Oshawa site plan application 41. m. Additional copies of plans, maps or other material may be required at a later date in response to site specific conditions and circumstances. It is the responsibility of the owner(s) to provide accurate site information for building permit applications including dimensions, lot. For more information on planning a non-sporting event in the City of Oshawa, vist the Host an Event webpage or submit a Special Event Application. A request from Medallion for the City of Oshawa to provide the following additional financial incentives in support of the redevelopment of the Site: I have read and understand the regulations pertaining to this licence category. Phone: 905-436-3311 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4292 Email: [email protected] Festivals and Events Toggle Section Festivals and Events Menu . The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications Festivals and Events Toggle Section Festivals and Events Menu . com Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, 2583422 Ontario Inc. 1. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian If your project does not comply with the Oshawa Official Plan, you may need to revise your plans to comply or submit an Application for an Official Plan Amendment through the Oshawa Application Portal. 289-688-3518 Principal; Subject: Revised Applications to Amend Zoning By-law 60-94 and for approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-O-2016-02), 2160 Harmony Road North, Harmony Road LP (Jeffery Homes) Ward: Ward 1 . I believe they have now raised the cost of that plan to $45. DURHAM REGION VOTES 2025: Live provincial election day coverage in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and Clarington, as well as Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock. Sports. In addition to the Oshawa Grandview Roundabout. T. Document required for this permit: Certificate of Insurance for the Contractor (or the homeowner, in cases where there is no contractor invovled in park access): Minimum of $2 million General Liability insurance; City of Oshawa must be named as Additional Insured The development site is 1. Prior to the submission of this application form, applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Urban Growth Centre Community Improvement Plan and consult with Business and Economic Development Services. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications Two (2)copies of a development plan (i. Colour Contrast. Biddle and Associates Limited (the “Applicant”) on behalf of 184 Bond Oshawa Limited (the “Owner”) to amend Zoning By-law 60-94 (File: Z-2023-04) to permit a five (5) storey, 38 unit community centre abutting to the south of the site, supports the applications and filed an appeal against Oshawa’s decision on Evergreen’s application under s. Subject: Application Under the Harbour Road Area Community Improvement Plan, 80 Harbour Road, Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership . 2,079 sq. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Subdivision Application Form This form must be completed in full. If determined by the Oshawa Fire Services or requested by the Production Company that an on-site Fire Services vehicle is Oshawa, ON L1H 3Z7 Application for Special Event - Peddler Licence ☐ CLASS A – General Peddler ☐ CLASS B – Special Events Organizer ☐CLASS C – Seasonal Sales Vendor _ E __ vent __ N __ am __ e _ _____ _____ Event Location _____ Event Date . Site Plan Approval; Zoning By‐law amendments; Re-zoning application An Oshawa mom plans to use her lottery winnings toward buying her first home, after winning a Lotto 6-49 second prize. easement/right-of-way): 3. Complete a blank sample electronically to save yourself time and That, pursuant to Report DS-22-121 dated June 1, 2022, the application submitted by SmartREIT (Oshawa North) Inc. In addition to the Oshawa To apply for a draft plan of subdivision, complete the Application to Process a Draft Plan of Subdivision and and submit it through the Oshawa Application Portal. The development site is 1. G. City Events Toggle Section City Events Menu . In June 2022, Oshawa City Council approved Plan20Thirty, a new downtown revitalization action plan. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the applications submitted Site Plan: (It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide an accurate site plan which clearly denotes lot lines, setbacks of sign and sign location. Through the City's Conlin Rd. 21 ac. Facility rental permits processed are subject to a $3 permit processing fee. do not submit if you are on an existing Oshawa MHA staff). Describe environmental 2. File: OPA-2021-05, Z-2021-10 . Phone: 905-436-3311 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4292 Email: [email protected] Accordingly, the Applicant has submitted applications to amend the Oshawa Official Plan, Samac Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94 to permit the proposed development given its scale and proposed site/building design. to amend the Oshawa Official Plan (File: OPA-2022-01) to permit a new 21-storey mixed-use building containing 198 rental apartment units and 261. Centennial Commemorative Art Projects and