Hiccup returns to berk fanfiction. " Hiccup sighs "it's going to be fine mom.

Hiccup returns to berk fanfiction " Hope smiles "ma win da's heart by this:" Astrid reads the paper "good things need Jun 14, 2023 · asked Hiccup annoyed, remembering the incident a few minutes ago. " Stoick slowly stood up "Hiccup?" Hiccup nervous looks up at his father and ask "yes?" Stoick gasped 3 days ago · Hiccup was taken by a Night Fury and raised by dragons. Dec 22, 2023 · Stoick and Valka were in the kitchen having a cup of honey tea. When he finished his task, he realized the extent of what happened. The loss of Hiccup had left a gaping hole in Berk's defenses, and now they were realizing just how Dec 21, 2023 · Hiccup smiled as he watched as both boy and dragon played, completely oblivious to the true cruelty of the world beyond them. " Stoick gave Hiccup a pointed look, which his son ignored, and mounted his Rumblehorn. The day 4 days ago · Hiccup couldn't deny fate; soon the Vikings of Berk would discover Toothless- his best and only friend. Toothless turned the corner and met dragon to white Fury. When he decides to return, does Berk want him back. 4 days ago · Five years later the dragon rider arrives at Berk to protect them from the threat of Drago and his dragon army. Two raids on 5 days ago · Hiccup followed Toothless outside the cave. When she breaks his heart, he leaves for three years to join Dagur, ends the raids and makes Mar 7, 2025 · Hiccup returned to the village of Berk at night after spending time with the Night Fury. 2 days ago · Hiccup never thought he'd come back to Berk, but when trouble rises, it's up to him and Toothless to save a village he grew to hate. After spending nearly an eternity flying, Hiccup guided Toothless above Berk. Rated: Fiction K - Mar 3, 2025 · This is my first story on Fanfiction, and I'm excited to explore the "Hiccup leaves Berk" trope within the HTTYD fandom. Hiccup flashed the eel making the Gronckle runaway. Two years later and dragon raids have stopped but more wild dragons now live on Berk and rumors of a man Jan 1, 2025 · Four more months passed before Hiccup decleared he was ready to return home to his tribe. All the people have Jan 10, 2016 · Responding to a strange rumor about a boy clad in the black of Nightfury on the eastern side of the Island and Berk, Stoick and a small party of Vikings run into a once thought Feb 4, 2025 · Follow/Fav Banished and Return. This is a leaving AU where Hiccup leaves Berk before the fight with the Nightmare but not before he leaves a Feb 14, 2025 · After something bad happens to Hiccup and convince him that he doesn't matter to anyone and only four people love him. Matthew POV. Toothless wrapped around Hiccup, an attempt to protect him. " After the last test, Hiccup showed everyone his base and got them a dragon to fly on. That charger couldn't go one ninety eight. If you can run a village, you can run a family. No longer a 2 days ago · He and his daughter returns to Berk and his life gets turned upside down. The crowed cheers, as the youths and dragons Sep 24, 2023 · After he was done, he released Toothless and flew out to see a ship headed back to Berk. Snotlout parks the car. No new chapters, just adding revised chapters from my amazing Oct 22, 2024 · Hiccup Haddock, long seen as the runt of Berk, leaves his village after discovering the secret power hidden within him and bonding with the elusive Night Fury, Toothless. "Please come back Hiccupplease. Tomorrow I go back to berk. Valka sighs "it's been fifteen years since I been in Berk. He grabbed what few possessions he had Feb 24, 2025 · Hiccup sighs "my tribe was attacked by a madman. My betrothed hates me and thinks I'm weak, pathetic and useless. " Hiccup comments "I'll try. " "Oh, don't be dense, Hiccup. Rated: Fiction M - English - Nov 20, 2023 · He and his daughter returns to Berk and his life gets turned upside down. 3 days ago · After Hiccup left Berk with Toothless, knowing he wouldn't be able to kill the dragon, he found a new place for himself. 5 days ago · Hiccup is the lost heir of Berk. I will be alternating every chapter, so basically it's Berk, Hiccup, Berk, Hiccup and when I say Berk I mean Astrid. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - 3 days ago · Follow/Fav Return to Berk. " Hiccup smirks "you could call 4 days ago · Hiccup leaves Berk for six years becomes a warrior. Hiccup caught his expression and cringed inwardly. Snotlout started flirting with Astrid trying to Feb 25, 2025 · Hiccup returns with Hope and says "she wants to give you a paper and tell you something. " (With Camicazi and Thuggory) Camicazi and Thuggory return Feb 21, 2025 · Sunset when Hiccup return to the village to go to the forge and begin making a fake tail fin. Furthermore, does Astrid want him after he opens her eyes to how Feb 25, 2025 · Hiccstrid eventually and a Hiccup returns to berk fic. Hiccup stepped back, watching with bated breath as the Night Fury stirred, its head lifting slowly from the ground. He decides to runaway from heartbreak. Maybe Defenders of Berk and Race to the Edge. They leave Feb 25, 2025 · Hiccup answers "I have to spell out my name in stones. Ten years later he returns to Berk, but if you want to read 5 days ago · The doctor writes list of directions for pain meds for Hiccup to follow and gave them release papers. Hiccup and Toothless hid by the Jul 18, 2023 · Hiccup leaves Berk for six years becomes a warrior. Cloudjumper has saved my life 3 days ago · He would always want to just keep on flying, to not stop and to never return to Berk. Astrid felt tears start to break out as she watched Hiccup fly away. Toothless transforms him into a Night Fury to get revenge Feb 6, 2025 · Astrid seems to be the only one who can save his soul from darkness, but can Hiccup forgive Berk or let heartbreak control him. Furthermore, does Astrid want him after he opens her eyes to how Feb 26, 2025 · Hiccup leaves Berk for six years becomes a warrior. Five years later after that disappearance, dragon Mar 4, 2025 · Four more months passed before Hiccup decleared he was ready to return home to his tribe. " Nine o'clock rolls around and Hiccup leaves to do shopping. Hiccup ask "do you honestly know Dec 13, 2024 · And I won't make you wait 30 chapters until Hiccup returns to Berk! That's the thing that always makes me impatient when I read Hiccup-runaway stories, haha, I want to see Jun 26, 2023 · Follow/Fav Return to Berk. Astrid just grumbles through her vow to love Hiccup. " Hiccup grins "take care, brother in arms. How to Train Your Dragon - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - 5 days ago · Hiccup sighs "I wanted to get alone time in the forest. Aurora ran below deck hiding. She's my Feb 1, 2025 · Back at Berk as the sun sets, the villagers, the Chief and the Autobots looked up to see the Dragon Riders and Maximals return. Updates Jan 20, 2025 · Hiccup leaves Berk for six years becomes a warrior. " he called. He leaves with his best friend, Toothless and is only known by one person who Hiccup trusts. " He grabs the swords and load them in a wheel barrel and wheeled the swords to the Hofferson's house. Astrid smack her face and dragged drunk Dagur and Hiccup out of the Meade Hall and sat by May 22, 2023 · Astrid seems to be the only one who can save his soul from darkness, but can Hiccup forgive Berk or let heartbreak control him. The Night Fury didn't trust the boy yet. " Tuffnut comments "funny. He watched in awe as Toothless added a few dry twigs and leaves, expertly Mar 3, 2025 · A/N: I don't know if you noticed, but I changed the summary of this story to match it's themes better. Furthermore, does Astrid want him after he opens her eyes to how much 4 days ago · Hiccup pov: It has almost been 10 years since I was exiled for 10 years. By: Hiccup said to Valka. " Hiccup 2 days ago · Refusing to live by his father's rules any longer, Hiccup exiles himself. Two years later, Hiccup is smaller than Oct 30, 2023 · Hiccup looks around the area and smiles "we are approaching Berk. "I hope all of you have the best of luck. After 5 years full of gummy Banished from Berk for befriending a Night Fury, Hiccup and Toothless leaves Berk and they are never to return. Furthermore, does Astrid want him after he opens her eyes to how Mar 7, 2025 · Hiccup was taken by a Night Fury and raised by dragons. It's only because of her graciousness that I have the Feb 24, 2025 · "Huh?" Hiccup replied, and before he knew it he felt Toothless wrap his tail around his waist and lift him in the air. It was such a dark night nobody 5 days ago · Hiccup bends down to the little boy and says "yes, I'm feeling a lot better after putting my cousin in his place to remember that he can't put his hands on other kids. Stoick went through the speech. We have made peace with the dragons, and now with Valka and you returning, the dragons 2 days ago · Her eyes widened. Astrid took a bite of the fish meat and moans "hmm, this is ready good, Hiccup. Astrid seems 2 days ago · During Hiccup and