when i'm already loaded into a level in the game (raid more or campaign) and then switch from For some reason, it was not happening in all games, but Resident Evil 2 and for example Kingdoms of Amalur was stuttering until I connected the power supply. Per page: 15 30 50. 1) Set Refresh rate to 120hz in-game This game really doesn't like high refresh rates and it is one of the reasons why it would stutter during area transitions. The majority of the stuttering occurs in the Main Hall of the Police Station. 2 Seagate FireCuda 530 2TB, 16GB Ram 3800Mhz double channel quite tightennedits just a bad job from the developers, as r/digitalfoundry stated in their analysis. On Windows 10 I used RE2 as a quick test game when tweaking stuff because it was a very consistent performer. Darksiders Warmastered Edition: It'll stutter when loading a new area. So we have PS5 with SSD and it does not matter. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Resident Evil 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Now during the small combat I have 60 to 70 fps, in the village I have 30 to 45 fps. The only thing is when i first time enter the house, on the left, the fps will drop to 30 anyway. Hey guys, so i really got some bad stuttering that wasnt in the demo, because i would have remembered that. However I have this annoying problem with it. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews since higher would go over my VRAM limit and from a 5 minute test it cut down my stuttering a crap load #6 < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments . NidalMartins: I'm on windows 11 too, just tried 114hz and its still stuttering, I tried the rebirth mod too, and although it kinda fixed the stutter, it has many visual glitches, the worst one is a trail the follows the character whenever he moves, it's definitely something related to amd drivers, I just dont know how to fix it In Resident Evil 2, in the Main Hall of the police station and when entering new areas, the game has a stutter problem. The same goes if the game is on the same disk as the operating system, you get some mild load stutters as you move around. Also when I am moving quickly around an area, probably trying to load. Also doesn't do it on resident evil 3 Lastly above in the discussion I found out that by switching back to DX11 after uninstalling and reinstalling actually solve the issue so there's a plus Any one notice when the game auto saves there is a split second stutter, if so, anyone have a fix or any suggestions? Resident Evil 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. I play at max settings, but setting everything to the lowest possible settings doesn't change anything, it still stutters. my pc: intel i4460,radeon r9 280,win 7 64bit,16 gb ram. Anyone else have this problem? I have been bashing my head against my keyboard for days now trying to resolve this issue. back in my days this is stuttering happened with multi GPU set ups. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews what is todays meaning of "micro stutter"? i read it all the time. and it did NOT matter what i could change in the settings albeit directx, res, image all of it i know it all and tried it all even to the absolute lowest of the low and Spec: Win10 64bit i3 6100 gtx 1050ti 8gb ram 1tb hdd Before I get uneven and spiky frametime even if the fps counter shows 60fps in RTSS. Digital Foundry analysis stated this, even on a very high end rig the game stutters when loading new areas, same for consoles. Resident Evil 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Chispon That's a fact. Also, I have found that if the I increased the initial pagefile to 8000 and maximum to 16000, restarted the computer and still stuttering. I've tried all kinds of graphics settings, disable full screen optimizations, If I stay around a bit and don't go (give the game time to load) it doesn't stutter. First Playthrough Resident Evil 2. Reply reply Game client stutter upvote r/pcgaming. Feb 13, 2019 @ 7:01pm Do new nvidia drivers fix stuttering/performance issues? The stuttering has something to do with loading So I doubt graphics drivers are going to solve it Runs rock solid 120 fps at 4k for me not a single stutter as it does with many others. Anything over 50% you'll notice stutters hard so if So I recently finished the game with this horrible stutter through out the experience. 6 Stuck at "Checking for downloadable content" 13 Why mods are not working? 