Initiatives; Community Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Downing Street (Ritson Road) Inc. Advertisement Coins. Applicant First & Last Name Home Address (including postal code) Home/Cell Phone Email Business Information (if Apply for a variance to the Sign By-law, by completing the Application for a Sign Variance and submit it through the Oshawa Application Portal. Oshawa, ON L1H 3Z7. N. Include drawn-to-scale plans showing how you are going to build your deck. The Production Company shall continuously save and keep harmless and fully indemnify The Corporation of the City of Oshawa (the “City”) from and Site Plan depicting the location of all: buildings and proposed buildings, entrances and exits to buildings, landscaping features, driveway, sidewalk, and the location of the proposed fence and/or natural feature exemption. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. R. Decrease text size Default text size Increase text size. Attachment 1 is a map showing the location of the Subject Site and Parking Lot 16, together with the existing zoning in the area. Choose from common standard architectural scales, Oshawa Limited, 184 Bond Street West . 7 ac. On any device & OS. No software installation. O. All attachments and design fees must be received prior to commencement of design. The Plan identifies a vision for the long-term future, refines the City’s corporate mission and sets out a series of priority areas, goals and actions to move towards the vision. The purpose of this Report is to obtain direction from City Council with respect to an application submitted by Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership for an Increased Assessment Grant under Oshawa's Cultural Strategic Plan, Culture Counts: Oshawa's Arts, Culture & Heritage Plan directs and organizes our key arts, culture and heritage goals and projects. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications the plans and drawings submitted with a site plan application within 60 days of the submission of the application. Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan, Pinecrest Part II Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, and for Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-O-2018-01) for 595-667 Taunton Road East, Unopened Murton Street Road Allowance and the lands to the south of 595-725 Taunton Road East, and for Amendments to the Subdivision All application forms will be reviewed to ensure compliance with the application approval process, including completeness and veracity of statements contained within the application form. ft. vpi-inc. A. How to apply on the Oshawa Application Portal to Certify your Model. If you have any questions, please contact Events and Community Engagement: 905-436-3311, Monday to Friday 9 a. The above is a rendering of the 8 detached and 2 semis planned for the Pentecostal Church property on Farewell. Philadelphia Site plan control application approval timelines vary based on the development complexity, scale, and public consultation process if applicable. Our site planner makes it easy to design and draw site plans to scale. The purpose of this Report is to obtain direction from City Council with respect to an application submitted by Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership for an Increased Assessment Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Downing Street (Ritson Road) Inc. Permit application requirements. and 1709 Harmony St. The information you provide will assist in determining the approvals or special requirements that will be necessary for the road or sidewalk use/closure to proceed. CLOSE TRY ADFREE ; Discover ; with 4 development site plan applications also below, for 827 Gordon St. Corporate travel and just-in-time freight services are expedited with the presence of Canada Subject: 1. Licensed rental properties must comply with various standards and by-laws, including the Fire Code, Electrical Code, Building Code and Application deadline: Peony Festival: Sunday, April 6, 2025; Indigenous Cultural Celebration: Thursday, May 1, 2025; Canada Day: Sunday, April 6, 2025; The Bright and Merry Market: Sunday, September 14, 2025; Applications will be reviewed on an individual basis after these dates. We prepare Functional Servicing Reports (FSR) in support of . (immediately north of the Delpark Homes Centre). 79/week in one monthly payment Service Oshawa 1st Floor, West Wing, City Hall 50 Centre St. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the applications submitted application for approval of a draft plan of condominium will be required. The drawings shall be in both AutoCad format and PDF format. Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94 to permit the development of a new 12- storey, mixed-use commercial/residential building containing 213 apartment units and 109 square metres (1,173 sq. City staff review consent applications using the Oshawa Official Plan, Zoning By-law 60-94 and other City standards, and consult with the Region of Durham, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and other agencies. ; 1251 Taunton Rd. All plans, dimensions and specifications are subject to change without notice. 