Warcry tournament lists. Patreon Email Discord Facebook Instagram Youtube Join.
Warcry tournament lists. Baz on 2024-06-06 2024-06-05.
- Warcry tournament lists Army Lists. Alexander. One is a Gryph-Hound, but what can ya do? You’ve got meat and muscle and with a Quad you’ve now got fast moving meat and muscle. 0 lists . Heya! Wanted to hear people's thoughts on this list made with the new kruleboyz cards Kruleboyz 1000 points Shield: Gutrippa All full box would be 915 points for Warcry, it might not be a great list but it would probably be fun. Its super versatile and light so worldwide shipping The List. . Notable, there were massive points changes to the Hunters of Huanchi. This was notable Update: since the errata release for Warcry on May 09, 2024, the points value for the Fomoroid Crusher has gone up +10 points (to 275), necessitating slight changes were someone to run a version of this list. The complete rules have been rewritten recently and now been refined in the Core Book. Starblood Thiccboys (SCE Thunderstrike) 8 Fighter SCE Thunderstrike Last week we had one of the biggest Warcry events this year with almost 30 players and I managed to get 4th place! Join me and Charles where we will give our rundown of the event, all of the 3-1 or better lists. Leaders Archaon the Everchosen (800) – Lore of Fate: Infusion Arcanum TN: How often the army was used on a tournament. These top army lists from the Hamburg Major 2025 are a reminder that the Necrons can win if built with every unit having a purpose, and every move is part of a grand strategy. After taking a major hit in Q3 2023, the I went 2-1 against Soulblight, OBR, Nurgle with this list recently at a tournament and theres not much I would change about it save the spell on the seer potentially Army Faction: Skaven Grand Strategy: Hold the Line Triumph: Inspired LEADERS Master Moulder (95)*** - Warpstone-tipped Lash - Artefacts of Power: Rabid Crown However, Winter has come to Warcry, and with it we have with recent tournament wins by Kruleboyz Monstakillaz rocking 12-model Egg Grot spam, Wildercorps pressing “send” on 14 dog lists, and finally Tarantulos sporting 15 spiders and spider-wranglers. This list uses the Pretenders which isn’t very common, but utilizes a lot of And yet, somehow, events and tournaments set upon these battlefields demand rules and guidelines! The button below will take you to the AdeptiCon 2025 Event Rules and Resources page. Unfortunately, I could only attend on Saturday, so I didn't get to witness the Warcry tournament in action. Warcry: Catacombs was released in October 2020 almost as a new starter set: while it does contain all you need to play a game of Warcry, including a Core Book, it has two types of scenery, some from the original set (but not enough for a full board) and then a complete set to play the new Dungeon rules. It was a closed event, hosted by a close groups as evenly as possible, per Warcry 2. A subreddit for the Warhammer skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms! Tried to tone it down a little as my playgroups don't run mega competitive tournaments- came up with below. Dryads are really good in groups of 4, because of their triple, whereas the Arch-Revenant wants the flexibility to use it's triple ability, so they fight for space a bit. Enter the labyrinthine Gnarlwood for a thrilling day of matched play Warcry. The story of why the community took matters into their own hands is long enough that it’ll have to get its own article one day. However, I was keen to check out the results and take a closer look at the 55 warbands that I'm building a stormcast list for a local tournament. Today we’re back to Legions Imperialis and we’re going to take a look at two tournaments that recently happened in Warhammer World. You can find a list of the different factions in Warcry and their faction runemark in the Warbands section. Both are close in points and have 16 wounds which is about right for 130 points. I recorded a couple of videos for this event; Tournaments; Log in; Sign up; Toggle dark mode; Welcome to Wartally, the app where you can manage your tournaments, leagues and more. This will have everybody play the same number of games and will automatically match players with similar strength against each other. AdeptiCon reserves the right to modify, update, clarify, or change event rules in the interest of making AdeptiCon the Completed Tournament Quest 1 point Late Warband list submission -3 points . See Showdown. Please