Cw traffic nets. 5: Central States Traffic Net: 13:00: .

Cw traffic nets Mar 15, 2011 · operating on regular CW traffic nets. Listed by Second Region Net 3690 CW 8:00 P. Our CW Nets Manager is Mar 16, 2018 · This summary of basic topics is intended to be a ready reference for the essentials of CW traffic handling taught in the local ARES ® and NTS operating environments. Next comes the call for liaison stations, which are stations that can join other nets and pass traffic between COTN . Structure of NTS. Handling traffic is a time-honored tradition in amateur radio. 52 MHZ (NATIONAL VHF CALLING FREQUENCY) DURING ALL VOICE NETS NATIONAL VHF/UHF CALLING FREQUENCIES 146. 130. Many independent nets are seamlessly integrated with the Mar 24, 2004 · QIN is the Indiana Section CW Traffic Net, a part of the ARRL National Traffic System. Ben Brubeck KZ8Q is the Net Manager. Our Net Control Stations are: 4 days ago · OHIO HF CW TRAFFIC NETS HF CW NETS NET TIMES FREQUENCY NET MANAGERS Buckeye Early 6:45 PM 3. ICN-meets on 3. 585 Daily 745pm; Missouri Emergency Services Net 3. NET "STATS" AND NET MANAGER'S COMMENTS PAGE JULY 2003 : HOME: NEWS: ROSTERS: LINKS: CONTACTS: STATS: NET SCHEDULES: QIN - meets on 3. 573 MHz Chapter 4 discusses how nets are conducted and explains the jargon used to manage the pattern of activity. I operate almost 100 percent CW and have a pretty good feel of CW ops. , 0300Z (10:00 PM ET) Daily. The routine nets operate on daily schedules, and handle traffic that is routine (non-emergency), providing a system for Oct 8, 2020 · The Georgia CW Training Net is a slow net that meets daily to train traffic handlers and to pass traffic as part of the ARRL National Traffic System. In times of emergencies, the NTS system interfaces with ARES ® and other disaster relief organizations to move emergency, priority, and welfare traffic in and out of the affected areas. 5 Khz: Arkansas ARES/RACES Net: Jun 15, 2016 · The first of these traffic nets is the Noon Time Net, but don't let the name fool you, it opens for traffic at 0930* every day. For slow-speed CW operators, there is the West Coast Net (WCN) on 3540 Feb 5, 2009 · Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette Feb 5, 2009 · Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette Oct 4, 2019 · Here is a list of North Texas area traffic nets and when they take place. Be sure also to look at Chapter 7 to learn about points accumulated and how and why to report your station activity. 1. To receive a certificate as a member of a particular net, contact the net Nov 5, 2024 · To save time CW operators make extensive use of a standardized list of "Q" signals and other abbreviations . Ohio slow net. OR. buckeye (late) 3. LEFT CLICK ON THE STRAIGHT KEYS BELOW TO GO TO THE: THE ONLINE NEWSLETTER FOR JUNE / JULY 2003 . The regular CW traffic nets are about 20 wpm on average. 3 days ago · 3. Also Check out W0OOW's selected central state Oct 2, 2015 · The Net is part of the National Traffic System, sponsored by the ARRL (American Radio Relay League). For instance, the Third Region Net 7108 (CW) Texas CW Traffic Net: 22:00: 3541 (CW) Texas CW Traffic Net: Tuesday: 08:30: 7285: Texas Traffic Net: 10:00: 7290: 7290 Traffic Net (Alan N5MSE) 12:30: 7253. 5: Central States Traffic Net: 13:00: Traffic Nets via EchoLink: Repeater Call When Note; Dallas ARC: W5FC: 18:30 C Daily: DFW Metroplex Monitor Only: Irving ARC: WA5CKF: 21: Jan 30, 2001 · This page is dedicated to Morse Code, cw, Tennesse and the National Traffic System, nts. Those listed as CW nets obviously use CW (Morse Code) and the SATERN PSK31 Net uses the digital mode PSK31. This is N1TF Good Evening I have no traffic. 873 : Texas and out-of-state traffic liaisons to other nets : 18:30 : Oklahoma Net (CW) 3. 920 MHz Mar 14, 2021 · You’ve asked for it and now we are reviving a slow speed CW traffic net. 555. CW Operating Texas CW Traffic Net - 7 and 10 p. Sep 17, 2024 · The network consists of the layering and sequencing of both voice and CW traffic nets, as well as a digital system that operates 24/7. 571 MHz Carolinas Late CW Net - Nightly at 10:00 PM on 3. 555 MHz simplex. NC Morning Phone Net - Daily at 7:45 AM on 3. Intuitive operating Oct 13, 2003 · CW nets are lots of fun and they often handle the same amount of traffic as a voice net in about 1/3 the time. 585 Mhz with sessions at 7:00 p. -B NTS MPG-SENDING ON CW P 3-5 Most traffic handlers on the CW nets use full break-in. 0 kHz: LSB: AZ Section Traffic Net (see web site) web site: 3923. The Feb 2, 2025 · We offer a number of regional nets (QRS=slow speed, QRQ=higher speed) designed to help operators improve their CW and operating skills. Ik zou wel geregeld aan zo'n CW-net willen meedoen, maar tijden en frequenties van de Amerikaanse netten zijn niet handig voor Europeanen. com Jan 11, 2010 · own communities and local nets. Also Check out W0OOW's selected central state nets page; Local Repeaters. Many traffic nets are affiliated with NTS, while others are independent. Jul 9, 2014 · SNJ Local Nets Jersey Shore ARS Traffic Net, 7:30 pm daily, 146. Providing Basic, Advanced, NCS, Laison and Instructor training. 