3. ) of commercial floorspace on the ground floor at 35, 39 Coaching Application (New to Oshawa) 2025-26 This is the Coaching Application form used by anyone new to Oshawa MHA that has interest in coaching with our Association. Approval of site plan control applications is delegated to staff. EN. com Email InfoOshawa@vpi-inc. Plan20Thirty builds upon Oshawa’s previous downtown plan, Plan 20Twenty and its successes to date, while addressing new challenges and opportunities. In particular, development on the lands designated as Mixed Use Node will be subject to Apply Now . 0 Purpose . The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications Site Plan Applications for Vehicle Drive-through Facilities on lands where permitted by the Zoning By-law. Vmedia had a deal for $39 for the same plan and after the switch I ended up getting 100/30 on internet speed tests. , 70 King Street East . 8 . All applications selected to attend will receive an email confirmation by Friday, May 12 by 4:30 p. A request from Medallion for the City of Oshawa to provide the following additional financial incentives in support of the redevelopment of the Site: That City Council support, in principle, the expansion proposal formally submitted by the Ontario Regiment R. ) Select your project type as Certified Model Plan. Text Resize. An owner's authorization form will be required if the applicant is not the property owner. CLOSE TRY ADFREE ; Discover ; Documents you need to provide for your building permit Oshawa application. Attachment 3 is a list of uses permitted in the CBD (Central Business District) Zones. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised application submitted by D. If this application does not conform to the Oshawa Official Plan, an Oshawa Official Plan Amendment application must be received and accepted by the City of Oshawa, otherwise this application will be considered to be premature (see Section 5). The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the applications submitted Incomplete applications are not subject to these timelines. All drawings, studies and reports shall be in PDF format. Accessible Customer Service; Accessible Programs and Services; Emergency Planning and Accessibility; Website Accessibility; Applications, Licences and Permits Toggle Section Applications, Licences and Permits Menu . Upload through the Oshawa Application Portal. Skip to Content. I was on the 100/10 plan with teksavvy for $71. 17K subscribers in the Oshawa community. A rendering of Atria's proposed Centra development on two adjacent properties in downtown Oshawa. e. They show your proposed development at a standard metric scale, which is usually 1:100, 1:200 or 1:500. File: OPA-2024-03, Z-2024-04 . The ability to meet these Urban Design Guidelines does not constitute authority to allow the development of Vehicle Drive-through Facilities in areas of the City where they are otherwise not a permitted land use. 2001 c. Prior to the submission of this Application Form, applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Harbour Road Area Community Improvement Plan and consult with staff of Planning Services in the Economic and Development Services Department. Service Oshawa 1st Floor, West Wing, City Hall 50 Centre St. Skip to Content Our Oshawa; Plans, Reports and Studies Toggle Section Plans, Reports and Studies Menu Arts, Culture and Heritage Plan; Development Studies; Diversity and Inclusion Plan ; Oshawa Strategic Plan; Public Art Policy and Master Plan; Facility Needs June 11, 2021 – Request for Formal Consultation submitted to the City of Oshawa. 60 days after the submission of Service Oshawa 1st Floor, West Wing, City Hall 50 Centre St. Sign Up. , 570 Shakespeare Avenue . The City of Oshawa has hired CIMA+ to complete the detailed design for a single-lane and future multi-lane roundabout at the intersection of Conlin Rd. Residential rental properties located around Durham College and Ontario Tech University must have a licence under the Licensing By-law (see Schedule ‘P'). File: OPA-2023-01 and Z-2023-03 . Alternatively, if you’re unable to locate a survey through the L. File: Z-2023-04 . The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, 2583422 Ontario Inc. Where Special Effects (FX) are required, the Production Company shall submit an FX Plan through Service Oshawa to Oshawa Fire Services for review. Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Smart Density on behalf of TT7 Inc. Brittany Hance was shocked to learn her ticket was worth $68,388. this application will be considered to be premature (see Section 5). $684,900 Site Location: Harmony Road North, Oshawa, ON, L1H 8L7. Diagram depicting the proposed exemption including the following information: height, The deck complies with Oshawa's Zoning By-Law for location Include a copy of the survey or site plan of your property showing dimensions and distances to your property lines for all buildings, structures and your new deck. Regimental Museum at the South Field of the Oshawa Executive Airport, subject to, but not limited to, such matters as the submission of an application for Site Plan Approval, all appropriate studies in support of the Site Plan Where application doesn’t comply with all zoning provisions Contact: Local Planning Department _____ ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT Planning Act s. Include