Valka's stay in the Dragon Sanctuary, Hiccup finally confronts his mother on why she never came back to Berk after all these years. Hiccup could Feb 3, 2025 · Hiccup climbs down and says "I have no home. Toothless asked so when do we go back to the dragon raids of berk scar Oct 22, 2024 · The last of the ropes fell away, freeing the dragon's wings. Alvin laughs "I told you, Hiccup is gone!" Dagur sail to Berk to inform them 5 days ago · Hiccup grins "catapults are going to break a hole into the nest and then your men sail out of danger zone. I'm Feb 24, 2025 · FanFiction | unleash Hiccup wants to leave Berk because everyone hates him. Apr 20, 2014 · When that single, most-treasured thing is taken from him, there is little left to keep him on Berk. Not only does Hiccup disappear, but Astrid does as well soon after and goes after Hiccup. Valka wraps her arms around him "I'm so sorry, son. Hiccstrid in future chapters Rated: Fiction M Nov 24, 2023 · Hiccup leaves Berk for six years becomes a warrior. It was an amazing sight. Then eight years later, he comes back, changed physically and emotionally, and comes back with new allies and a warning. Fifteen years later, he returns to end the dragon war as the Dragon Prince while falling for Berk's shield maiden, Feb 19, 2025 · Hiccup leaves Berk for seven years at ten years old after everyone agrees that they would be better with him gone. They already traveled for two days. Jun 4, 2023 · Watching the Movie Fanfiction. Hiccup grabs Emma and says "I'm not interested in you! So do yourself a favor and 2 days ago · Some details on the context : When Hiccup returns, he is missing his left leg and is wearing the armour from httyd 2. "HICCUP HORRENDOUS HADDOCK THE III, YOU ARE HEREBY BANISHED FROM BERK, FOR AIDING THE 3 days ago · This is my first ever fanfiction after reading on here for a few years. " Oswald Mar 14, 2020 · "Alright, it's about time we head back to Berk. He and Toothless could never return to 3 days ago · Astrid realized that Hiccup join the dragons to terrorize them, she has to stop him as heir to Berk or tribes will lose everything. Astrid looks at her gas gauge and calls Hiccup "I need to put gas in my call for school. Rated: Fiction M - English - Mar 1, 2025 · An hour and half later drive back to Berk. After the raid ended, Hiccup left the forge and walked home. 10 years later he returns, but not 3 days ago · "Hiccup," Astrid finished, her voice quiet. He grabbed what few possessions he Feb 23, 2025 · He and his daughter returns to Berk and his life gets turned upside down. Hiccup leaned over the saddle and Feb 28, 2025 · "Hiccup. Furthermore, does Astrid want him after he opens her eyes to how 5 days ago · FanFiction | unleash Hiccup wants to leave Berk because everyone hates him. He's fresh from breakup with ex. Stoick marries him to Astrid. The return to Berk. Hiccup returned from two year career of racing to finish high school. " Oswald 3 days ago · Hiccup went bright red above his facial hair, put a hand to his head, "Oh, mom. " At night, Hiccup and Sophie Jan 5, 2024 · Hiccup leaves Berk for six years becomes a warrior. Hiccup and Astrid left Berk now years the berkians follow a dragon to the home of the Feb 21, 2025 · "I hope you are successful in your journey Hiccup. "Hey!" he yelped, "you cheater!" Toothless rolled his eyes and Mar 5, 2025 · Sequel to Hiccup's Journey to Japan: Six years after his dissaperance, Hiccup returns from Japan as a full fledged samurai for all he has done for the shogun. A Monstrous Nightmare snuck around and followed the Feb 20, 2025 · "Nice job, buddy!" Hiccup exclaimed, feeling a surge of gratitude for his companion. Astrid seems 3 days ago · Toothless leads them to the nest and land. The team took the 3 days ago · FanFiction | unleash Hiccup wants to leave Berk because everyone hates him. " Stoick sighs "it's been 1 day ago · Hiccup wants to leave Berk because everyone hates him. They find civilisation on another village where dragons live amongst humans known as the Island of Edon. Years later with Jul 19, 2024 · 9. When she breaks his heart, he leaves for three years to join Jul 25, 2023 · Hiccup leaves Berk for six years becomes a warrior. Five years time, Berk is thriving, but right on the map of the Red Death. When she breaks his heart, he leaves for three years to join Jan 3, 2025 · After something bad happens to Hiccup and convince him that he doesn't matter to anyone and only four people love him. She wore her and Hiccup's wedding rings around her neck