940: GEORGIA HF NETS : TIME: NET ABBREVIATION AND NAME: FREQ: 1845 Sunday Aug 17, 2024 · Local/Regional Nets. Manager: W5DY Independent Nov 22, 2011 · The QN signals listed above are special ARRL signals for use in amateur cw nets only. ALL STATIONS ARE ENCOURAGED TO MONITOR 146. He is welcoming all comers. Participation will help you to sharpen your radio skills by engaging in a controlled communication environment. Abbreviations, Prosigns, Prowords. If called upon, these operators Jul 6, 2011 · FLORIDA HF NETS : TIME: FREQ: NET ABBREVIATION AND NAME: 0630: 3. Traffic Net Type Key . The experience I gained in Buzz Tarlow’s CWA class significantly improved and refined my CW style and efficiency, as well as exposing me to a new world of friends. So, that is one definition of slow CW. Missouri Traffic Net 3. Countries Accepting 3rd Pty Trfc. 580 MHz N2LC Buckeye Late 10:00 PM 3. It nicely summarizes CW net procedures for the beginner. CW: Daily: 08:00: 13:00: 12:00: Indiana Digital Traffic Net (IDTN) 3. Mar 4, 2000 · KENTUCKY CW NETS. 470 MHz, PL 127. Georgia CW Training Net. CHAPTER 21. 573 MHz Carolinas Slow CW Net - Nightly at 8:00 PM on 3. I cannot adequately express the pleasure and Sep 23, 2003 · THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE INDIANA CW TRAFFIC NETS. QIN NCS Schedule: DAY: QIN/E (early) QFN CW Traffic Net The QFN CW Traffic Net meets daily on 3. 940: N. - Fourth Region Net Cycle 2 Early (4RN) 7243 kHz daily 2:30 p. He has been an NCS for many different nets, including Statewide ARES HF nets, W4SNN and the WWD net, as well as EMCOM nets on VHF and HF. On the first Thursday of the month, the SVTN meets only under emergency conditions. "Traffic" refers to messages or radiotelegrams and "handling" means generating, relaying, and delivering these messages. In Oklahoma, there are two NTS traffic nets and a training net. ossbn. 300+ (pl 146. 910: LSB: Daily: 18:00: 23:00: 22:00: Indiana Section CW Net (QIN) Evening: 3. Pick up a copy of "The ARRL Operating Manual, 7th Edition" and read chapter seven "Traffic Handling". 610 @ 6:30 pm - moves traffic while training CW operators in traffic handling. . Traffic Net Schedule (South-Central US) Other Resources. Nightly on 3549 kHz at 9 pm Eastern. 270 t131. South Jersey Traffic Net, 8:00 pm, daily, 147. 9725 9pm central time. Wisconsin Section Nets are part of the National Traffic System and the Wisconsin Nets Association, Ltd. 061: 1900 (SUN) Sailfish Net - West Palm Beach: 28. See the ARRL Public Service Apr 30, 2004 · the indiana cw traffic net : home. QN signals need not be followed by a question mark, Dec 26, 2003 · WEST VIRGINIA ARRL SECTION LEADERSHIP AND TRAFFIC NETS. MON-CW Net meets daily on 3. 00 . Effective December 22, 2017 the Seminole VHF Traffic Net meets daily at 7:15 p. Mockingbird Net: Mon-Fri 4:30 p. Nets are generally open to all radio amateurs. It is called MARISN or Massachusetts Rhode Island Slow Net and it will be meeting four evenings a week on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday at 8:30 PM local time on 3598 KHz. 573: As Needed: TBD: CW: Louisiana ARES Digital Net: 3. I strive to keep this list updated. 590 MHz Daily 2200. Search for a Net Sep 15, 2010 · WCN's slow speed operation provides a training ground and a bridge to operating on regular CW traffic nets. 5 Khz. BRTN Burning River Traffic Net Jan 16, 2004 · THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE INDIANA CW TRAFFIC NETS. A variety of communications modes are used. 105 MHz (Secondary) 7117KHz for the summer at 7:00 p. The manual paths again converge, presenting both CW and voice traffic net operating guidelines, for both the participating station and the net control, in Chapter 4. This is the best method of learning CW and increasing CW speed. 567 MHz Net Manager Randy Goff – KD8G: 8th CW traffic nets have been around for a long time. Wie weet of er ook Europese CW-netten bestaan? 73, The Pennsylvania Traffic Net (PTN) is the EPA Section CW net, but serves both the Eastern Pennsylvania and Western Pennsylvania Sections. (Continuous Wave = Morse Code)Many CW Net participants are also WRCC members but any properly licensed amateur is welcome - no application, no dues, just QNI and you are a "member" in good standing. Apr 4, 2024 · The Empire Slow Speed Net (ESS) is a CW traffic and training net meeting daily at 6 pm Eastern time (standard or DST, whichever is in effect) on 3566 kHz. 656 Mhz. Stations operating in the NTS have Jul 13, 2020 · Less bandwidth is required for CW transmissions, therefore permitting a larger number of stations to exchange traffic off-frequency with little or no interference from other Mar 7, 2025 · Routing Traffic . Not being that familiar with the protocol, and not having any traffic to pass, I did not check in to this net. Nov 30, 2021 · Fred,WA1MXT, writes on Facebook’s The New England Traffic Handlers group: VERMONT NEW HAPMSHIRE (VTNH) CW Traffic Nets meets every night at 7pm local time on 80 meters 3. de eu 19:30 z m 3. 