0 I CAN'T USE MINIMIZE OR CONTROL MY DEVICE WHILE THE GAME IS OPEN It doesn't happen all the time but I did notice it more when you load a check point or die then walk through a door you get a stutter in framerate. Try dropping it a step, and maybe play around with FSR 1 or 2 if you aren't already. If you want to stop the stuttering when camera angle changes, pick the "Prefetech Custom Textures", the emulator takes a lot more ram usage by ticking this option but because of that the game works smoothly. My game is installed on a very fast drive. I've been playing RE8 for a few days whilst using ReShade to add some SMAA (anti-aliasing) because I hate the TAA implementation in the game that makes everything blurry af (which I disabled using an . Maybe there's some better software to mount it somewhat easier, I don't know. Tried some of the suggested fixes So i got some stuttering in game that i didnt see in the demo (i think) I got Rivatuner for this and it shows CPU Load spikes after, for instance, opening a door into a hallway. When I started the game up I went into the options menu and set the game up with the recommended graphics settings which are mostly medium/middle settings. Is it one stick or two? Single channel would definitely be an I need help fixing this while trying to run resident evil 2 on the dreamcast emulator (flycast) it keeps freezing and lagging like this Discussion You have to put the Dreamcast bios file in the retroarch\system\dc folder. Then go into Retroarch and load Flycast, then go to core information and it should say dc/dc_boot. ini for example c:\users\yourusername\appdata\local\capcom\resident evil Hey guys, I downloaded High Seas Fortress for Mercenaries, and it WILL NOT load. Date Posted Most noticeably in Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remake. I Looked for a fix but had no luck. The problem is the pagefile. steam is 4GB. There's no bottleneck loading data. If the VRAM runs out, a stuttering occurs. I recall RE7 having an issue like this when coming in or out of Running on DX11, set the preset to balance and performance priority and got the same results. Resident Evil 2 GC dolphin emulation audio stuttering? RE2. And i installed MSI Afterburner with RivaTuner i limited the framerate to 50 (yes 50 not 60) and Resident Evil 2. What reason can it be? I have i7 3770, RX 570 4gb and 16 gb ram. Switching Vsync on and off and changing the framerate cap didn't help either. Racedriver GRID (a game from 2007!): It'll stutter when my co-driver says something for the first time or when music begins to start playing. When I switched back to 11 it stopped, the FPS dropped and that caused the fame to stutter so it's crazy wired. what are your pc specs? i also have stuttering, especially in raid mode rx 580 8gb & 5700 xt radeon driver 20. SG79. Mexican Ginger they will still keep occuring because they're loading when you press of the commands. " Reply reply Resident Evil, (aka Biohazard in Japan). Make sure your system meets the Minimum System Requirements of the game. hey i've noticed a lot of people on here having the same problems i have been and just wanted to share a small solution i've found that makes the game run a lot smoother and stops the random stuttering every 10 seconds. RiveTuner lets you manually set a limit on fps on any given game. Specs: - GPU: AMD Radeon Rx580 Red Devil - Processor: Intel Core i5 7400 3. More Topics from this Board. Here’s my Resident Evil 2 remake Ada Wong cosplay! 2. Specs: CPU Intel Core i5 4590 @ 3. but I had some issues getting the ROM to load (OpenGL Since playing village and RE4 I decided to come back to this classic, I never remembered having any issues when I first played this game but now I'm having stuttering issues. I played for around 2 Weeks my first Hardcore Run and the Game was everytime on 60 FPS without Stutters and now on my second Profi Run its Stuttering on the Same places , its something like Shaders loading in. Resident Evil 4 > General Discussions > Topic Details. And now what worked ("it just works" TM) for me as kind of a workaround was: Sticking to Fullscreen mode and choosing variable framrate with VSYNC on. while using fraps in both RE5 and RE6 i got between 54 to 80 frames some times as The short answer to this question is no, as it is relatively easy to keep average framerates high in Resident Evil 2's remake. 12 does not stutter at all, 11 does everytime when autosave circle appears top of the screen. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews It doesn't fix the random stutters in the hall at all on mine, it just improves the "loading stutter" you get at actual loading areas (like the first grating and again before the police officer at the second grating) Last edited by Ritchizard; Jan 23, gtx 980 i7 4790k so I noticed when a character action happens theres a stutter, or when diolouge pops up, a stutter. I played the first episode on Xbox One and it ran at a locked 60fps @1080p but I decided to get it on steam since I have a pretty capable PC. RE4 on iPhone - 2024 vs 2009 Resident Evil 2. All Discussions there is like 2-3 loading stutters for me in this demo right before reaching the village i get a big stutter but not often like you also post your specs or post them on your steam profile and here is my specs rtx 4090 ryzen 7 5800x 3d 16 GB ram 4000mhz and it's installed on a very fast nvme ssd Just curious if this is something that other people are seeing. It drops from 60 to 5 for a A community for fans of the Capcom series, Resident Evil, (aka Biohazard in Japan). See All. The rules for what counts as a spoiler can be found in this announcement. The rest of the game renders great maxed out and with stable fps, which is why the character stutter confuses me. Still strange that some people have zero issues. Now I thought I'd play this game but it's just unplayable with all the stuttering and jerkiness. It looks like the game loads the map "on the run", but it is very annoying as hell. I've noticed the stuttering mostly occurred in a hallway around East Office of 1F of RPD, but there were other places where that happened. Revelations 2 tem o mesmo exato problema. $16. So give this a try, Nvidia users should set Revs2 to only use Nvidia and not have it set to default. Like Claire's model is jumping around. Next-gen updated Resident Evil 2 Remake Stuttering (Series X) Product question (console was still working on in the meantime). I hope this helps for those of you who might face Honestly I would've been fine with loading screens or transition animations like sliding between rocks etc to hide the loading so the game can optimise the next area Same stuttering was also on Resident Evil Village. I'm under the assumption it's the game engine but I'm not too sure. Also, there are a C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS 2 it should be in the same folder as rerev2. I just finished RER1 which pretty much ran flawlessly at 120fps (Except when loading new areas). Resident evil revelations 2 was really bad at the start but stabilized as I played more. I am on PC but currently using a controller. Edit: The solution Why is the games stuttering? The game run really smoothly regarding fps, but sometimes when I run around the map my game freezes for like a milisecond (stutter) and this happens every 30 seconds more or less. It's me again, still working on the RE Outbreak inspired game. Also not an AMD only graphics card Or try to google with : "Resident evil 3 constant stuttering" or similar. Perhaps this would work with other graphics cards too, but i'm Im having this weird problem with re2 where im getting pretty disgusting stuttering. Even then, SATA is plenty fast enough for quick load times. So wired mine happens on 12. The original game had loading screens. Once PC's get SSD's equivalent of what a PS5/Xbox have then they will be better managed. It should be noted, that I fixed it when changing it to High 2GB texture in the . 00 GB Dual Channel I've been playing the game for 60 hours+ and everything was fine (of course I had small FPS drops from c:\ Volumes \ ResidentEvilRevelations2. Edit tried this on both GL and Vulkan video driver and get the same issue and solution. I turned Vsync off and it helped a little. So I recently finished the game with this horrible stutter through out the experience. Usually is happens when entering a new area of the station, a white circle will appear top left of the screen as it's happening. My system/PC specs: CPU 5800X3D, GPU 6700 XT, SSD M. notebook i3 ,4gb, radeon 8xxx,win 8. Resident Evil 2 Remake Members Online. after killing all enemies stutter is gone and ,mabe some kind of loading problem. So its like a 60% load to a 100% load jump on all cores in under a second, but the stutter is absolutely visible. Resident Evil 2. Almost everyone is getting stutter of some sort. Haven't experienced any issues whatsoever while Resident Evil 2. Idk. I'm experiencing stuttering at all times, even in the title screen. This is objective and verified, though how bad they will be depends on hardware. When I did use the mouse and keyboard upon release I never had any problems with it. the game ran perfectly fine for me too, no stuttering, it was butter smooth. ini should be located here C:\Users\_USERNAME_\AppData\Local\CAPCOM\RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS2\ add this line to the section [GRAPHICS] TextureMipLimite=2 TextureMipLimit=2 I've heard on other forums that Nvidia cards have a bad habit of going into low power mode when they're not being utilized more, so sometimes maxing out settings will force your card to actually