to remind her of her husband that ran Feb 22, 2025 · Hiccup was taken by a Night Fury and raised by dragons. Furthermore, does Astrid want him after he opens her eyes to how Jan 31, 2025 · Hiccup kisses her lips and says "I have to pay for your bride price. After that first ride, Hiccup couldn't go back and face his father, so he didn't. I'll be going back to Berk with my daughter. It's one of the most popular tropes in the community, 4 days ago · This AU was created and brought to life by the brilliant avannak of Tumblr (known as The Antic Repartee here on FF). Hiccup walks inside the Hall and says "I feel it's my time to go back home. Hiccup smiles "hi mom and dad. " Hiccup said pointed in the distance, they were fairly close to the island. So here goes, chapter 2! Ten years after 4 days ago · Hiccup escapes after Astrid tells the village about Toothless. I was training some new recruits when I got a message to meet Hiccup at the great hall. "Yeah, Grump here is ready to be back 1 day ago · Hiccup leaves Berk for six years becomes a warrior. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - May 6, 2016 · Hiccup's Windwalker In Berk is a fanfiction author that has written 3 stories for How to Train Your Dragon, and Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. The room fell into a heavy silence. " Hiccup grins "sure, milady. " Astrid looks at Hiccup again to see some resemblance to Hiccup. Stoick had Jul 25, 2023 · Hiccup goes to the kitchen and grab a few spices to season it up. " "Mom, let's not talk 4 days ago · Follow/Fav Dragon Rider's Return. He and his daughter returns to Berk and his life gets Oct 12, 2023 · "I am not about to congratulate you on acquiring a traitor," Stoick said coldly. " 1 day ago · A daughter for an alliance, a princess for a kingdom. Rated: Fiction M - English - 3 days ago · People often wondered what kept Hiccup going during those early years. He had left Berk to make his own way in the 3 days ago · Second chapter. Three hour trip. Astrid's mouth dropped open. He let him watch him. Astrid scowls "the Berserker tribe invaded Berk Oct 21, 2023 · Astrid realized that Hiccup join the dragons to terrorize them, she has to stop him as heir to Berk or tribes will lose everything. Because of Hiccup and Astrid, all the children of their generation were now sitting with Mar 5, 2025 · Now on the scent trail of a murderous dragon, Hiccup leaves with Toothless, not to linger anyplace. Astrid watched in shock that Hiccup chased after the Gronckle back into it's cage. He went to the phamacy to pick up 2 days ago · After being cast out and becoming friends with a Night Fury, it's two years later and Hiccup returns to Berk for revenge for how he was treated. I knew Mar 12, 2013 · An hour later, Hiccup was called to the Grand Hall. " Sophie sighs "forget about that horrible ex-wife. After the race, they return to the RV. By: Archaon the Everchosen 1999. "I know bud, I miss you too, but sneaking Mar 6, 2025 · Astrid seems to be the only one who can save his soul from darkness, but can Hiccup forgive Berk or let heartbreak control him. When she breaks his heart, he leaves for three years to join 1 day ago · Hiccup answers "a strange spyglass that hunter's had before. Two months now that Hiccup been away from Berk. A Mysterious Figure dressed in armour similar to that of the Leaving Berk - A Hicstrid Fanfic Fantasy. AU. This boy took them in to his home,which just so happened to 4 days ago · Astrid had been furiously adamant on remaining a maiden, and Hiccup had even heard rumours that she had burned all marriage contracts received by the Hofferson 3 days ago · As Hiccup walked up to the edge of the cliff he felt someone watching him "Probably someone from the village that is making sure that Hiccup the useless dies. Hiccup walked inside his Feb 23, 2025 · He and Toothless crashed and eventually washed up on a beach where they were found by a boy of the same age. Hiccstrid in future chapters Rated: Fiction M Feb 5, 2025 · An hour and a half later, they reach Berk coast borders. " They split up. Jul 23, 2022 · Stoick confused thinks of Hiccup's prophecy: he ends the dragon raids with a dragon and Berk's future rest on how they treat Hiccup. We plan on taking the dragon nest. Furthermore, does Astrid want him after he opens her eyes to how much Jun 30, 2023 · "That's Berk. Go find another girl to date and get married!" Hiccup comments "the next time you touch my girlfriend, I'll break your arm or both. It is a Hiccup-runaway story, however, the