9725 MHz Daily 1030, 1615, 1845. The Oklahoma Phone Emergency Net (OPEN) meets at 8 AM (CT ARRL "QN" CW Traffic Net Signals. I will continue to monitor it from time to time, though Jan 29, 2025 · CW traffic nets featured in podcast. Northwestern PA 2-meter Traffic Net - 145. Feb 26, 2018 · VHF NETS: SW GA ARES Net: 146. news. 5 kHz: LSB: Wyoming Cowboy Net: 6:45pm MT I’m a recent graduate of the CW Academy Advanced class. This nationwide system operates 365 days a year, generally relaying routine message traffic for training purposes and for maintaining readiness if called upon in an emergency. *** Alternate Frequency is 3593 KHz on Contest Weekends *** Apr 19, 2003 · list of cw traffic nets provided by woody, wd9f. org NTS traffic flow Area Nets Region Nets Section/Local traffic nets are there to help you learn and build your skills If there is a disaster and traffic nets are moving emergency or priority traffic, it Jun 24, 2017 · This is a list of traffic nets serving the DFW area and surrounding regions. 567 MHz Net Manager Randy Goff – KD8G: West Virginia CW Net - Late 2200 ET Daily 3. Big Apple Traffic Net 146. Our EPA National Traffic System (NTS) nets are: The Dave Heller K3TX Memorial Pennsylvania Traffic Net Formerly the Pennsylvania Traffic Net (PTN) 3585 kHz (CW) 7:00 PM Local Time Daily. 576CW 1. All times listed are local (Eastern). 651/7. CHAPTER 4, NETS: Managing the voice and CW transmission of messages beyond the two station exchange is handled on nets. 923 MHz Carolinas Early CW Net - Nightly at 7:00 PM on 3. The SEVENTH REGION nets meet daily to exchange traffic among the states of Alberta, Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Look at a recent ARRL Net Directory for more information on CW nets in your area. Clara was from Buffalo, New York. Alternate frequencies 7060 kHz summer, 1807 kHz winter. Just google them. 927 MHz NC Evening Phone Net - Nightly at 6:30 PM on 3. com oc 06:00 z w 14. is intended to be a complete and accurate list of amateur radio traffic nets for 3. Since CW was around a couple decades before phone, CW traffic handling dates to the very beginning of radio. 552 : Texas & out-of-state traffic. Statewide Nets. Late session. When leaving local areas it is then passed onto New York State nets, Region nets and Area nets to reach its destination. Handling traffic Feb 5, 2009 · The section nets (statewide -- the best ones for most folks to check into) usually meet at 7 pm and 10 pm local time (traffic nets meet at the same local time all year). Takes traffic for WPAPTN. Slide 8 ARRL North Texas Section | www. 540. There are many other nets that operate at slower speeds plus many resources for CW Training applications. k9pui: k9pui: wed. This table. When: 10:00 pm daily Frequency: 3. NET NAME FREQUENCY MODE TIME NET MANAGER; RN7 2: CW: 20:30 MST: K0TER: TWN 4: 3570/7063 KHz: CW: 23:30 MST: K0TER: Times are Mountain time. 235 MHz or 3. 2 Hz. REGION NETS cover larger areas often a call area. All welcome! Jan 5, 2025 · What is the National Traffic System? The National Traffic System (NTS) consists of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) affiliated and independent amateur radio networks (“nets”) which pass non-commercial messages on behalf of third parties as a public service. Mar 14, 2021 · It is called MARISN or Massachusetts Rhode Island Slow Net and it will be meeting four evenings a week on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday at 8:30 PM local time on 3598 kHz. That means that after the traffic is Jan 31, 2025 · HF Traffic Nets The CTN maintains regular liaison with various HF Nets. Freq Mode Name Time (mountain) More Info; 3985. OH HF Emergency Preparedness Net (Ohio EOC) 3. NET CALL-UP PROCEDURE FOR MARI. arrlntx. Mon-Sun 7:00 p. Net members also check into other cw and voice nets, to coordinate traffic between the WSN, voice nets, RN7 (Seventh Region Net), and PAN (Pacific Area Net). Providing Basic, Advanced, Voice and CW nets must be run with methods and protocols to operate effectively and uniformly so that message traffic may be exchanged with efficiency. 5. If called upon, these operators Aug 26, 2012 · DFW area traffic, and any other traffic – liaisons to other nets : 18:30 Texas Traffic Net (TTN) — phone : 3. 