pull its weight. , as a comparison The Witcher 3 is only 380MB. A single archive file is stored in a few big pieces and doesn't get choked by the filesystem issues. Go to the nvidia control panel and turn on the thread optimization, you will have extra 5 fps more trust me. Re5 is still wrapped up with the windows live issues for what over 6 months since they said it was going away? This is a fix for the resident evil 2 remake biohazard freezing/stuttering/fps drop issueDownload Link for Battle Encoder Shirasehttp://mion. mainly when loading a new area, or when i leave the inventory screen. Members Online • Past-Let-6019 RE8 does have a little stutter when entering new areas If you have RT on, it gets worse if your bumping up against Vram limits, RT off is pretty much stutter free. not the kinda stuttering where its little hiccups and you carry on like hiccups so bad it can really pull you out of the immersion. If you see microstutters, then something is most likely using your CPU too much. . Edit: The solution Fix 2: Download this FPS FIX and extract it to your game directory, it should be in the same folder as rerev2. Is this happening only to me? Archived post. There's something that causes it, we just don't know yet. There you have a file called shaderlog. I installed it on SSD, i also used fixes from pcgamingwiki, but there is no changes. The page file stuff doesn't work, admin doesn't work, tried a lot of settings. only dialogue for characters. Settin My specs: GTX 1080 I7-8700 16 GB 3200 mhz RAM SDD 144hz monitor Game runs at 144fps+ at all times, but I experience very annoying stutter when opening doors or during camera transitions. I've googled the crap out of it and can't seem to find anyone with the Funnily enough I get zero stuttering when auto-saving. RE2 was made with last gen consoles in mind. Evil Revelations all easily run a perfect 60fps/60Hz on my machine and I am hoping to see the same performance in Resident Evil Revelations I reinstalled the game on ssd, I thought it's my harddrive but noo. Still playable. Is this the Denuvo ruining the game?, RE2 and RE3 remake run flawlessly, this game on the same but improved RE Engine, runs like a bag of stuttering stutters, no matter how low I go in settings. If it isn't, or if it's asking for comments that are likely to contain spoilers, please report it. Gossip Snake, XOXO. To fix this you can install MSI Afterburner coupled with RivaTuner statistics server. It seems a lot of the resident evil gammes suffer on this card. Commenting here with a spoiler will result in a ban. window mode maybe reduce the stutter. I have disabled v-sync and When I run into objects or change inclines, the character I'm controlling will stutter on screen. Before trying the steps outlined in the article below, I had tried multiple solutions including putting all display setting to low but no luck. Simply enter the fps value in “Framerate limit” box and press enter. For those wondering, my setup consisted of AMD’d Ryzen 1700 & 1800X So I tried to describe my problem as detailed as possible, even though I don't think my hardware will be important here but I will post them anyway. If you have a 144hz or higher monitor, make sure to set it to 120hz in game. Am using I suffering Microstuttering and stuttering on this game demo My configuration: i5 13500 - Rx 6750 xt - 16 gb ram ddr4 3600 MHz - (game is stored on nvme) resolution 1920 x 1080 settings: Max ___________ trying different settings like: v-sync on-off 144 Hz or 165 Hz texture medium-high ecc. Don't ask me why, but playing wireless was the reason for all the stuttering. After I disable full screen optimization in game exe and set maximum performance in Nvidia settings, now I got a flatlined frametime which is much better than before. So, that's my fix for the stuttering/lags/freezing in game and in Here is how you can fix any sort of lag, FPS drops, bugs, and stuttering in Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019: Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019 Performance Guide – Fix Lag, FPS Drops, Bugs and Stuttering. Also there is a short Stutter, when i close the Inventory. Capcom probably needs to tune their streaming system. Its not a GPU think i guess, because its on all settings more or less. net/BES Resident Evil 4. and like I said ssd with Win 10 and this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game, using ultra setting. Stuttering is almost invariably a CPU bottleneck, and slow RAM can definitely be contributing to that. even though it generated 60fps it looked like it is lower fps, because the frames came non-steady/not regularily. Serefus. I decided to jump back into Resident Evil Village after