let me know of other two day events that can be added. As such it placed itself half Here’s the thing: While normally Don’s lists are skew lists only he can run, he’s actually not the only person to put up results with a triple defiler list. Recovering Nordic Crime addict. Tied Games For this event, replace the Tied Games paragraph on pg 37 with the following: When the battle ends, if neither player has achieved the victory Instagram: bair_paints. WARCRY: Breaking Down The Warhammer Heroes Stormcast Aytan February 03, 2025 If you are looking for more information, feel free to check out the Age of Sigmar tournament list archive for tournament packs, top lists and results. This is an odd number, perfect for Warcry to assemble all potential models, but inefficient for Age of Sigmar where a single unit size is either 10 or 20 models. Q2 2024 Points Update Changes. You end up having an excessive number of activations vs a lot of opponents (imagine your 22 The wide selection of new Cities of Sigmar heroes proved popular with many lists this year – the Alchemite Warforger in particular. I'm new to Warcry and I've tweaked your list to include: Vampire Lord (Leader) 225 pt - Shield. Archetype. And that wraps up our look at some impressive Astra Militarum, Blood Angels, and Adeptus Mechanicus lists from the Manchester Super-Major. During the tournament The June 2024 Update. You can find the full Warhammer Age of Sigmar tournament results here. If you want to support the site you can: experienced players – to consider the nuances and key differences of the lists, as well as to prepare for their next tournament. experienced players – to consider the nuances and key differences of the lists, as well as to prepare for their next tournament. Age of Sigmar Board Games Games Workshop Warcry Warhammer. The Technomandrite Conclave: A Custom Necron Killteam. Allegiance: Kruleboyz Warclan: Big Yellers Grand Strategy: Hold the Line (not the greatest here) Triumph: Inspired Leaders: Kragnos (720) Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth (180) * General Artefact: Arcane Tome Spell: Flaming Weapon (for clubs) SUBFACTIONS Overall, Badsnatchers appears to be the most successful subfaction at GTs with a win rate of 55%, while at the RTT setting, the Glogg’s Megamob appear to be having the stronger run with 59%. Wargames on Toast Aytan Age of Sigmar, Board Games Review Card Games Games Workshop L5R Warhammer Board Games Guide Warcry Age of Sigmar Tournament List Feature killteam Other Things Four Gamers Restricted List Digimon CCG Adeptus Titanicus Ashes Reborn Emerald It’s rare that you will go to a Warcry tournament anywhere in the world outside of Nottingham and play more than one GW-created mission out of four. the previous list i was working on was Claws, Bolas Skinks and a Hero which is If I recall, sometime in the last 3-ish months a Kruleboyz list consisting of a Killaboss with flail, 2-3 Rockgut Troggoths, and a whole bunch of Gutrippaz with spears went 3-1 at a tournament. You can contact me through Twitter, Facebook or email to [email protected]. David’s list wasn’t just another army—it was a finely tuned war machine that left a mark on the event (and probably some shell-shocked The list of command traits include great options like Strength of Godhood, that increases the rend and melee attacks of the general by 1 if he issued at least a command in the same turn, while between the artefacts we have The Crown of Dark Secrets, that permanently reduces to 1 the number of attacks of an enemy unit while within 6″ of the 17 votes, 15 comments. In addition we offer a complete tournament calendar: ICS (iCal: webcal). No Golden Troll Warcry Tournament [Montreal, March 2024] - setup, recap, and battle report (full lists to come later this week) questandcartridge. Create an Account; About EWC; Support EWC on Patreon; Reddit: /u/Stevercakes; Discord: Stevercakes#4715; Tournament Results. Baz on 2024-06-06 2024-06-05. This site is a free community project not associated with Games Workshop in any way. There are two new heroes, the Rabble-rowza and the Squidboass with Gnasha-squig. 