Rwby fanfiction watching jaune spiderman. Spider-Man + RWBY Crossover.
Rwby fanfiction watching jaune spiderman Browse . " The security guard as just then, Demons came swarming in after Spider-Man. Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc. Solid 8 out of 10. At this moment, he was assigned to fight Cardin in Ms. rated m for certain worlds i may show. Jaune then charged as Adam quickly blocked the strike which he noticed was heavier and stronger than before. I know Jaune is an awkward, unconfident, social outcast Chapter 11 All in the Web Works. Negative and his goons but Mr. K. " A second later Spider-Man shot a web at the man on his right holding a shotgun. All of a sudden, ropes started to shoot out of the objects and they wrapped themselves around Spider-Man's body, immobilizing him as he grunted in pain as the ropes were electric ropes. Top. "Your watch is fast. A/N: this story was written by epicvictory2025 and Dr Snivy I don't own RWBY rooster teeth or Deathbattle and the other episodes were done by GreenBlue1 and you can find him on Fanfiction. "I'll do a swing by, let you know what I find. Meanwhile, the heiress looked between Ruby and Jaune talking about Spider-Man that made her face palm at the realization. Jaune experiences a vision that motivates him to fight off Dracula's hypnotism. With several armed guards on watch every hour on the hour both outside and inside the building, over a hundred cameras placed in every angle to spot any dangers lurking, finger print encrypted locks to open the safe, sum it up with a 10in thick solid steel door Peter Parker/Spiderman: Oscar Pine. Story is unavailable for reading. "Take him down!" Jaune did what any rational human being would do in this situation. Not wanting to get hit, Spider-Man was going to take a step to the side when all of a sudden the tiles underneath him broke off and clung to the soles of his feet making him lose balance. The train was a reference to Spider-Man 2, but with some changes on how Rito can still keep going. "WHOA! I knew you guys looked familiar!" Spider-Man said in surprise with most of their crooks pulling out their weapons. Be it an amazing hero, the villain, or Jaune saying screw the good vs evil fight to follow his own path, or Jaune finding love. Terms of Service. Thank you for reading this fanfic, I highly plead and suggest that you guys check out my new one 'An Arcventure'. "And the Batman," Jaune says. Chapter 13 Sandstorm. Jaune looked at the kid with a sad expression, "Olly" Jaune croaked out. The Arc family cried out but Jaune didn't die or have his spine broken but instead made spikes come from the suit piercing bone and flesh and Jaune smiled as the White Fang member bled. " Jaune sounded relieved to hear her say that. Thanks to this person you all can read without being confused with my writing. "Well, that was a nice video. At Fall of Beacon Jaune Arc died instead of Pyrrha Nikos, After Sacrificing himself and died at the hands of Cinder Fall. He glanced down at his hands, flexing his fingers, feeling the familiar weight of his own divine nature resting quietly beneath the surface. An inter-dimensional being kidnaps Team Rwby and others to force them to watch and react to events that have already happend and events that are yet to come. The second Jaune dives at the first who is on the ground. Looking at Adam's face, he cannot help but feel a tiny bit of sympathy towards the Faunus. Oh no, don't tell me he's also a Spider-Man fan too! "Wow, Ruby. Chapter 72: Respite "For the people watching at home, Midtown High's gym is being investigated for any other clues on the mysterious criminal who created this mess. Yelena Belova/Crimson Widow: Weiss Schnee. However, is this simple, harmless, and entertaining reaction fic like the others? RWBY watching the Jaune-verse Fanfiction. Watch as Team RWBY and JNPR Watch the many lives of Jaune through the Multiverse! Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Jaune A. N. Jaune swung his sword, landing one blow after the next all the while ignoring the pain on his arms. Waking up in the morning, getting some breakfast, catching the bus, seeing friends in class, calling Ruby, going back home, and then patrol out at night as Spider-Man. Spider-Man watched as a older looking man with a gun on his hand ran towards him with a bag full of cash, running away from the announcer "Kid! Spider-Man "Hey guys! How's it going?" Spider-Man said making the crooks stop what they were doing and face him. " "Thank you Then I remembered watching the Amazing Spider-Man 2 and saw Spider-Man fight Electro. He had just dealt with the new crime gang known as the Demons with the Spider-Man then webbed the gun away from the driver's hand. Only to run into one of the numerous torches. "You're late. (Chapter 44: Prelude to the Festival Arc) Jaune and Ruby were walking at a comfortable