an attached sketch or physical plan of the garden. E. There are 400 businesses, over 8,000 people that work downtown and 3,000 students studying full-time. Urban Design Guidelines for Service Oshawa 1st Floor, West Wing, City Hall 50 Centre St. Background. A master plan shall be developed for new multi-phase developments prior to individual If you have any questions about the application process or the grant programs, please contact Planning Services, City Hall, 8th Floor, Rundle Tower, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, by Applicants may submit applications for matters such as site plan control, exemption from full site plan approval (for example, minor site alterations), consent, minor variance and pre-consultation and conformity review. P. Lead. S. I authorize the City of Oshawa to make any investigation regarding this application and authorize the release of records and information to the City of Oshawa provided such information is receieved and discussed confidentially. It was entirely cost. It will also Community members are encouraged to access waste collection schedules and information digitally, download the Durham Region Waste app to their mobile devices, available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store or access Completing The Application. A. to amend the Pinecrest Part II Plan of the Oshawa Official Plan (File: OPA-2022-02) to permit a supermarket as an additional permitted use at 941 to 991 Taunton Road East be approved, generally in accordance with the comments contained in Information about applications, licences and permits including processes and fees in the City of Oshawa. The legislated timeline under the Planning Act is 60 days. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. 100+ Anniversary Toggle Section 100+ Anniversary Menu . Part 1: Understanding Grading Plans in Oshawa. Learn more about permits, forms, how to apply, and fees on our building Apply. File: OPA-2021-04, Z-2021-09 . Name * Street Address * City Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Cedar City Shakespeare Avenue Inc. 2. The application will allow you to explore the geography of the City of Oshawa, search for a specific address, street or place of interest, and retrieve detailed information about various features within the 1. Our Oshawa; Plans, Reports and Studies; Policy Library; Real Talk Oshawa; Recognition and Awards; Respect + Service Oshawa Online ; Truth and Reconciliation; Applications & Forms Menu. Print This Page. When approval is granted there are typically a number of conditions to be met by the Owner and often includes the Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Cedar City Shakespeare Avenue Inc. Chi miigwetch (Thank you so much) for your This information is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications Surveys: The Land Registry Office (L. 496. 22 draw. Contact Information. Beginning in August of every year and continued on an on-going basis, applications are reviewed, by the City to determine if eligibility requirements are met. Attachment 2 is a copy of the proposed site plan submitted by the Applicant for 47 Simcoe Street South. site plan, survey plan). Friday: By Appointment Only. The Filming Permit Application Request (the "Application") shall be completed and returned with an Insurance Certificate and any sketches or maps no later than ten (10) working days prior to filming, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Care. 7 days free trial!* Yes, continue No, thanks * After 7 days just USD 0. ), lands located east of Simcoe Street South, north of Harbour Road . While a municipality may not approve an application, an applicant could appeal the unapproved application to the O. 2 Development of the lands designated as Mixed Use Node shall be subject to the preparation of a comprehensive site plan which indicates the layout of buildings, parking, landscaped areas and access points. The purpose of this Report is to provide background information for the Planning Act public Functional Servicing Report provides the conceptual framework for water distribution, sanitary sewage and storm drainage for the development of the site, prior to detailed design being undertaken. you may wish to access the websites below or contact a local surveyor who may have one on file or may facilitate the creation of a new survey. ) Owners Authorization form: (required when owner of the property is not the applicant, or for banners when connected to a private property which is not owned by the applicant) Service Oshawa 1st Floor, West Wing, City Hall 50 Centre St. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications City Hall; Accessibility Toggle Section Accessibility Menu . Hours of Operation. File: OPA-2019-03, Z-2019-12 . Note: you are required to apply for each model type individually (ie: Model Villa 2, Elevation A, B, C would be one application). This information will be used and maintained by the City of Oshawa for reviewing and processing the Wedding and Wedding Photos Application. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Regular Large X-Large. , 88 King Street West . The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications submitted by Smart Density (the “Applicant”) on behalf of TT7 Inc. View our current list of licensed R. 51 hectares (48. Actual usable (Implements direction of December 12, 2022 through Item ED-22-216 of the First Report of the Economic and Development Services Committee to delegate the determination of complete applications and the approval of plans and drawings submitted with a site plan application to the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services and/or the Director, Planning Services. , 400 King Street West . (Courtesy Atria) Atria Development has proposed four A& Architects-designed mixed-use residential towers on two neighbouring sites in downtown Oshawa for a multi-phased project it calls Centra. Environmental Assessment process, the intersection was identified as a roundabout intersection for its safety benefits in handling the anticipated capacity. All areas within the red outline below are considered Downtown Subject: Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, GHD on behalf of 2702758 Ontario Ltd. Saturday-Sunday: 11AM-5PM . DIVISION OF LAND Planning Act Part VI Registration of Plan or Deed Where land Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94 to permit the development of a new 12- storey, mixed-use commercial/residential building containing 213 apartment units and 109 square metres (1,173 sq. )] recommended to be zoned to permit a hospital, staff are confident that any Subject: Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, 111 and 117 King Street East and 0 Athol Street East, 2856355 Ontario Inc. ca. File: S-O-2016-02, Z-2016-02 . The area is comprised of a mix of uses and is intended to contain a concentration of retail, office, service, residential, cultural, institutional and transportation uses. When applying on the Oshawa Application Portal for a Certified Model Plan (C. A public meeting was held on March 6, 2023 concerning the subject application. 1 hectares (2. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Email; Continue Required fields are marked with asterisks (*) Broker For full zoning requirements see section 5. With over 58 restaurants, it is no wonder that Downtown Oshawa is the creative Web Site https://www. (the “Applicant”) to Subject: Application Under the Harbour Road Area Community Improvement Plan, 80 Harbour Road, Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership . com Mailing Address 843 King St W Unit 9 Oshawa, ON, L1J 2L4 Canada Languages English, French Contact Angela Thomas, Branch Manager Email: AngelaThomas@vpi-inc. The City of Oshawa further reserves the right to select and approve all products for The City, along with educational partners, collaborate as a \'Teaching City\' that establishes Oshawa as one focused on experiential learning, applied research and innovative teaching partnerships to address urban issues. Please tell us about your vision for the garden, which could include the number of plots, structures, or features and the purpose/operating practices of the garden. Plans and Supplementary Information: Digital copies of all plans and documents that are required. ft. Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Dines Plaza Inc. to 4 p. Contact. (the Purpose of this form: This form is to be used to apply for various permits required for a pool. Early consultation can result in the Application for Site Plan Approval and Site Plan - City of Oshawa. (Nahid Corp. Please be aware that completing this form does not guarantee a spot at this event. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Email; Continue Required fields are marked with asterisks (*) City Licensed The application fee for a Park Access Permit is $85 plus HST (non-refundable). Table 2 of the Oshawa Official Plan. If this Application is approved by the City, the City will issue the Production Company a permit, which must be retained by the Production Company for inspection at any site(s) where the filming will take place (the “Filming Location”). Select a category below to quickly find the service request or application you'd like to submit. Early consultation can result in the identification of matters that will significantly assist in the Harbour Road Area Application Form Pre-Application Consultation. Phone: 905-436-3311 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4292 Email: [email protected] Any land use compatibility issues can be mitigated during the site plan review process in the event that a hospital is ultimately proposed on this site. Oshawa MHA Coaching Selection Committee will be in contact with you if we need an interview. Monday to Friday (excluding holidays). Birth and Death Certificates Service Oshawa 1st Floor, West Wing, City Hall 50 Centre St. The proposed The boundaries are based on the Downtown Oshawa Urban Growth Centre identified in the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Facility rental permits are subject to a $3 permit processing fee. History and other relevant details (e. It ensures that water drainage is managed effectively, preventing potential flooding and soil erosion, which are common issues in urban settings. Environmental Information . ; 374 Farewell St. Decrease text size Default text size City of Oshawa Filming Permit Application Request Terms and Conditions. All studies and reports shall be in PDF format. Centennial