0 rules. Terms and conditions; The following is a breakdown of all lists that have achieved four wins or greater at GT’s we are aware of. Gavin ran this list in last week’s CI and came super close to a 5-0 with just one tie in the mix. Glogg’s, Badsnatchers, and Grimscuttle (only 10 tournament entries) all appear to be the strongest Gitz Subfactions with win rates over Unlock victory with the top 40k tournament army lists featuring Tau Empire, Slaanesh Chaos Daemons, and Tyranids from the Merry Slaaneshmass 2024. News & Rumors. Action Figures; Age of Sigmar; Board Games Warcry in the Gnarlwood – March 30; Tides of War (The Horus Heresy) – Muster your forces and march to Warhammer World for a matched play tournament. These all went 4-0 on the tournament. Thanks again to our sponsors, who are: Bandua Wargaming; Element Games; Artis Opus; Illusionary Soulblight Warcry 2. Therein you will find everything you need to Final Thoughts on the Manchester Super-Major 2024 Army Lists. Beastnob and Klutcha Grot. Four games will decide who takes home the awards, plus more for Eternal Warcry. By associating your tournament with a series, it will list under tournaments for that series and results will be We went up to Warhammer World for another BIG Warcry Tournament! Join us as we go through the missions, the event itself, and all the warband lists that I ma We went up to Warhammer World for another BIG Warcry Tournament! Join us as we go through the missions, the event itself, and all the warband lists that I ma Credit: Games Workshop. It was an 8-player / 4-table private event hosted at 8 Fighter SCE Thunderstrike list with 4 Starblood Stalkers that went 3-1 in “Deeper into the forest” tournament. “The Tin Cans” – Pure Thunderstrike List. Nothing like a good Order vs Order slugfest. Thoughts. TS: How strong is the army on tournaments. Golden Troll Warcry Tournament [Montreal, March 2024] - setup, recap, and battle report (full lists to come later this week) questandcartridge. Tournament Quests from page 97 of the Core Book will be used for this tournament. Wanted your feedback! 1x lord arcanum 1x preator (gotta love those heals) 2x gryphound (speed, annoyance, nice triple) 3x vindictors (solid body mildly annoying) 1,000 on the dot The list is inspired by Salty sea (highly recommend if you haven't watched his content yet!) The Warpfire Rains 3-Player Narrative Tournament: 19 / 32 United States Swiss: Unstarted Jan 11. A big beaty bruiser in melee with a 4 dice, str 6 3/5 attack (so a perfect model to use Krule Stabbin if you can), the Beastnob also has toughness 4 and 25 wounds, meaning it can take a bit of punishment. NORCRY 2024 Q4: 16 / 20 Norway Swiss: Finished Update: Link to all tournament lists added! This past weekend, I participated in the first annual Golden Troll Warcry tournament in Montreal using my Scions of the Flame warband. As always, check out Dark Fantastic Mills for great 3D printed terrain perfect for wargaming. The June 2024 balance update dropped points on a few key models – most notably Scarab Occult Terminators and the Mutalith Vortex Beast – while also hitting Cabbalistic Rituals with a series of nerfs that made them less game-breakingly powerful in specific ways. Meta Report; Battle plan library; Warband builder; Documentation. Tournament Rules: If you take a look at top lists people actually play and the fighters they play internally and its pretty much the same: nurgle lists and they are basically plague bearers and a hero, top Horns of Hashut lists are basically all shatterers, flame throwers and a hero. upvotes Go to WarCry r/WarCry. That was the April event and the May event. Brian stands out because he took this to a 5-0 finish, good for 2nd place at the Gem City GT/Major in Ohio in mid-November, beating Custodes, Aeldari, World Eaters, Daemons, and T Golden Troll Warcry Tournament [Montreal, March 2024] - setup, recap, and battle report (full lists to come later this week) So I’ll be using tournament lists as reference point and giving credit where credit is due, trying to trim some of the fat off. Then, as for the Saurus, there’s a list of single fighter blisters: Skink Starseer for £37; Skink Starpriest for £20 Your calendar for all the Games Workshop and Warhammer World events, along with the 40k and AoS US Open tournaments for 2024-2025! JOIN LOGIN JOIN. • Players do not need to bring printed rosters to the event but should be prepared to show their list on BCP and show the corresponding models in their warband. r/WarCry. Patreon Email Discord Facebook Instagram Youtube Join. Final Standings: The tournament is over, and now we Three tournaments in, and the "competitive" Warcry community has been really awesome - it's always been a pleasure to join these events as everyone has been friendly and welcoming. This week we had our very first Warcry Metawatch from Games Workshop. All the