not playing for a few months, and I noticed that when I loaded my saved game, the game was stuttering really badly—like massive freezes for several seconds at a time. Now I'm playing with a USB cable and it works fine. Gaming Hardware: Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 5 Motherboard Intel Only a stutter very rarely when I'd changed areas rapidly, maybe due to loading not keeping up or something. i was using fraps while playing my game so i could visually see the framerate i was getting the stuttering doesnt happen all the time but when it does it really becomes a problem. In Resident Evil 2, in the Main Hall of the police station and when entering new areas, the game has a stutter problem. Locking to 60fps is the closest to stable performance I can get. exe Fix #2 add the folowing to your config. Is this normal for the ps4 version? Resident Evil: Revelations 2; Stutter walking through doors? Topic Archived; Product Deals. I had some stutter issues on my end for pushing the VRAM usage on my 1080 into over halfway due to using the 3 gig high textures. There are a few on the game that are loading texture spots it seems. A community for fans of the Capcom series, Resident Evil, (aka Biohazard in Japan). Last edited by talgaby; Feb 3, 2019 @ 11:08am #2. the game has some severe stutters the whole time, it goes from a survival horror to a pure horror piece of videogame because of that. it's not an AMD only processor problem as I have an Intel i5 Ivy Bridge. It just doesn't make sense. I'm guessing it has something to do with quickly loading in assets. D I A B L O. Disabling vsync (forced via ccc also) and lock fps helped a little, but there's still some stuttering (sometimes severe). This game is poorly optimized for pc as it's the only Resident Evil title that I own that stutters even with great hardware. Resident Evil 2 "1-Shot Demo" The problem is the pagefile. It seems the Fixes 4-7 helped solve my issue! I have been able to play on max settings even with Ray Tracing enabled. The ONLY problem I have is that whenever the game auto saves when I reach certain points, the game stutters big time. Didn't really found a solution for this issue and can't understand why this is happening, It doesn't looks like that game is requiring high-end. It only happens when it loads a new area. Bad stuttering on Resident Evil Revelations 2 . Reply reply Resident Evil Revelations solve this issue already tried many times fixing the game and no luck the games stutters crazy freeze frame when first loading and trying to open doors it's so annoying to play raid mode with this issue. #8. Although I have RE. Strangely, all of this goes away if you spend on a map (location) enough (2-5 min) and then, boom, no lag A few threads on the issue but they all seem to be a bit of a mess. Resident Evil 2 remake, 3. Everytime a new line is loaded or a new character starts talking there's a 0. Date Posted: Jan 28, 2019 @ 5:26am Don't feel bad, it's a stuttering mess even with Intel processors paired with Nvidia but with my GTX 1070 it didn't stutter as much. The frame drops are so fast, and I don't think that all my FPS trackers are capturing the correct FPS when they You can see the stuttering always occurs when you load a new room. Thanks! That said, these are the steps I took to reduce/remove the stuttering that plagued my Resident Evil 2 Remake experience on multiple PCs, equipped with AMD Ryzen CPUs and Nvidia GTX 10xx GPUs. If I quit the game with Alt+F4, I see this error: Software information. I've redownloaded and reinstalled, still no change. On Windows 11, it has good FPS when staying put in one room but roaming the police station causes massive stuttering with 1% lows way down in the teens. Break ba break. slg. Jul 12, 2021 @ 8:46am I play with DX10. 5 your vram for min and x2 your vram for max) Go into your card settings and edit the following: (Nvidia) Anisotrpoic filtering 16x Antialiasing mode to override Setting 8x Transparency to multisample MFAA to on Power management to max performance Negative lod bias to clamp Texture filtering to high quality Threaded optimization Also, if the game is installed on a HDD instead of an SSD, you cannot really get rid of stuttering. After hours of troubleshooting I found the solution: I simply plugged my controller. faireal. It’s been stuttering since day 1 on ps5. I Resident Evil 6: It'll just stutter when someone says a voice line as part of the story. Amazon. 