292 MHz SSB ALL STATIONS ARE ENCOURAGED TO MONITOR 146. OSSBN. kb9tui: ko9d: tue. buckeyenetweb. About. Example: MARI QNC QNW Sep 22, 2013 · Participate regularly in NTS traffic nets. Don ZL3DMC spotted a recent episode of the dit-dit audio podcast which featured Carl W8WZ talking about CW traffic nets in the United States. Eastern Area Net (EAN) daily 8:30 pm 3577 khz CW ( alternate 1812 khz) Second Region Net (2RN) daily 9:30 pm 3576 khz. You're Guest since 12/28/99. In spite of today’s digital technologies, CW traffic nets continue to be a highly survivable, efficient, and reliable part of the National Traffic System. Fast Speed Nets: Slow Speed Nets: Lightning Facts: Ham Radio Links: Repeater Database: W1AW Schedule: US Amateur Freq: CW traffic nets have been around for a long time. Traffic Handling: Frequencies: 3576: Days (local): EST based: Time (local): 7:00:00 PM UTC Times are Based on Winter Months: Days (UTC): Dy: Time (UTC): 2300: Net Manager: WI2G : Comments: Net speed ~ 10 wpm; training for CW traffic nets. Daily @ 22:00 ET. HOME: NEWS: ROSTERS: LINKS: CONTACTS: STATS: For the latest Net Stats and net managers comments please go to the STATS page. 00 PM: Americus 2 Meter Net : 147. TSN Corner - July 2013 . I have been an amateur for 56 years, operating CW traffic nets along the way. 3940 Khz) Mon-Sun 1745 Hr Tropical Florida Amateur Sideband Traffic Net - 3940 Khz Mon-Sun 1830 Hr Florida Medium Speed CW Traffic Net - 7113 Khz (Alt. 043 CW: Idaho Montana Net, "IMN" (Traffic Net) Mon-Fri: 10:45AM MST 10:45AM MDT: 3. 235: Seventh Region Net, "DRN7" (Traffic Net) Saturday: 8:30AM MST 8:30AM MDT: 3. That is, the individual letters should be sent at a higher speed but spaced out so overall the words and sentences are actually sent at a lower speed. Spectrum efficient – allows multiple simultaneous traffic exchanges on adjacent frequencies. 0: 7:45 PM & 9:30 PM: 10th Region Traffic Net (CW) (TEN) 7. 592 eu digi traffic net europe alt. West Virginia Midday Net 1545 UTC Daily 7. Oct 8, 2020 · The Georgia CW Training Net is a slow net that meets daily to train traffic handlers and to pass traffic as part of the ARRL National Traffic System. 0 kHz; Daily; 6:45pm ET • Buckeye Net (CW Late) - 3590. The net meets daily at 00:00 UTC and 14:30 UTC on a frequency of 3. 53535 MHz OHIO VHF TRAFFIC NETS. Feb 2, 2025 · It is suggested that as much as possible, the nets should be run using the Farnsworth method of sending Morse Code. The traffic nets meet on 80 meters between 3625 and 3725 kHz. 13 @ 9:00 pm (M - Sa) - Receives traffic from the WPAPTN and passes to local hams for delivery. 1987: A look at 3rd party traffic and North Mar 10, 2003 · Takes traffic for WPAPTN. clapp@att. 590 MHz WB9LBI Ohio Slow Net 6:00pm 3. 3552 Khz) Mon-Sun 1900 Hr Mar 1, 2017 · It is a dual purpose net, teaching traffic handling skills and available for those who are not up to the CW speeds for a regular net. Traffic from Oklahoma enters through the system as shown above to travel through the digital and analog systems. 541 MHz (alternate 1. All licensed amateurs are welcome to participate in the nets. Use "Summer" value if you are in daylight time. Nemoarc W0CBL 145. 541 MHz (CW) - alternate 1. NEWS PAGE . 8: Tuesday night at 9:00 PM: All Florida CW Traffic Net (Late) 3. “QSK” is sent before “NR” when beginning to send the message to alert the receiving operator of the capability. These nets normally operate in the HF range (often both SSB and CW) and are a bit more disciplined than the local nets. Operating Modes: Morse Code: Morse Operating Guides. Texas traffic nets; × Close Search Search Cancel Pages Alaska traffic nets Colorado Traffic Net Field Day traffic destinations Home New Jersey Traffic Nets Ohio Traffic Nets Texas CW Net: Daily: 19:00: 3. TSN Corner. 0 kHz; Daily; 10:00pm ET • Ohio Slow CW Net - 3535. 552 : Texas and out-of-state traffic liaisons to other nets : 19:00 Texas CW Net (TEX) 3. N: KT2D: Columbia County Emergency Services Jul 17, 2022 · Most of these nets are affiliated with the National Traffic System (NTS) and will thus require messages to be in proper ARRL RadioGram format. This page last revised: 12/26/03 10:04:54 PM. de Feb 5, 2009 · Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette Mar 14, 2006 · ARKANSAS TRAFFIC NETS . When daylight savings time is in effect Arizona does Mar 4, 2025 · The ARRL Indiana Section operates the Traffic Nets listed in the table below. - Virginia Traffic Net (VTN) 7260 kHz daily 1:45 p. Georgia State Net. Say it with words. These nets provide organized channels for passing messages. Handling traffic NTS traffic nets operate in four cycles. He has been a successful teacher of CW and has been active on our various traffic nets Jan 30, 2001 · This page is dedicated to Morse Code, cw, Tennesse and the National Traffic System, nts. Nightly on 3549 kHz at 7 pm and 10 pm Eastern. They too have stations assigned to bring traffic in and out of the net up to the next level of operation. OZK CW. Apr 9, 2013 · section nets (statewide -- the best ones for most folks to check into) usually meet at 7 pm and 10 pm local time (traffic nets meet at the same local time all year). Mode: CW. The two station CW exchange is presented in this chapter. NM Kent Trimble, K9ZTV 3 days ago · Nets can be formal, with agendas and specific procedures to be followed (traffic nets and public service nets for example), or they can be informal like many local area nets where hams just get together to talk - frequently called Rag ChewNets. PA Phone Net - 3. 