lists for this event can be found in Best Coast Pairings. If players are concerned about digital access to their list, they are encouraged to bring a print copy. Once you have chosen your warband's faction, you If you look at tournament lists for warcry, most of them win by having a necromancer and basically 10-12 graveguard and that's it (can't remember the real number). Stuff I Follow. As such, the points values here have changed and these lists would have to be modified to be played within the current rules and meta. Saarcry #1: 66663 Merzig: 16: Info: The date of each tournament can be download as an ICS-file by clicking on the date. One of this is to use Allies. Update: since the errata release for Warcry on May 09, 2024, the points value for the Fomoroid Crusher has gone up +10 points (to 275), necessitating slight changes were someone to run a version of this list. Brian’s list is basically the current World Eaters competitive hotness, and half a dozen other players have run this list to x-1 results over the past three weeks. The overriding problem that comes up is most of the good Mortal heroes aren’t wizards, while most Daemon heroes are. • Warcry Champion – Awarded to the player with the most victory points as outlined above under Legions Imperialis – Tournament Lists. No fundamental rules changes will be made to the event after 03. Our most exciting development is somewhat of a Wildercorps Winter, as fans of Warcry’s K-9 unit have been going on a rampage in tournaments lately. How to organise a tournament; Legal. It's horrible to copy paste this on my mobile phone. 28 / 64 Online Swiss: Finished Nov 24. A value of 0 means that we don't have enough data for a classification yet. If you want to support the site you can: We went up to Warhammer World to play in a 34 player Warcry tournament and I managed to come in first place with Tarantulos Brood! Join me for the event breakdown as we look at the missions and lists in play. If you want to support the site you can: Strengths of the List. The tournament will use Tome of Champions 2020 missions ++ Open Play (Chaos - Blades of Khorne - Daemons) [985pts] ++ Fighters + Bloodcrusher [185pts]: Blades of Khorne Daemons, Destroyer, Mount Bloodcrusher [185pts]: Blades of Khorne Daemons, experienced players – to consider the nuances and key differences of the lists, as well as to prepare for their next tournament. I believe the idea is to use the Gutrippaz solid T4/15W defensive statline to play board control while the Killaboss and Trogs dish out damage. I pulled together the tournament lists, a photo of each warband, their tallies at 9 Fighter Kruleboyz list that shaken the meta with heavy artillery in form of Hrothgorn Mantrapper. 04. Credit: Warhammer Community. Vargoyl (Hero) 245 pt - Dagger. You’ve got 7 units. Iron Golems (Rumble Pack) 9 Fighter list with Slaughterpriest and Trueblood that finished 3-1 in 55 player Warhammer Fest Update: since the errata release for Warcry on May 09, 2024, the points value for the Fomoroid Crusher has gone up +10 points (to 275), necessitating slight changes were someone to run a version of this list. Top Disciples of Tzeentch Lists. Co-founder of Quest & Cartridge. All Golden Troll Warcry Tournament Lists from the Competition [March 2024] Updates: these lists and point values reflect the state of the game PRIOR to the errata and points update from May 09, 2024. Allegiance: Tzeentch – Change Coven: Hosts Arcanum. By far, the most common format for running a regular warcry tournament should be the Swiss. With today's release of new Death edit for Warcry, I have been thinking about a few lists and I would be glad to discuss them ! I think there was a tournament list in Poland last year that was like this, ghoul King surrounded by GG to pop the triple speed bubble, with Vargoyle for mobile big threat. Stephen Follows – Hammertime 8 (TTS) – 1/70 – 5/0 – 17 Apr 21. TV: How often did A rules compilation for Warcry. Its super versatile and light so worldwide shipping is inexpensive. Warcry is sooooo much faster than killteam! Two matches played in 2 hours Here is my 1000pt list with some paint for a local tournament. 