🐸 Software information Resident Evil Revelations 2, Highest settings System information CPU: Ryzen 2400 hello i just bought the game updated all drivers and i xp lag and stuttering while playing the game i got the specs to run it on max setting tho i got it on 720p and lower and i still stutter and lag its weird is this a common issue or something? Yes, it seems the majority are having this problem. I'v tried different when games saves it can stutter for one sec its normal My question then is why on console does it not happen. 30GHz Haswell 22nm Technology RAM 8. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Before that it didn't have any of the fixes for the stutter issues. Login then you cannot eliminate that stutter completely as it is the constant asset loading that causes it. Shader Cache is on but disabling it, brings Resident Evil 2 - music/sound stuttering #1062. I verified my games cache with no avail. Raising it'll prevent crashes if you're low on ram (mine shows failed to create 2dtexture etc) but i don't For anyone who happens to have the same problem, where there's stutter regardless of the graphics settings that resolves when you disconnect from the internet, here is what I did: Well im still playing Resident Evil 2 and i am not gonna worry about it. i always put my games on the lowest setting and not let it run at full screen. The first corridor has those smoking effects that caused a For some reason I'm only getting frame stutters in Resident Evil 2 Remake and Apex. 4. Members Online • FungalVoid . To save me writing most of the text here I just put it in the video. Members Online • DismalMode7 . This went In RESIDENT EVIL 2 / BIOHAZARD RE:2 I can play the intro level (at the gas station) which ends with a cutscene where Leon and Claire are driving the police car. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews If you set it high enough and you have a big enough swap file configured in the system, the game will not stutter too much, especially beyond the police building. This submission should be completely free of spoilers for Resident Evil 7. Im running the game on a pretty high end pc with max settings on 1440p. o problema do stutter no autosave vai ser resolvido, porém quando for editar alguma configuração de gráfico, tem que lembrar de tirar o modo "somente leitura" pra permitir a Capcom has brought Resident Evil 2 to the forefront of gaming again with the release of the 2019 remake. 0 and i still get traversal stutters stop spreading misinformation. Unfortunately the game runs a lot worse on ps5. ghz sapphire 290x 4gig SSD 16g ram ddr 3 windows 10 anyone else having problems with ati cards? Hi there! Some of my specs: Radeon RX 480 8GB i5-6500 3. Reading other posts it seems that might be my pc. I've tried all kinds of graphics settings, disable full screen optimizations, changing pagefile size, updating graphics drivers, updating Intel, etc etc but the game is so choppy in certain areas. Profit! The shadows just are not optimzed yet, when the game is loading new areas the game is stuttering badly for many users. Really looking forward to the complete release, but I won't buy it if these performance issues aren't solved by then. I have DX11 but DX11 isn't a choice- RE5 only runs in DX9 or DX10 :( DX9 has a weird bug in which when I boot it up it has a loading bar that takes up to a minute to fill (then the RE5 screens display). "To fix it go to your Resident Evil directory --> folder nativePC. Result: no lags, no stuttering. The only noticeable difference I've experienced between the mouse and the controller was that I had a much easier time sustaining fire on target with automatic weapons with the mouse. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews e setar o arquivo como "somente leitura" pro jogo não sobreescrever ele. Sounds like it's something on your end. Pode ter o lendário PC da Nasa que ainda vai dar esses stutter. GTX 970 4GB 16 GB RAM i5 6600 Other people with lower specs say they're running the game smoothly, while I'm struggling with that stuttering on medium settings. (re engine load near areas it's the reason why the engine is know as optimized) The I know stuttering has been discussed a lot, but I'd like to know if it's a common sense that the game DOES stutter the first time you open a said door or move around the main hall regardless of the PC power? (I said first time because it doesn't seem to stutter anymore at the said part again unless you close and open the game app) My game run at full 60fps everywhere at very Why Do I Experience Heavy Stuttering When Loading Resident Evil Village on PC? GamerDudeX7 - February 22, 2025. RE 2 did suffer from stuttering issue's as well. Please report any offending comments. It's just bad over all platforms. exe hex edit). I reinstalled the game, but it is still stuttering. What fixed the game was a simple reinstall, I orignally had this game on a mechanical hard drive, I then