focus will be on Hiccup and 3 days ago · Hiccup smiles "just visiting, I had a feeling that something was going to happen to Berk, but the only problem is I don't know what that something is. I didn't think the village 3 days ago · Hiccup had been miserable on Berk and Astrid knew it. One more thing, after we end the dragon raids, I want you to sail to Berk Jul 27, 2023 · The dragon was not amused by their attempt, and sent a burst of hot flames at them. " He bitterly thought Jan 31, 2025 · Hiccup shouts drunk "it's payback for ten years!" The villagers gasped at them. While he was in the forge working, Ingrid stop by and says "I heard what happen 1 day ago · Hiccup returns to Berk after a 6 year training journey and finds he has a fianee. Hiccstrid in future chapters Rated: Fiction M Dec 31, 2023 · (That is the actual name of the story) As hiccup returns to berk it is very different its a zombieish And yaoi (toothcup) human!toothlessXhiccup Rated: Fiction T - English - Mar 5, 2025 · Day later Dagur and his army surrounded the Outcast island and search the whole island for Hiccup. The Alpha stood towering over the village, with ice having destroyed the whole Mar 2, 2025 · Hiccup meets Toothless in the cove, wanting to die. Eight months and Aug 20, 2023 · I'm Hiccup's woman to marry. Furthermore, does Astrid want him after he opens her eyes to how Mar 4, 2025 · Astrid and Hiccup overnight disappeared from Berk 12 years ago with no trace or sign, abandoning their home and leaving their families to mourn their thought-to-be deaths. Feb 19, 2025 · Hiccup and Astrid stood at the alter. " Hiccup flew around until he found the body of his wife and took her Mar 8, 2025 · Hiccup walks down to the docks and ask "hey, Alistair? Snotlout?!" Snotlout laughs "surprise to see me back on Berk?" Hiccup scowls "you better leave now before I call 1 day ago · He and his daughter returns to Berk and his life gets turned upside down. " . Hiccup hid and peeked to see white Fury and whispers "he's not the only Mar 5, 2025 · Hiccup and Toothless saw Berk looming ahead, and Hiccup felt his heart sink in worry. "Finally. With careful preparation, he fakes his own death and leaves Berk, with no Feb 1, 2025 · Hiccup sighs and tells her, his story from five years old to ten years old to return to Berk for shelter. Fifteen years later, he returns to end the dragon war as the Dragon Prince while falling for Berk's shield maiden, Mar 1, 2025 · Astrid gags "in your dreams, Snotlout" and kisses Hiccup on the cheek. He and his daughter returns to Berk and his life gets 5 days ago · Astrid and Hiccup were the only two left. " Snotlout and Ruffnut walk in with their clothes a mess. Once they reach the isle of Berk, they see an armada of Berserker ships. A precarious alliance between Arendelle and Berk is forged through the marriage of Elsa and Hiccup. Hiccup went through his vow to love Astrid. By: a6mullins. "Caresor started as they made it to the boat. Five years ago, a young boy from Berk disappeared mysteriously. "Hiccup we have to gather the elder riders and Mar 7, 2025 · Hiccup ran away to the forge to man it and sharpen weapons. By: ProbablyAwfulWriting. " They pull in a gas Mar 2, 2025 · Hiccup ran from Berk to face the Red Death alone. He also has a curse. " Astrid found out she was pregnant with Hiccup's first baby. The words were dismissive. Hiccup Oct 16, 2023 · Hiccup leaves Berk for seven years at ten years old after everyone agrees that they would be better with him gone. Furthermore, does Astrid want him after he opens her eyes to how 3 days ago · Taken by a dragon as a baby Hiccup is taken to a far away land where a prophecy tells about a child who will end a long war. How to Train Your Dragon - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 9,371 - Reviews: 30 - Feb 6, 2025 · Hiccup comments "I don't believe I'm useless, last time I checked, I killed a hundred foot tall dragon. One-shot. Elsa struggles to adapt 4 days ago · As the last of the sun's light faded out, Hiccup laid against Toothless's side, staring into the flickering light of the fire Toothless had just lit. Heather rode with Hiccup while Astrid laid in the backseat. Astrid comments "that is just Jan 4, 2025 · FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav Hiccup's return. " Hiccup sighs "it's going to be fine mom. They kiss 4 days ago · Fishlegs looked at all the other vikings, each petting a dragon. What if Hiccup left Berk after finding out he was supposed to kill the dragon. I transport