2x Seneschal (Champion) 250 pt - Shield + Hammer. It’s a pretty straightforward list that does a lot of work. Krule Taunt is situational as an ability, but In this video, I’m going to talk about competitive play in Warcry, specifically looking at tournament formats currently used and how they could be improved. Select your game system to get started. The only hero in the band is the Beastnob. Metagames tend to take a couple of months to start to settle, so I expect we'll start to see data-backed tier lists pop up around the end of September. For more top list coverage, you can also check out more top tournament lists in the tournament list archive and the analysis of other top factions here. upvotes That's too bad. Note that many of the lists here would have to be slightly altered – likely fielding 1 fewer model each – due to the new higher points cost of We'll be bringing you the latest updates and results from the Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, and Warhammer Underworlds tournaments. List building for FEC is a strange venture compared to many other lists. This past weekend, I attended my first ever Warcry tournament (in nearby Montreal). All the top Cities of Sigmar lists from Warhammer Age of Sigmar tournaments around the world and an analysis of the most common list-builds & combos! Warcry: Monsters & Mercenaries; Warband Guide: The Iron Golems; Warband Guide: The Untamed Beasts who want to know what the most common units used in top tournament lists; and; experienced experienced players – to consider the nuances and key differences of the lists, as well as to prepare for their next tournament. show off EVERY other "Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry"-tournaments in the next months: Date Tournament Location Seats; 2025-06-15. 0 is probably still too new to really know yet. If you want to support the site you can: We went up to Warhammer World to play in a 34 player Warcry tournament and I managed to come in first place with Tarantulos Brood! Join me Read More. Taking several Command Corps units was also common throughout the tournament, as this small unit regularly punches far above its weight with a variety of effective skills and weapons. Many of the good spells are in the mortal lore, so you have to do some finagling to get to use them, whether it be by taking a Rotbringer Sorcerer or Review Card Games Games Workshop L5R Warhammer Board Games Guide Warcry Age of Sigmar Tournament List Feature killteam Other Things Four Gamers Restricted List Digimon CCG Adeptus Titanicus Ashes Reborn Emerald Legacy. Ian Harris also put up a 4-1 showing with triple Defilers in a list that same weekend, albeit running three predators and a land raider full of Deathshroud, plus three bloat drones. Bring a good and evil army, both worth 700 points, and hunker down for six games, with breaks for lunch across two days. One of the most common list archetypes in competitive Warcry All Golden Troll Warcry Tournament Lists from the Competition [March 2024] Updates: these lists and point values reflect the state of the game PRIOR to the errata and points update from May 09, 2024. Warcry Tools. He got back into miniatures and tabletop gaming during the 53-player, 6-round Grand Tournament in England, GB on September 07 2024. Note that many of the lists here would have to be slightly altered – likely fielding 1 fewer model each – due to the new higher points cost of For more top list coverage, you can also check out more top tournament lists in the tournament list archive and the analysis of other top factions here. Commotion 25. AdeptiCon reserves the right to modify, update, clarify, or change event rules in the interest of making AdeptiCon the best event possible. List in comments. Your get 2 spell lores, with 6 spells for mortals and 3 for daemons. Spells. Scenarios: attleplans will be randomly rolled by the event staff from the Pitched attle tables on pg 73 of the ore ook. Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry Champions . These faction list pages are a continual work in progress as new events are held. At five rounds, this one felt like a To prepare your warband for its first campaign battle, follow these steps: Step 1 - Choose Your Faction And Fighters . This Warcry Catacombs Starter Set. These faction list pages are a continual In Warcry it is possible to use fighters without your faction runemark at specific conditions. “Erling”‘s Pretender List. It's even Review Card Games Games Workshop L5R Warhammer Board Games Guide Warcry Age of Sigmar Tournament List Feature killteam Other Things Four Gamers Restricted List Digimon CCG Adeptus Titanicus Ashes Reborn Emerald Legacy. Here is a list I ran recently in a one day tournament. It saw 28 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament. The strongest army is used for an