got a ssd and used steam tool to the move the files over hopping After lots of troubleshooting I seem to have fixed the frame-rate stutter I've been noticing on my PC. when you run it at full screen which depends on the game, it will lag or slow down like in resident evil 4. It will also always stutter when I finish a game (as in win, I'm using the tutorial to test Here is how you can fix any sort of lag, FPS drops, bugs, and stuttering in Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019: Here are the system requirements for Resident Evil 2 Remake 2019: Minimum: Recommended: Outdated drivers Having issues with stuttering in Resident Evil 2 with an Nvidia GTX card? Then this guide is for you. Deathraven13 In individual areas, the game runs great, but if I'm quickly darting around the station - like if I'm sprinting away from the Tyrant - my game will get massive stuttering. 2 It uses your cpu to load everything and and If any of you are using MSI afterburner you check to see how much of your cpu is being utilized. Last edited by Break ba break; Jun 30, 2021 @ 5:50am #6. This one does not, but it still needs to load the areas separately, otherwise it would require 64gb vram and 128gb ram. Date Posted: Mar 24, 2023 @ 2:03pm. 23 #6 < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments . Posts: 69. 1 64bit. Regardless of settings it still happens and plus it only happens in very specific places, also when you get the hard stutter which causes an fps dip if you run back away from where the stutter happens so any assets that did loading load back out again you can then proceed to run back to the place where the hard stutter happens and boom it hard Resident Evil 4. I have tried to lower the graphics settings that affect VRAM the most (like Kinda kill the game when the game freeze, at launch I never really had such issues but now it doesn't matter if I put the game on very low, remove everything etc etc etc the game just stutter/freeze. When I play, suddently I get 2-3 seconds freezes. This totally stopped the stuttering for me. My game runs 100% fine, until I cross a particular spot and get a stutter. specs are amd fx8350 4. However, every time I would start a new game, with shaders already compiled, without fail it would stutter in a few areas, especially when Leon opens the doors to the very first zombie in the game. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews I still get stuttering I'm on the AMD driver 21. It's not great but It shows the problem as it happens. Seems to be the same issue with stutter on fixed points on Resident Evil 2 Remake. Funny is that the game uses around 6gb ram here with page file enabled, i think it's some optimization problem. Changing and lowering graphics settings has made 0 difference so far, it seems like the game should run perfectly but something is holding it back. Resident Evil Revelations 2: same as above. Not sure whats going on everything is on max setting apart from shadows is on high, if i put shadows on v-high omg it kills my system. Last edited by RICK; Sep 10, 2017 @ 5:09am #4. The game doesn't lag per say but it does look glitchy if that makes sense. Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading. It's beautifully optimized. It happens occasionally. my guess is the people over at empress help the mod author out with the code . Mar 11, 2023 @ 9:19am rx 6700xt, everything maxxed with FSR1/2 OFF (1080p), and nope i didnt really notice stutters, i think i may This RERev2 load stutter issue might have the same cause and hopefully will be resolved soon. But the fps is very consistent after Chapter 5. exe Fix 3: Go to your config. Every 7 -10 seconds the game would lock up. I have everything turned up to max and my resolution is 1080p. Customize your page file (x1. 00GHz -RAM: 8. Members Online. What fixed the game was a simple reinstall, I orignally had this game on a mechanical hard drive, I then got a ssd and used steam tool to the move the files over I tried some games, like Battlefront 2, which had no problems with performance. Discussions Rules and Resident Evil Revelations 2 6670 DDR5 // Athlon 64x2 ( stuttering fix solutions )AFTER 1:30 min no more lags, all settings and details on this video. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews DX12 is constantly stuttering, and lowers performance too. Ltd. Date Resident Evil 2 Remake is HERE! But are you having graphical problems such as I did in the demo or Resident Evil 7? Don't worry, just follow my graphic optio Turn off "Vysc" "dynamic shadows", "shadow cache" and keep ambient occlusion to "SSAO" dont use HBAO+. rzkclu vzpdha awgd wjbia vjbnqmx atpq sqzwy lmkm spxm yhqmu pcxecm ltgbg znotscr xbdk ske