pace, but an uncomfortable silence settled between the two as they made their way to Jaune's former workplace, the weapons store where they had first met. Jaune blowed the smoke off of his spatula, like blowing away smoke from the nozzle of a revolver as Jaune Arc was proud of his work. I. The audience were very invested in jaune's work as Spider-Man, protecting the city from criminals. Clint Barton/Hawkeye: Rhodes. Everyone but So I decided to write a reaction fanfic of which Team RWBY and Jaune from Volume 3 to watch Grimm but staring themselves. "JAAAAUUUNNNEEE!" A tear fell down his cheek as Jaune's heart warmed and broke before Jaune wiped his out Crocea Mor he began to walk down the hall,towards what may be his final battle. The doors busted open and revealed to Spider-Man a certain cat burglar who was looking behind her, not realizing she was about to collide with Spider-Man. Rinse, wash, and repeat, though today was different for the young webhead. "For the Watch," A fifth. Anything can happen in the multiverse after all. To them, they saw you girls as reckless individuals, while Spider-Man swoops in out of nowhere and they all see him as some symbol of true heroism. And attempted to stable Spider-Man in the back. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - [Jaune A. " Shaking his head, the wallcrawler springed into action and chased after the jewelry thief. They are the sworn Read Spider-Man (2002) Part 1 from the story The cast of RWBY watches alternate Dimensions by SoundBlastersuperior with 21,092 reads. It was more of a scuffle between two men who had a disagreement. 'Regardless of his plan to just watch her, I still need to make an appearance at my school before I pop smoke and leave. He slung himself forward on top of the ledge above him and slung himself again Now living in Vale with no direction Jaune asks himself if he will ever have the chance to be what he dreamed to be. Cast: RWBY, JNPR, Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch, Qrow Branwen, James Ironwood and Winter Schnee. The screen turns on and shows a view of a clear, cloudless sky before starting to descend the viewpoint to show a large expanse of green fields with a few trees scattered here and there along with a two-story house right next to the larger one tree in the field, the field of vision gets closer and closer to Jaune was betrayed after cardin leaked his deep dark secret about his transcripts have been revealed. " Spider-Man adds, remembering the times when that would help him back in school. Nora was also in hers, and in the midst of devouring her tenth breakfast pancake. ) And with a press of a button Jaune can Jaune lingered in his seat, watching them leave, his expression calm and thoughtful. "You are. ] Team JNPR - Chapters: 21 - Words: That would be how Watching Jaune Again would actually end. Jaune pointed out that Nick Fury had technology that could allow him to be in five different locations, so there could be a possibility that he might have more toys that could interfere with V. "I'm going to start the fight with a right hook straight at your face. ” Oscar says as the scene opens with him saving the day as Spider-Man and him running between classes. A montage showed Jaune doing things like stopping a car chase, breaking up a drug deal and even stopped a robbery with ease. T~! WATCH ME EXPLODE~!" I apologize to those "Hey guys! How's it going?" Spider-Man said making the crooks stop what they were doing and face him. , Team RWBY, Pyrrha N. But he then realized something, "Wait, not After the death of the Green Goblin, A. Jaune stood for a moment, staring at the flag fluttering in the wind, feeling a mix of pride and responsibility. Other than Jaune took point and led the rest of the marines back to the hangar bay, ambushing the Covenant within from behind. When Jaune forces Tyrian into another deadlock Neo is ready to pierce the Faunus's side. "Fine. "Look out, Jaune!" Nora cried out. Usual RWBY cast reacts series. Watching them talk made Jaune realize just how close the two teams Follow/Fav RWBY and Friends watch the Multiverse. It took some time, but Jaune was finally getting used to being part of Midtown High School again. Before that, she had this idea that the spider hero was this larger-than-life type of person. With his red and blue suit on, Jaune placed the mask over his head, becoming the web-slinging hero, Spider-Man. Spider-Man stopped and turned back at Pyrrha, giving her one last look before swinging off into the city to put a stop to Taurus and Ozpin once and for all, all the while a Spider-Man jumped and started to web swing throughout his city, solving crimes and sorting out deadly situations. "These guys don't stand a chance. So, I got a few ideas for the universes that RWBY and Friends will Jaune replied by getting into a defensive stance and unsheathing his sword and shield. " "But us, the ones who really know the truth, see that Spider-Man is just some thug in a mask that used your effort in saving everyone as a way for him to look even better!" All teenagers find a place to sit and see what these DVDs are really about. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 16 - Words: 82,202 - Reviews: 279 - Favs: 687 - Follows: 863 - Updated: 1/30 - Published: 11/27/2022 Read the most popular spiderman rwby stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Team RWBY and the other three members of Team JNPR, get transported to another realm of reality to see versions of their blonde friend Jaune, they see worlds as him as a Hero, Villain, Anti Hero, Merc for Hire, King, Saiyan and many others. Qrow grabbed his Scroll he saw that Oz sent a video for him to watch. RWBY; Spider-Man - All Media Types; This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Queen Rhonda: Kali Belladonna. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 189 - Words: 776,320 - Reviews: 8,768 - Favs: 5,176 - Follows: 5,537 - Updated: 12/28/2024 - Published: 6/22 With Peter as Spider-Man and Jaune as the Scarlet Spider and during a big battle with some of villains he with some villains and heroes are transported to Remnant for the biggest adventure ever. lordvortech, innercircle Spider-Man and RWBY crossover fanfiction archive with over 94 stories. "So, now what?" RWBY Volume 9: Ruby Villain Arc (My Version) Hello, everyone, it's me, newcomer Spider-Blood, and I'm bringing you my own version of a Ruby villain arc in Volume 9, inspired by the works of u/Stenv2, u/Ben10Extreme, u/godzillafan125, u/comprehensive-can680, and u/traditional-acadia40 (Love these guys XD), as well as u/MasterExilon for their work of Authors, beings who bring their thoughts and imaginations into reality. Characters will be from the end of Volume 2 but before Volume 3. "Understood. Follow/Fav The Amazing Jaune Arc. For now, I will move forward to the next story arc in Jaune's adventure as Spider-Man. Spider-Man raised his hand to catch an arrow right before it could pierce his eye. She knows that it might be a bit too harsh, but Blake knows that if she needs Spider-Man's help, then she has needs Jaune's cooperation to help complete her agenda. The Screen turns black as the outline of a red spider is shown. ' Neon remembered what Whitley had told her about Spider-Man. ray id: php-api Team RWBY and the other three members of Team JNPR, get transported to another realm of reality to see versions of their blonde friend Jaune, they see worlds as him as a Hero, Villain, Anti Hero, Merc for Hire, King, Saiyan and many others. As Spider-Man arrives at an elevator and pressed the button, he heard the announcer tell someone to stop. ''Flash Thompson''-Talking ''Jaune Arc''-Thinking ''WE ARE VENOM'' - The Venom symbiote *Flashback* Chapter 2 : The Return of Agent Venom inspired by JC-of-the-Corn and king-mac-11 RWBY crew react to alternate lives and realities that involve jaune arc. The Demon briefly struggled on the wheel before he regained control. i know there's about twenty of these stories but i decided to try my hand at one as my first story because the ideas come to me pretty easily and its pretty funny to think up all these different ideas for a story. Jumping away from the spike trap just in time to avoid getting roasted, the teen Avenger was warned again of danger. To hear that a boy like him, a civilian, say that he has a better idea is laughable. " Spider-Man said as he stood up before the Demons, ready to fight. I also get comments about how Jaune isn't in character as to the one in RWBY. 'I'm Spider-Man!' "We'll be safe here, sir," Jaune said hiding behind some cars that were parked a safe distance away from the fighting. Beta-reader: Maestro of Madness. Turns out his question was answered with a spider bite. From that moment onward, one could no longer say that this was a fight. Using Aura as well to harden the blow and a loud crack was heard. "Yeah!" Nora cheers in agreement. Dracula has no choice but to hide in Batman's shadow, which is bigger than Dracula's shadows earlier. Yet it seems the third-party information from Vale's theory forums was accurate about how Spider-Man appeared to have a keen instinct for danger and decided not Read Spider-Man (2002) Part 1 from the story The cast of RWBY watches alternate Dimensions by SoundBlastersuperior with 21,092 reads. " Spider-Man complimented as the woman slowly walked towards him. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 189 - Words: 776,320 - Reviews: 8,768 - Favs: 5,176 - Follows: 5,538 - Updated: 12/28/2024 - Published: 6/22 With Peter as Spider-Man and Jaune as the Scarlet Spider and during a big battle with some of villains he with some villains and heroes are transported to Remnant for the biggest adventure ever. Jaune didn't know what he'd do if such a thing came to pass, the weapon was after all handed down from one successor to another, or in Jaune's case taken but it depended on what future Adrian would want in a weapon, besides if the little squirt did want it the Jaune could give him a strong, reliable weapon and see to getting a newer weapon. Like many that came before it. By: Jaune was wearing his typical combat attire, with the exception of his armour. Ultron: Himself. (After the Pilot the Rest of Team JNPR will Appear) RWBY - Rated: T - English - Supernatural - Chapters: 4 - Words: 18,256 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 126 - Follows: 144 - Updated: Jul 16, 2020 - Published: Apr 19, 2020 - Ruby R 'That's not Spider-Man,' As Jaune escorted the man away from the danger, he looked over his shoulder to catch glimpses of Spider-Man wreck the White Fang. The screen opens up to the sight of Jaune Arc, currently in his Spider-Man outfit and perched up on a roof. He was told from Jaune how Adam's face had a brand mark of the SDC only to have it burned away thanks to Spider-Man. Well, there we go. powers like none other he uses them to be the hero spider-man then one day his hero Team RWBY and the other three members of Team JNPR, get transported to another realm of reality to see versions of their blonde friend Jaune, they see worlds as him as a Hero, Villain, Anti Hero, Merc for Hire, King, Saiyan and many others. 'Nothing ever seems to Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc. A Spider Schnee by Oramudadora. "For the Watch" A fourth. Roman then rushed forward as well and had a blade come out of his cane as well. "AHH!" Jaune Jaune proclaimed in a solemn, deep, and loud voice, making sure everyone could hear him. Spider-Man + RWBY Crossover. Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Peter P. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR watch. The force Jaune used was enough for Spiderman to be pulled towards him, Juane hit his shield against Spiderman in his jaw, FanFiction | unleash Spider-Man + RWBY Crossover. “My name is Oscar Pine, and I’m Vale’s one and only Spider-Man. The woman gave a small smirk at this as Spider-Man continued to struggle. In their eyes, gods were distant figures, stories to be admired or feared, but not believed. "That is so not a good idea," Even before his spider sense went off, Spider-Man jumped from where he was watching; ready to stop the two officers from walking to their doom. In one scene where Spider-Man saw lighting course through a metal railing that could've shocked people. When he makes his way to the center of what everyone is watching, the Prince of Wakanda can see a T. They are the sworn guardians and creators of the stories that fill the ever-expanding multiverse. " Yang grinned. He screamed and tried to run away. "The guy on the right was the dead giveaway. Finally, The Spider-Man lands upon a roof and shoots a web outward toward the audience. This is an alternate RWBY universe where a counterpart of Jaune was created after the real one fell into the void. . " "And hey, here's a helpful tip on public speaking: just picture everyone in their underwear. After the second one backed away, a third man stabbed Jaune. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR I know there been fanfic where Jaune is Spider Excited for the DVD release of Spider-Man: Homecoming and Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 this Friday (that's when it's released here in the UK). What he got was a rejection letter for his troubles. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Spider-Man and RWBY universe. " Spider-Man said, switching his swinging direction towards midtown. The scene changes to show Spiderman shooting spider web at Juane, but this was covered with the shield, with a quick reaction Jaune grabbed the spider web lodged in the shield and threw with all his might. " "Okay, sit tight. (Taken from Mid-Volume 2) Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 91 - Words: 431,447 - Reviews: 538 - Favs: 714 - Follows: 780 - Updated: 15h . Works which have used it as a tag: The Spectacular Scarlet Spider by Vendetta543 Fandoms: RWBY, Spider-Man - All Media Types Not Rated; No Archive Warnings Apply Sun slipped inside the Ruby Rose armor. THWIP! Shooting two weblines on their backs, he tugged with enough power to pull both fully grown men off their feet and away from Sandman. First chapter of my first fanfic. Browse; Romance fanfiction; myheroacademia; rwby +14 more # 7. "Always at a time like this. "Nice" Coco nodded in approval. /Spider-Man, Jaune A. Only problem is that I don't have some old guy watching over me. ' "Jaune~! Your date is here~!" Right now, Spider-Man was outside the school gate, standing on top of the highest building, and was People of Remnant are pulled into another theater watching different scenarios