150 and 145. The net meets daily on 3585 KHz at 7:00 PM Eastern Time for slow speed training, and at 10:00 PM Eastern Time for more skilled operators. (Summer 7 pm EDST, Winter 6 pm EST) Georgia Traffic and Emergency Net (Our sister net) Nightly on 3982. 112 +/-Wednesday evenings 8:00 PM Iowa Time: 4SQRP The SVTN is an official net of the ARRL National Traffic System and maintains liaison with other recognized traffic nets. During non-emergency times, the Feb 5, 2009 · Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette Oct 6, 2023 · The network consists of the layering and sequencing of both voice and CW traffic nets, as well as a digital system that operates 24/7. Translation: SKYWARN Nets to Activate for Jan 19 – 20 Storm; Algonquin ARC Flea Market, Marlborough, February 15, 2025 Apr 29, 2020 · Information about traffic nets is now available at Traffic Nets - ARRL National Traffic System in North Texas (arrlnts. Georgia If nets fail to perform their functions or perform functions intended for other nets, the overall system may be adversely affected. 52 MHZ (NATIONAL VHF CALLING FREQUENCY) DURING ALL VOICE NETS . How to handle a “book” of messages. By AK9R, 4 October, 2023 Net Name Frequency (MHz) Mode Schedule Local Time (EST or EDT) UTC Time (EST) UTC Time (EDT) Indiana Traffic Net (ITN) Evening: 3. 825 CW Alt. This nationwide system operates 365 days a year, generally relaying routine Sep 21, 2003 · If you have never checked into a CW traffic net before, just listen to a few PTTN sessions to familiarize yourself with basic procedures, then give it a try. Of course, the best practice is being on the air. Buckeye (early) 3. 935: Montana QCWA Net: Daily: 7:00PM MST 8:00PM MDT: 3. National Traffic System (NTS) N Weather W Independent I Maritime Independent M . Each section will Feb 12, 2025 · Regional Nets. Jan 16, 2024 · Why participate in CW Nets? More efficient than voice methods. North Carolina Traffic Nets Part of the ARRL National Traffic System. Carolinas Feb 15, 2014 · Seminole VHF Traffic Net. NATIONAL VHF/UHF CALLING Nets Georgia Single Sideband Association Net. CW traffic nets have been around for a long time. Check into nets. Apr 12, 2023 · North Carolina National Traffic System (NTS) Nets North Carolina Morning Net (NCMN) Purpose: Traffic handling in and around North Carolina Mode: CW 20 to 22 WPM Frequency: 3573 kHz in winter and 7114 kHz in summer Time: 1900 ET Daily Net Manager: JOHN O CLAPP, AA4MP 801 VALERIE DR RALEIGH, NC 27606 USA john. To get involved with these analog nets, you’ll need to set up an efficient NVIS antenna to hear the stations in the state and to be heard you should plan on running at least an 800-watt station. 130- Mar 11, 2014 · HF TRAFFIC NETS Local Time 0655 Hr Florida Phone Traffic Net - 3940 Khz Mon-Sun 0900 Hr ARES Net - 3950 Khz Mon-Sat 1200 Hr Florida Mid Day Traffic Net - 7242 Khz (Alt. 705 Mhz at 2315 UTC daily . 910 MHz, PL 127. 820: Sunday 4:00PM Local: Albany 2 Meter Net : 146. rosters. 841 MHz when conditions warrant) Mode: Traffic Net: A formal traffic net (National Traffic System/NTS or Radio Relay International/RRI) handles sending and receiving formal messages into and out of an area. 567 MHz at 10:00 PM Local Net Manager, Tom, N8NMA: WV DIGITAL AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY NETWORK Mar 23, 2024 · These nets operate at the local, section, region, and area levels, 365 days per year. 717: Waterway CW Net: 0655: 3. 3987. Voice and CW Traffic Nets: NTS consists of both voice (phone) and CW (Morse code) traffic nets. 53535 MHz N2LC All CW net frequencies plus or minus QRM OHIO LOCAL VHF TRAFFIC NETS VHF NETS NET TIMES FREQUENCY NET MANAGERS Apr 6, 2022 · New Jersey Traffic Nets; × Close Search Search Cancel Pages Alaska traffic nets Colorado Traffic Net Field Day traffic destinations Home New Jersey Traffic Nets Ohio Traffic Nets Texas traffic nets New Jersey CW Net ("NJN") Daily @ 19:00 ET. 430/R Phone 8:30 P. 576 (winter Fifth Region Cycle 4 (CW) NTS Region Jim Leist, KB5W: 07:45 PM: 3552 kHz: Daily: Texas Slow CW Net Texas Slow net: Ind. de Mar 2, 2025 · ARRL National Traffic System (NTS) Manual. It's mission is the handling of formal and informal amateur radio traffic in conjunction with the NTS. Don’t be West Virginia Traffic Nets. 520 NATIONAL CALLING 446. The net handles formal written traffic within, in, and out of the state. She was licensed in 1933 and soon after became interested and active in traffic handling. 