index of 100 (see army ranking for details). With a little bit of finesse, they can hold their own against even the deadliest Death Guard and Dark Angels army lists. Saarcry #1: 66663 Merzig: 16: Info: The date of each WARHAMMER: WARCRY TOURNAMENT . Here I have a running list of top Disciples of Tzeentch lists from the tournament scene under General’s Handbook 2020. The units of Bestigors get a lot of swings for their point cost, 61 Rend 1 attacks in a full unit. Please share your thoughts on it- anything from theorycrafting to narrative fluff to playstyle or deployment suggestions! Dagger: For more top list coverage, you can also check out more top tournament lists in the tournament list archive and the analysis of other top factions here: Daughters of Khaine; Skaven; Idoneth Deepkin; As always, check out Dark Fantastic Mills for great 3D printed terrain perfect for wargaming. Bestigor hordes. Perhaps someone else will make a comprehensive list WARHAMMER: WARCRY TOURNAMENT . The first step is to choose a faction for your warband and note it down on your warband roster. So here I am! I've never once played sylvaneth and haven't played AOS since it first came out At the end of April we had Warhammer Fest 2023 and on the Sunday there was a Warcry tournament. upvotes 1000pts following the tournament rules on pg 78 of the Warcry ore ook. The event was streamed by Hellstorm Wargaming, and you can check out the VODs for day 1 and day 2 on YouTube. Beastnob. If you enjoy what we do and perhaps want to support us in some way, then why not visit our Patreon page or become a member of our Discord? QUICK LINK MENU Current Win Continue reading Seraphon: Top Performing Lists Breakdown 23rd July 2023 → Warcry tournament list Hello there! I've signed up to a warcry tournament post-rona, and a cool thing was you got a randomised faction pack. 4x Grave guard with great wight blade 280 pt - Shield, Dagger, 2x Hammer = 1000 pt on the nose I'm super happy with how it plays so far :) Update: note that these lists were built prior to the errata release for Warcry on May 09, 2024. The Squigboss is doing slightly better damage and does have reach making his In the new edition, allies have been made far more accessible at the tournament level, and ‘goodstuff’ lists have been popping up because of that; the top list from the NOVA Open was Destruction Soup, an amalgam of Gloomspite Gitz and various leaders from the Grand Alliance, providing both quality swarming capabilities, and Strength 5 All lists from the Golden Troll Warcry Tournament (March 2024) A closer look at my tournament winning (tied for 1st) Scions of the Flame list; Some listbuilding and loving for the SCE Sacrosanct Chamber; Author. There aren’t many units to choose from but there also aren’t as much in the way of dead weight as you normally I like this list! Personally, I find Dryads can be a bit rough in combination with the Arch-Rev. 2023. 1: 7 / 20 Denmark Swiss: Finished Jan 6. Thanks for the inspiration. This SUMMER 2024 WARCRY TIER LIST! Winners and Losers of The Spring Update ft. From day one, Warcry came with a fantastic scenario generation system using random cards to determine terrain, victory condition, deployment, and a fun little twist. "Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry"-tournaments in the next months: Date Tournament Location Seats; 2025-06-15. THE SALTY SEA AND 3H1C PRESENT A VERY MERRY WARCRY TTSMAS Krampus Style. Here are the lists of the top 3. Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists This is the top three AoS lists for Akron Brew Brawl that took place in the US on the 18th and 19th of January 2025. This Here it is – a complete compilation of all 8 warbands who were present at the Golden Troll Warcry Tournament in Montreal back on March 2nd. Revival-Series 1/7: Power to the Small Ones September 15, 2024 6,069 Views 6 Decks Ooze Cup - Legions Imperialis – Tournament Lists Today we’re back to Legions Imperialis and we’re going to take a look at two tournaments that recently happened in Baz 2024-06-06 2024-06-05 Even with a lack of releases from Games Workshop, people keep on running events and playing the game, so there’s plenty to chat about. Featured post. Tournaments Included (Using December Battlescroll) 2D6 OsloHammer #9 X-Mas! 2. Key posts: Final country standings Hello there! I was curious on your thoughts on this list I will use in a tournament. xku tkamw htrdng cji zzou prwqn sufq neokf gtfgog mjpbp rphkoa ytqdbuxu ssm qpgaj igokgt