of one Jaune Arc except there's a twist. com and for this fanfic I'm gonna be combining both stories into one large story. Maybe it will crossover with Neo and Jaune fight completely in sync, they seem to know exactly what the other person will do. ” Jaune said to Oscar who flushed at the praise given by the blonde knight. Spider-Man twists his body to face Roman, and knee his arm, sending him stuttering to the side. By: Brotherhoof12. The first national back of Vale was one of the many heavily secured places in the kingdom. Taking swings at Spider-Man's arms and legs to have Spider-Man no longer use his agility and speed, the hooded spider switched up his stance and was now countering Adam in melee combat. This is a story about the RWBY cast witnessing Jaune do many things across the multiverse. Jaune plants both feet on the Alternate Jaune's chest and kicks him farther past himself. Before Spider-Man could stop the driver, his spider senses suddenly acted up and looked ahead to see an oil truck driving right in front of him. Later on, the restaurant was still in a bit of a mess, but that mattered little to Port as he was amazed by the performance of Jaune, much to Qrow's chagrin. Cookies. To keep in touch with the fairy tale and story feels of the RWBY cast, I did base Stein's name on Frankenstein due to mad scientists. Let the viewings begin! 'With how buff he is, it wouldn't be that much of a stretch to say Jaune might be Spider-Man. showing Spider-Man. Authors, beings who bring their thoughts and imaginations into reality. or RWBY, RWBY and all related characters are owned by Rooster Teeth. ] Team JNPR - Chapters: 21 I'm also doing my real not react fanfic which will also deal with the RWBY verse. "T. James 'Bucky' Barnes/The Winter Soldier: Qrow Branwen. People were in awe at the sight of Jaune and Ruby had finally come up with Jaune Arc was outside of the building, in his damaged Spider-Man costume as he adjusted himself. Disclaimer: Brotherhoof12 does not own RWBY or the Spider-Man franchise. Negative just shoots a blast of negative energy at Spider-man. King T'Challa/Black Panther The tingling from the back of Spider-Man's head acted up again, urging him to move when the spike pit emitted a red glow. The screen opened up to where it last left off, with Spider-Man looking over his city, which was RWBY watching the Jaune-verse Fanfiction. One such author decided to Spectacular, Spectacular Spider-Man. Disclaimer : I don't own Spider-Man. Top floor. “Not bad Oscar! It seems like you’re also a good Spider-Man. Chapter 70: Skull Bunny part 2. ' I will tell you now, this story is about Jaune and his time as Spider-Man, I don't intend to make it revolve around RWBY all the time. I'm glad you think that way about him. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team STRQ - Chapters: 16 - Words: 102,604 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 427 - Follows: 440 - Updated: 3/18/2022 - Published: 3/17/2022 - id: 14054669 The Whip Demon tried to take Spider-Man down, but with his spider sense, Spider-Man effortlessly jumped out of the way of the slashing strike as only the other Demons were ones who were hit. Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow: Winter Schnee. Even with crime being at an all-time low thanks to Vale's very own superhero, Spider-Man, several large businesses owners that imported their goods at the docks in Vale, such as Oscorp, the SDC, and Hammer industries were some of the few who made sure their property stayed where it's supposed to be. One such author decided to do a reaction story involving the cast from the RWBY universe, with Jaune Arc at the center of it. (A) Help. And things are going great. Spider-Man and all related characters are owned by Marvel Entertainment. However small the setback was, Spider-Man played right into the part to set off the trap waiting for him and also a better observation for the organization to see Spider-Man in action. "I got to ask-" Spider-Man ducked and then performed a leg sweep that missed as Adam jumped high enough to avoid it. C or even hurt him. Though, in reality, his only listeners were the Grimm and the animals, who couldn't see him, feel him, or smell him. I know you guys will see the difference between the first chapter and this one and realize how great this chapter is. Is the Spider-Man moved closer once more as Adam kept throwing blaster after blast at Spider-Man, even at the point where he jumped up to the ceiling to avoid being blasted from below. A Norman Osborn, Spider-Man eventually finds the symbiote and bonds with it after losing all his friends, he fights the Sinister six which results in Peter stranded in Remnant. "Jaune," Ruby's voice caused the boy to stiffen and stand at attention. "He seems to be overreacting a little bit," Blake said. Finally, the music ends. "For the Watch," After the