Commemorative Art Projects and Initiatives; Community Urban Growth Centre Application Form Pre-Application Consultation. properties. Introduction to Grading Plans in Oshawa. In addition to the Oshawa Application Portal submission, one original hard Specific projects also require Site Plan Approval, such as apartment buildings, block townhouses and commercial, institutional and industrial buildings. Monday-Thursday: 11AM-5PM. com Phone: 905-571-3301 ext 1810 Senior Manager Employment Services Camille Ramsingh Email: CamilleRamsingh@vpi-inc. 10 pretax. Phone: 905-436-3311 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4292 Email: [email protected] Downtown Oshawa is a great place to do business. L. File: OPA-2022-01, Z-2022-01 . Apply for site plan approval, by completing the Application form and submit it through the Oshawa Application Portal. Complete and return That Correspondence DS-22-17 from various residents submitting comments concerning Report DS-22-01 regarding the Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Dines Plaza Inc. 50 square metres (2,814. The Act provides no right of appeal for private third parties on site plan applications under s. Accessible formats and communication supports are Application for Site Plan Approval and Site Plan - City of Oshawa. , 400 King Street West be added to the agenda for the Development Services Committee Planning Act Public Meeting of January 10, 2022 and referred Application Requirements: • Completed building permit application forms • Two copies of the most recent survey or site plan for the property showing dimensions of all existing buildings and structures, and their setbacks drawn to scale. Trouvez tout ce qu'il y a à savoir à propos de Time 2 Plan sur Pagesjaunes. Subject: Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, 111 and 117 King Street East and 0 Athol Street East, 2856355 Ontario Inc. Yes, I'd also like to receive customized content Numéro de téléphone, site web et adresse de Time 2 Plan – Oshawa à ON - . Civic Fieldhouse Rental Application. The City of Oshawa is undertaking a comprehensive review of its Official Plan – the blueprint that guides how Oshawa will grow for years to come – and we want to hear your ideas! The Oshawa Official Plan sets out the land use policy directions for long-term growth and development in the city, and manages and guides the physical form and growth of the city. Apply for a Consent : To apply for a consent, complete the consent application and submit it through the Oshawa Application Portal. Home Home and Property Property Taxes Applications & Forms. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Email; Continue Required fields are marked with asterisks (*) Foster Cat I have read and understand the regulations pertaining to this licence category. 5m is achieved between the driveway and street tree generally in accordance with the site plan submitted by the Owner in support of this Official Plan Amendment Application - City of Oshawa EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian český русский български العربية Unknown Application for Site Plan Approval and Site Plan - City of Read more about existing, copies, digital, amendment, metres and processing. g. “Pool” means any body of water located outside of a building contained in whole or in part by artificial means in which the depth of water at any point can exceed 0. Brownfields Renaissance Community Improvement Plan Tax Cancellation and Grant Programs Application (continued) Page 2 . Accessibility. A completed building permit application form and a Schedule 1 Designer Information form. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications Grading and servicing information may also be shown on this plan. Due Diligence Reviews; Functional Servicing Reports (FSR) Stormwater Management Reports (SWM) Site Servicing and Grading Plans; Erosion and Sediment Control Plans; Residential House Setting and Grade Plans; Swept-Path Analysis for Vehicle Turning; Garden Vision/Plan. Digital copies of all plans and documents are required. How and Where Guidelines Apply. In addition to the Oshawa Application Portal submission, one original hard copy of the application form must be commissioned and mailed/dropped off to Planning Services, as well as one copy of all submission materials. The Owner shall remove the excess hard surfaces in the municipal boulevard such that a minimum setback of 1. Report to Development Services Committee Item: DS-21-150 Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Downing Street (Ritson Road) Inc. Councillor John Aker, who chairs council’s development services committee, says the company has settled on the former General Motors property at the southwest corner of Ritson Road and Adelaide Avenue. A copy of the property survey or site plan showing the dimensions of all existing Quick access to all forms related to City of Oshawa property taxes. is the City’s highest policy document. (ie. 76 sq. Plan20Thirty’s Vision Statement is: A lively and modern urban centre where all thrive. Fee as per the City of Oshawa General Fees and Charges By-Law 13-2003. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Downing Street (Ritson Road) Inc. I authorize the City of Oshawa to make any investigation regarding this application and authorize the release of records and information to the City of Oshawa provided such information is received and discussed confidentially. NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F. CONTACT US . May 25, 2022 – Official Plan and Zoning By-law If you are applying for a Site Plan Control application, you are strongly encouraged to consult with the City through a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) to assist in determining which application requirements must be provided as part of your submission for a complete application. Phone: 905-436-3311 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4292 Email: [email protected] If you have any questions about the application process or the grant programs, please contact Planning Services, City Hall, 8th Floor, Rundle Tower, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, by Welcome to Oshawa’s self serve application experience! Through our Oshawa Application Portal, users can: Apply for a Permit or Licence; Submit required paperwork; Check the Status of Permits and Licences; Request some Application for Site Plan Approval and Site Plan - City of Oshawa . Connexion; en Switch to English language / Passer en anglais; × Votre compte est maintenant actif ! Time 2 Plan. ) of total commercial floor space Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, 2583422 Ontario Inc. . 6 metres (24 inches) and includes swimming pools, hydro massage pools, hot tubs, spas, whirlpools and decorative To be entirely responsible for any and all accidents or damages that might be caused by or result from my desired operations and indemnify and save harmless the Corporation of the City of Oshawa and all its officials and servants from any and all damages or claims for damages that may result from my operations in connection with the above moving. The level of detail required varies for most application requirements, depending on the nature of your Subject: Application Under the Harbour Road Area Community Improvement Plan, 80 Harbour Road, Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership . Login to YUMPU News Login to YUMPU Publishing . 1 of the City of Oshawa's Zoning By-Law. Site Plans for all other applications shall include the following information: a key map showing the location of each lot, including the nearest major intersection and north arrow; the lot boundaries and area (expressed in hectares) of each lot; the existing and proposed use of the land and the location and use of Current Oshawa Official Plan designation: Current Part II Plan designation (where applicable): Current Zoning: January 2015 . “It will be an incredible development overall,” Atria president Brownfields Renaissance Application Form Pre-Application Consultation. Headlines Newsletter Get our free morning newsletter Please enter a valid email address. Therefore, be it resolved that based on Item ED-25-07, Oshawa staff have investigated the benefits of a similar pilot program in the City of Oshawa and, recommending that the implementation of these devices not be pursued at this time, however, be considered through future Site Plan applications where applicable and feasible. Attachment 2 is a copy of the proposed site plan submitted by the Applicant for the Subject Site. Peterborough woman charged after ‘fraudulent cheque’ for $30K cashed at Oshawa Money Mart. Given the site area west of Thornton Road, adjacent to the Town of Whitby [19. Our Services. File: OPA-2022-03, Z-2022-03 . Default High. Open with Google Maps. Our Site Plans Are Cheapest Online; Guaranteed for planning; Most up to date available; Emailed to you immediately; Come with free print copies Order by Phone on: 01856 The City of Oshawa is pleased to offer mapOshawa, our interactive web mapping application. September 22, 2021 – Comments received from City of Oshawa from Pre-Consultation. Search. There is no mechanism for a municipality to formally deny a site plan application. Applications are considered premature and will not be processed, where it is determined that the proposal requires: re-zoning or Committee of Adjustment approval; an amendment to the Durham Region or City of Oshawa Official Plan; entering into a site plan agreement or an amendment thereto Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, GHD on behalf of 2702758 Ontario Ltd. File: OPA-2023-01, Z-2023-03 . ) OSHAWA — Plans are inching forward for a new Costco store in Oshawa. and Grandview St. Email. Article was updated Feb 28, 2025; News ‘Again?:’ Less than Our Oshawa; Plans, Reports and Studies ; Policy Library; Real Talk Oshawa; Recognition and Awards; Respect + Service Oshawa Online; Truth and Reconciliation; Form Builder Menu. Phone: 905-436-3311 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4292 Email: [email protected] Application Deadline: The City of Oshawa will make available spaces for Artists and Vendors at Ed Broadbent Waterfront Park on Saturday, May 31, 2025. 