5 kHz: LSB: CW: TWN CW Net: daily 8:30pm : 3923. N . 3 PROSIGNS, OPERATIONAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Jul 21, 2022 · •Morse code (CW) •Digital Traffic Network (DTN) Example of how a message is relayed. 576 (winter Mar 25, 2022 · The National Traffic System (NTS) is a system organized by ARRL to move messages in radiogram format across the United States and Canada. Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette. You’ll find a lot of help available. They meet on the frequency of 7268. links. 572 CW 7. A list which includes special QN* signals used only on CW Nets is shown at the bottom of the section above Apr 19, 2003 · The Kentucky CW Nets: Message handling by Amateur Radio is the oldest activity in the hobby. net. and 9:45 p. on 147. 590 MHz WB9LBI Ohio Slow Net 6:00 PM 3. I think it is worth listening to, including the closing comments by host Bruce Pea N9WKE. Arkansas ARES/RACES Net Sun 7:00 AM: 3987. Horndean and District Amateur Radio Club Net 160m CW Feb 5, 2009 · The section nets (statewide -- the best ones for most folks to check into) usually meet at 7 pm and 10 pm local time (traffic nets meet at the same local time all year). 048 (pactor 1 & 2) dl4fn dl4fn @ t-online. (9th region nets) and can (central area net) 9rn/e meets at 0045z instead of 0145z on 3640 khz. BUT - I also enjoy digital modes & SSB, computers, kit building Feb 15, 2010 · W3YVQ. Scott McMullen, W5ESE: 08:30 PM: 3552 kHz W 7052 kHz S: Daily: Central Area Net Cycle 4 (CW) NTS Area Jack Bryant, W5TFB: 09:30 PM: 3567 kHz: Daily: Fifth Region Cycle 4 (CW) NTS Region Jim Leist, KB5W: 10:00 PM: 3552 kHz Feb 5, 2009 · Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette Feb 26, 2018 · VHF NETS: SW GA ARES Net: 146. How do I get involved? The easiest way to involved in the National Traffic Systems is to get on the air and participate in a net. The National Traffic System is a network of trained operators who serve the public by handling third party messages in normal times so that they may prepared to do so efficiently in times of emergencies and disasters. 01 5/02 PSCM APP. 958 @ 5:30 pm Dec 7, 2023 · Traffic is gathered and delivered on local nets ( VHF ). Mon-Sun 6:30 p. 925 or 7. 3. They operate every day, 365 days a year by dedicated amateur radio volunteers. 598 Thursday at 10 am. Nov 22, 2022 · Appendix D – ENY Section Traffic Nets . Missouri FSQ Call Net 3. 0 kHz: LSB: ISBN: 0100Z : 3986. There are two general types of traffic nets: routine and emergency. 148: 7:00 AM Central Time: QBN: 7. Updated March 3, 2000. The Midday and Fone Nets are traffic and training nets. KYN 3599 KHZ. 592 eu cw traffic net europe dl4fn dl4fn @ t-online. TSN Corner - June 2013 . BEING A NET CONTROL STATION (NCS) CONCLUSION. All of these nets meet daily for the purpose of handling traffic. 2)(Bluemont Repeater) - Winchester and surrounding area - Oct 13, 2005 · 1:00 p. Florida Phone Traffic Net: 0700: All Florida CW Traffic Net (Early) 3. Below is an edited version of the podcast. Early session. 596: As Needed: TBD: USB MT63-1KL +1500: Louisiana Dec 1, 2014 · Slow Speed CW Traffic Nets. 820: Monday night at 9. INDEPENDENT NETS: PA Traffic Training Net - 3. 3592 Khz. Second Region Net 3690 CW Oct 13, 2003 · Quick Site Index: How to Become a Ham, Elmer Hall of Fame, QSL Cards, CW Traffic Nets, Lots of Links. 3928 Khz. An Independent Net not affiliated with the ARRL Meets Nightly, except Saturdays, 313 Days a Year at 1900 Central Time on 3541 Khz and 2200 Central Time on 3541 KHz. Do not use QN signals on phone nets. They are not for use in casual amateur conversation. 963 Daily 545pm; Missouri CW Traffic Net 3. 750. Please contact us with corrections and additions. Type Abbr. Jan 5, 2025 · This table is intended to be a complete and accurate list of amateur radio traffic nets for which any part of the coverage area overlaps the Eastern New York (ENY) section of the ARRL. 5 kHz at 7:15 PM Eastern. When: 6:30 pm Mode: CW. CW operators using simple equipment and compromise antennas Dec 10, 2017 · TEX Amateur Radio Traffic Network TEX, The Texas CW Net. 1 Section Nets The random call-up method should be used in most cases. 963 Sunday after the Traffic Net. As your speed increases, try the Texas CW Traffic Net. On the first Monday of each month, the SVTN meets on 147. CW NETS AND TRAFFIC HANDLING. 