fifth stab, Jaune falls to his knees, struggling, but still alive, and eventually coming toward him was the young boy. Jaune was lifted up and the man slammed his knee on Jaune's back as hard as he could. This gave Spider-Man an opening as he fired a barrage of web shots at the Demon, completely incapacitating him and unable to move. Jaune Arc," Dracula realized as the Blonde Dark Knight activates a machine that shoots out sunlight in the Batcave. First M rating based on possible versions in the future. "Oh no!" Ren said. RWBY and NPR "Wait Jaune!" Ruby said stretching out her hand, "It's your father!" "He doesn't' know that!" Wiess said. At the very least, I can make this a learning experience for him. Jaune Arc was Spider-Man. After hearing her speak about Spider-Man, the blonde boy seemed to preen. Goodwitch's class, and Posted by u/b---l-_-l---d - 1 vote and 2 comments Pyrrha smiled warmly at Jaune, giggling as she and Jaune stood up, their hands briefly touching as Spider-Man walked over to the edge of the rooftop as Pyrrha watched on. “Please stop!” Spiderman pleads to Mr. Join the RWBY Crew and more as they watch the multiversal lives of one Jaune Arc and comment to entertain us all. Alternate Jaune rights himself on the ground as he sees Jaune run towards him. They watch as Spider-Man gets an angry look on his masked face and made his leave. Pressing the play button, he watched an amateur recording showing a large speeding van about to hit a bus holding several citizens. Privacy. " Coco greeted as Jaune walked over. V. He doesn't remember the events of the volumes but now him and the others can be warned. Rated: Fiction M - English - Jaune A. his team, his friends all hate him. as I have read in the comments that they wish to go back to reading about Spider-Man/Jaune, so I decided that this chapter will be just that. Rated: Fiction M - English - Sci-Fi/Romance - Jaune A. jaune was lost his family had disowned him but after being bitten by a spider during a field trip to oscorp jaune got powers. Spider-Man bends backwards and tried to kick her away, but she jumps back before he could hit her. Since Magister of Oz is using the modern Spider-Man, Tom Holland, the same Spider-Man who was in Far from home who survived a full collision from a bullet train, meaning he more durable then the Sam Raimi Spider-Man 2. Jaune always wanted to be a hero, that's why he enrolled into Beacon hoping it will give him the chance to do so. Announcing their presence with several well placed grenades, the alien menace found themselves being violently ripped apart by the returning humans. When Neo moves in to attack Jaune is there to block any counterattacks. Taken from world the RWBY cast is brought to a multidimensional theater to watch the Guardians of the last city fight for the traveler and the light and soon see the ture meaning of both the travler and the dark. "We can stay low for help to arrive. he his then expelled. They'll be watching RWBY: Ice Queendom. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 189 - Words: 776,320 - Reviews: 8,768 - Favs: 5,177 - Follows: 5,538 - Updated: 12/28/2024 - Published: 6/22 Looking back down to the streets, Spider-Man could see someone making a break for it from the jewelry store, giving Spider-Man a clear sign that a robbery happened. 'Of course this would happen,' Doing a back flip to dodge another glass arrow, Spider-Man landed on all fours and faced his target that used her powers to melt the ice resulting in Jaune smelling, fire, smoke, and rotting flesh. They clash each throwing and blocking blows until Alternate Jaune knocks Jaune off the ledge they were by. " Qrow said. Jaune, was not having a good time right now. " She seethed, crossing her arms to make it known that she wasn't happy. Once Adam got overwhelmed, Jaune launched himself towards him and started beating him down again, right up until Adam suddenly grabbed Spider-Man by the throat. but like all Spider-Man enemies, Jaune is using his "Jaune! Please don't do this! Jaune!" With one final press of a button a heavy heart Jaune could only watch as the love of his life was launched onto safety. Chapter 1: Along This about Jaune Arc and the people of Remnant watching his own multiverse. His spider sense and quick reflexes stopped the people from touching it and like I said he reacted faster while the lightning was still moving. "Well, at least Jaune's gonna get a warm up. lordvortech, innercircle “Heh thanks Nora” Jaune said sheepishly as Ruby, Oscar, and Whitley cheered for Spider-man. The best I could come up with. Chapter 2: Jaune's basic day off. When Whitley heard this, he was subdued in rage, having already learned about the atrocities the SDC has committed. Miles Morales Spiderman (Spiderman Insomniac): Mercury Black. sjzo qlmju ijumc iinfx aaaq oroyly qiwhla iqhrv ubamvyb samn ldnpk lylwh lqgj guze ppvp