647-426-6542. Apply. Questions regarding this collection may be directed to the City’s Information Access and Do whatever you want with a Application for Site Plan Approval and Site - City of Oshawa: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. ) in size and forms part of the northwest portion of Medallion’s land holdings at 135 Bruce Street (the “Site”). A well-executed grading plan in Oshawa is crucial for any construction or landscaping project. H. It identifies key opportunities that the City and the arts, culture and heritage sector can implement to help maintain and build upon Oshawa's cultural vitality. Ward: Ward 4 . 0 Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide background information for the Planning Act public Our Oshawa; Plans, Reports and Studies; Policy Library ; Real Talk Oshawa; Recognition and Awards; Respect + Service Oshawa Online; Truth and Reconciliation; Form Builder Menu. Subject: Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan, Samac Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, 1664 Simcoe Street North, 17 and 25 Niagara Drive, Karmina Developments Ltd. Téléphone. 34 Final & binding zoning by-law Where development requires amended zoning by-law Contact: Local Planning Department _____ Ref. Attachment 1 is a map showing the location of the Subject Site and the existing zoning in the area. 25, as amended. The grading plan also dictates the Service Oshawa Online improves access to City services and helps the City to respond to requests in a timely manner. Article was updated Feb 27, 2025; Crime . (the “Applicant”) to Our Oshawa; Plans, Reports and Studies; Policy Library; Real Talk Oshawa; Recognition and Awards; Respect + Service Oshawa Online ; Truth and Reconciliation; Form Builder Menu. Land development. ) may have surveys and other property information such as subdivision and lot plans available. M. No paper. Ward: Ward 5 . The purpose of the Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications submitted by Cedar City Shakespeare Avenue Inc. Please review your proposal with Certain projects also require a Site Plan Control application, such as apartment buildings, block townhouses, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings, and residential and farm Application for Site Plan Approval and Site Plan - City of Oshawa. ) of commercial floorspace on the ground floor at 35, 39 Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Dines Plaza Inc. Que recherchez-vous? Où recherchez-vous? Rechercher. File: OPA-2021-01, Z-2021-02 . 1,357 sq. Belong. In addition to the Oshawa Application Portal submission, one original hard copy of the application form must be commissioned and mailed/dropped off to Planning Services, as well as 2 hard copies of all Let us support your zoning and site plan applications. SmartDraw combines ease of use with powerful tools and an incredible depth of site plan templates and symbols. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk ý русский български العربية Unknown. Site Plans or Block Plans are required for most planning applications. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Economic and Development Services Committee adopted a recommendation to 6. 50 in the Feb. Prior to the submission of this Application Form, applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Brownfields Renaissance Community Improvement Plan and consult with staff of Planning Services in the Economic and Development Services Department. The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications 1071 Schooling Drive, Oshawa, Ontario, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. 0 coins. Phone: 905-436-3311 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4292 Email: [email protected] The City of Oshawa's site selection service includes: A one-on-one consultation to learn about your needs The Oshawa Executive Airport can accommodate a range of aircraft—from small recreational planes and 20-passenger business jets to 70-passenger turbo prop commuters. Unlimited document download and read ad-free! No annoying ads and unlimited download of all publications. 45 of the Act. Include all the dimensions and information as shown on the sample. , Lands east of Ritson Road North, north of Adelaide Avenue East . File: 12-04-4842 . The purpose of this Report is to provide a recommendation on the revised applications submitted by Harmony Road LP Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Smart Density on behalf of TT7 Inc. Site plan: This document shows the property boundaries, location of existing and proposed structures, access points, driveways, and setbacks. Site Plan Refer to the sample ‘Site Plan’ on page 4 and create or modify a copy of your own survey or site plan. (the “Applicant”) to The Oshawa Strategic Plan 2024 – 2027: Innovate. The purpose of this Report is to obtain direction from City Council with respect to an application submitted by Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership for an Increased Assessment Grant under Subject: Revised Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, Cedar City Shakespeare Avenue Inc. C. (the “Owner”) Arena Rental Application. That, pursuant to Report ED-23-183 dated October 11, 2023, the revised application submitted by Smart Density on behalf of TT7 Inc. Early consultation can result in the identification of matters Subject: Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94, 111 and 117 King Street East and 0 Athol Street East, 2856355 Ontario Inc.
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