940: GEORGIA HF NETS : TIME: NET ABBREVIATION AND NAME: FREQ: 1845 Sunday Texas Traffic Net Control Schedule - Central Time Net Manager: Craig WB5KUO Net Control Stations please publish your daily net reports on FaceBook or the SMS group. He has been a successful teacher of CW and has been active on our various traffic nets. stats : march 2004 stats and net manager comments : qin ncs schedule: day: 9:30 am: 7 pm: mon. 575 CW 1. Oct 10, 2024 · radio-relay international affiliated & non-affiliated traffic nets revised oct. 535: CW: Daily: 20:00: 01:00: 00:00: Indiana Digital Traffic Net (IDTN) 3. 656 Mhz at 0000 UTC and 1430 UTC daily. m. Net name notwithstanding, all stations regardless of location are warmly invited to check in; we have had checkins from Florida to Nova Scotia and as far west as Wyoming. Rob, K2MZ, has offered to organize and manage this net. Each cycle is timed to maximize the efficient transfer of traffic from one level to the next. Arkansas Phone Net: Mon-Sat 6:00 a. Visit this link Rate this link Report this link Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. com. WEST VIRGINIA ARRL SECTION LEADERSHIP. Ham Radio - Something for Everyone - Try it All! Amateur Radio is so broad and so varied that you just can't get bored. Feb 5, 2009 · The section nets (statewide -- the best ones for most folks to check into) usually meet at 7 pm and 10 pm local time (traffic nets meet at the same local time all year). TSN Corner - August 2013 . Eastern time. Most slower CW is around 15 wpm on average. I happen to be a CW freak (CW="continuous wave"=Morse Code). 73, George Miller All nets follow the general precepts of net operation outlined in the ARRL Operating Manual. 841 MHz when conditions warrant) Mar 17, 2005 · MON - CW Sessions 26 QNI 51 QTC 40 NM K9ZTV - (January) MO Phone Sessions 28 QNI 523 QTC 51 NM KØDAT - Traffic Handling and other Homeland Security issues Amateur Radio operators are urged to participate on Traffic Nets. 1, 2024 area/rgn state time tz days freq net coverage notes mgr mgr email eu z eu cw traffic net europe time & freq by arrangement dl4fn dl4fn @ yahoo. Traffic Nets Serving Ohio • Buckeye Net (CW Early) - 3580. Nemoarc Net Tuesday Evening at 800pm on the repeater at 145. org. with an alternate of 7283. can meets at 0130z instead of 0230z on 3670 Oct 4, 2023 · Indiana Traffic Nets. WV ARRL Section Manager: Hal Turley, KC8FS (Late CW) - 3. QST QST QST KYN KYN KYN DE W4NCS KY CW TRAFFIC NET OF ARRL NTS QND (Meaning net is a directed net) QNZ (Meaning zero beat NCS frequency) QNN TOM IN LVL Ham Radio nets using CW mode. 963 Sunday after the Traffic Net; Breakfast Club Net 3. 425: 1900 (MON) Manatee County ARES Net Jul 20, 2021 · radio-relay international affiliated & non-affiliated traffic nets revised june 25, 2020 area/rgn state time tz days freq net coverage notes mgr mgr email eu 19:00 z daily 3. In Oklahoma, NTS efforts are channeled in three Sep 9, 2004 · We need members of your local net to check in to the Fone Net, the Midday Net, or the CW Nets to pick up traffic for your area and take it to your local net. KSN - Kentucky Slow Speed Net 3721 Khz. 580 MHz Daily 1845. DEDICATION. It is a training net dedicated to learning and practicing message handling and formal net procedures in a non-threatening, positive environment where more experienced operators are able to help those who are learning. 973 4-8am central time; Country cousins 3. Razorback Net. org). 937: Farm Net, "Friendly Amateur Radio Missions"(Traffic Net) Other Nets : Sat & Sun: 1:00PM - 4:00PM MST Feb 5, 2009 · Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette Jun 4, 2024 · The CW Net is an informal group of amateur radio operators interested in cruising and using CW. 3, WA2NDA mgr. CW Traffic Nets. Dec 1, 2017 · NE CW (NCW) 3. wordpress. 038: 7:00 PM Central Time: Sideswiper net: QRP Nets: Iowa QRP Club: 7. 292 MHz SSB . 585: Various HF CW NETS Net Times Frequency Net Manager Buckeye Early 6:45pm 3. 841 MHz when conditions warrant) Mode: CW. If station checking in has traffic send DE N1TF QTC WORCESTER 1 FALL RIVER 1 THRU 2 AR. About TN: Mon - Sat: 8pm EST: 3635 kHz: Net Reps: About TSN: Mon - Sat: 7:30pm EST: 3682 kHz: Rosters: Tennessee CW Net Manager 1999,2000,2001 Page Design by Browse all Amateur Radio Nets, including DMR, D-STAR, HF, SSB, nets on repeaters, ane more. Aug 10, 2023 · Kansas CW Traffic Net: MON: 19:32: 3547 KHz: Kansas Slow Speed CW Net: 1st 3rd THUR: 7:00 PM: 3940 KHz: Kansas Emergency Net: TUE: 8:30 PM: 3820 KHz: W MO/KS SATERN PHONE NET (LSB) portion of the frequency. has been around amateur radio his Jan 20, 2023 · VHF/UHF Nets When listing, in addition to the frequencies/PL, etc, please provide coverage area, days, times, general description. International CW Council. The purpose of this net is to handle formal written traffic Jan 30, 2005 · Well, one resource is the KI8DU CW Nets page. Days: 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday; Times are UTC. Amateur radio operators participate in scheduled nets, ensuring efficient message flow. 0: 7 PM (M-F) NE CW Western: 3. 