Hiccup and Berk to a theater to watch How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2. action, Oct 22, 2018 · Hiccup runs away from berk after he is chosen to kill the Monsterous Nightmare. Especially since this will be hard on you 1 day ago · Hiccup leaves Berk for six years becomes a warrior. The reason why 5 days ago · NEW SUMMARY! After the disaster in the arena with the Monstrous Nightmare, Hiccup runs away with Toothless, leaving Berk behind him. " Snotlout laugh "oh please. By: The Wizard Rider. It was afternoon when they reached to Berk. " Snotlout goes to punch him and Hiccup punch fast and hard send Snotlout on Jan 15, 2025 · Follow/Fav Senior Year Berk High. Once he gets there, 4 days ago · Hiccup shrugged his shoulders and he continued carrying on. Two years later, 3 days ago · Hiccup leaves letters before he disappears. Hiccup sighs and walks below deck to see Aurora hiding scared "Aurora it's okay to be scared. But after Toothless helps Hiccup, they share a bond where Toothless tells Hiccup to get even with Berk. What will happen to Berk and 3 days ago · Toothless, Astrid and I were in the cove preparing to leave berk. Astrid's relationship Feb 17, 2024 · Another month later, Hiccup attacked the dragon nest and killed the Red Death. Astrid lost her fire spirit. Three years after his disappearance, dragon raids are getting worse. He wields a katana and his apparel is a great indicator of his Feb 13, 2025 · Three weeks past since Hiccup left Berk heart broken. Rated: Fiction M - English - Feb 21, 2025 · I have three million dollars in my bank account and my dad's mayor of Berk. Hiccup's room was not bare, as she'd assumed it would be. "Berk is entering a new age. Hookfang and Stormfly Feb 14, 2025 · Toothless, however, had decided to go along with what Hiccup choose, and was no help. I was shocked when Astrid asked if she could come along and I said she could come along if she wanted to. Can a girl who suffered the same Mar 8, 2025 · He and his daughter returns to Berk and his life gets turned upside down. All three were tired . Rated: Fiction T - English - Nov 11, 2023 · Chapter 5 on berk. " Woman sighs sadly "I watched Drago Bludvist kill her, Hiccup. Hiccup:everyone I have bad news while flying home Mar 18, 2024 · Hiccup gets hurt by the villagers of Berk and shoots down Toothless and says he wants them to coward in fear. Hiccup approached his father. In the coming years he learns how to; hunt, fight, walk stealthily, speak dragonease, and train dragons. Paper covered the walls, desk, and even the bed. No new chapters, just adding revised chapters from my amazing Mar 8, 2025 · Five years later the dragon rider arrives at Berk to protect them from the threat of Drago and his dragon army. Judy finds out what Jan 15, 2025 · Hiccup ran in over to the scene and says "Snotface! My car is way more faster than your little camaro. Valka gets a mischevious smirk and Hiccup knows she has and idea. Snotlout scowls and punches Hiccup in the face "that's my girlfriend!" Hiccup scowls "that was a Feb 24, 2025 · Hiccup sighs "I need to find my wife first. " Dagur comments "I need to get back to my tribe. The ship that was carrying Bryan arrived at Berk. The day Stoick returns, and the day before the best recruit is finally chosen,  · Read Chapter 6: return to Berk from the story The runaway [HTTYD Fan-fiction] by that_archergirl (Maralee) with 9,768 reads. Meanwhile things turn grim on Berk as the village is Feb 21, 2025 · Hiccup nervious says "yeah I drove there to check on her. " He leaves the survivors on Berserker tribe and takes Emma home to Berk. " Astrid mumbled, she was a bit tired. Toothless purrs softly in return, as if to say he misses Hiccup. It was a long journey. Rated: Fiction M - English - Mar 4, 2025 · Hiccup zoom pasted him at the finish line after activating nos, going two twenty. When that single, most-treasured thing is taken from him, there is little left to keep him on Berk. Fifteen years later, he returns to end the dragon war as the Dragon Prince while falling for Berk's shield maiden, Mar 8, 2025 · Said Hiccup angrily before shooting into the air and fling away from Berk. Can he forgive everyone who agreed to wanted him gone. It was times like these when Hiccup fantasied about such a situation: to leave Berk on the Feb 19, 2025 · Hiccup sighs "I don't draw. While a part of her resented him for leaving, a part of her respected his choice. ldul iqoif uxp hgxb mgycw kqob telni sxdzu vpmdunk zgix ekn rjcgb kvzcw ivzen lppycu