3, KB2RTZ mgr. 930 Daily 545pm; Missouri CW Traffic Net 3. You are encouraged to participate in as many of the Nets as you can. New York State CW Net Early Cycle 4: NYS/E: 7:00PM: 3. About TN: Mon - Sat: 8pm EST: 3635 kHz: Net Reps: About TSN: Mon - Sat: 7:30pm EST: 3682 kHz: Rosters: Tennessee CW Net Manager 1999,2000,2001 Page Design by NTS Phone / CW Nets. Training nets may meet 30 minutes to 1 hour before the regular nets. Nightly on 3975 kHz at 2300 UTC. May 2, 2014 · Slow Speed CW Traffic Nets. Traffic and radiograms may be new and different to you, but they are not that difficult. In spite of today’s digital The Pennsylvania Traffic Net (PTN) is the EPA Section CW net, but serves both the Eastern Pennsylvania and Western Pennsylvania Sections. 5 kHz. This is a formal, traffic-handling net. Nets may sometimes find it necessary to adopt temporary measures to ensure the movement of traffic, and this is considered improper operation only when no attempt is made to return to the normal schedule. ALASKA-PACIFIC Emergency Preparedness Net 1630Z 14. return to ky cw nets page. Take part in contests and operating events using CW. Use "Winter" value if you are in standard time. 000 NATIONAL CALLING In de VS zijn traffic nets populair, zowel in CW als in spraak. daily 3541/7043 KHz. The NTS is a traffic system established by the ARRL. The clearing of traffic should commence as soon as stations reporting in the net have traffic for each other, rather than waiting until all stations have reported in. 0: 8:00 PM Central time: Ninth Region Traffic Net (CW) (9RN) 3. These forms have a preamble (header) which contains important preliminary information that can be used for tracking and sending. CW and other digital modes are most often used for “long NET: FREQ: DAY: TIME (Local) MODE: Louisiana CW Net: 3. Other meanings that may be used in other services do not apply. 35 kHz; Daily; 6pm ET Oct 4, 2023 · Indiana Traffic Nets. It seems reasonably up-to-date, although a few of the links to net webpages were broken. The graphic shown above documents the NTS phone/CW traffic nets. It is a useful handout or web review to use as a follow Ham Radio nets using CW mode. It wasn’t long before she was well known in traffic Sep 17, 2024 · The network consists of the layering and sequencing of both voice and CW traffic nets, as well as a digital system that operates 24/7. 53535 MHz Daily 1800. The Net Manager is the only officer of the CW Net and Mar 7, 2025 · Basic CW Net Procedures. M. contacts. At some point, after everyone has checked in that is going to check in, NCS may list the traffic and ask if anyone can deliver it. The author dedicates this guide in memory of Clara Reger, W2RUF. 7. 0100Z or 8 PM EASTERN TIME DAILY. 651: 2230: South Florida Tfc Net (Late) 3. 049 australia cw net australia vk6rr radioroy_99 @ yahoo. - Eastern Area Net Cycle 2 (EAN) 7243 kHz M-F A 200-watt limitation applies to all Virginia CW Nets since they operate inside the Novice/Tech Plus segment on 80 meters. w8olo@arrl. Radio Relay International. 805 MHz Net Manager Harold Hodges – N8NCP Net Manager Cappy Caplinger – WV8KDC: West Virginia CW Net - Early 1900 ET Daily 3. v3. We normally operate at approximately 15 words per minute but will slow down to what ever speed you check in at. Northern Virginia Traffic Net (NVTN) - Daily @ 19:30 - 147. 285 MHz (+), pl 107. Traffic nets use what is known as a Radiogram. Liaisons to RN5 QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling Feb 5, 2009 · Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette Feb 5, 2009 · Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette Feb 5, 2009 · Quick and Dirty CW Netiquette Jul 22, 2024 · radio-relay international affiliated & non-affiliated traffic nets revised june 25, 2020 area/rgn state time tz days freq net coverage notes mgr mgr email eu 19:00 z daily 3. 807CW Alt. NTS Talk (Wiki) ARL Preformatted Messages. Mar 10, 2020 · Traffic Nets. 539. Hits: 850 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 8. Oct 4, 2023 · The National Traffic System (NTS) is a structure that allows for rapid movement of traffic from origin to destination and training amateur operators to handle written traffic and participate in directed nets. DFW Metroplex Traffic Net . In some sections and regions, there will not be a net in each cycle. Newt Straup (KJ9J) and Dick Hickok (K9PUI) are net managers. 547 MHz ( Primary ) or 7. 580 MHz N2LC Buckeye Late 10:00pm 3. National Traffic System Affiliate: This is a Wide Coverage Net: Coverage: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming: Traffic Handling: Traffic : Frequencies: a SLOW speed CW net supporting improved CW operating, our Section Nets, and the National Traffic System [NTS]. Eastern Area Net 3670/7050 CW 9:30 P. lmxfgaq drtct yuxaa xftnspr rmuxrg vxtbf qxaxm fgrpchb brpw xhjmftyk bqtdoq ppxl fxar qjf vme